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Top 10 Televsion Characters


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Meh. I've been watching a certain show, and watching a certain character grow, and change and got me thinking about my favorite tv character so here's a list... What's yours?


1. Wesley Wyndam Pryce, Buffy/Angel: This guys start off as a goofball Watcher on Buffy, and by the end of Angel, he was a dark, lonely character. Most interesting journey of any character ever.


2. Jack Abbot, Young & Restless: What can be said about a character that's done it all. He's suffered, he's won, he's played hero, he's committed villainous deeds. And, through it all, he's entertained me for decades.


3. Gabrielle, Xena/Hercules (rarely): Much like Mr. Pryce, she goes through a twisting journey during her show's 6 years. Some stuff she's done are kill her own daughter, betray her best friend, sacrifice her life for the 'greater good', and go from a barly sidekick to buttkicker. Plus, the actress is hot. Woo! Gabrielle would be #1; but the writers decided to through inconcistencies just to cause trouble.


4. Lucky Spencer, General Hospital: Makes it just on sheer rootability. His drug addicition and delaing with the aftermath of rape storylines are strong enough to earn a place on the list.


5. Pacey Winter, Dawson's Creek: Yeah, yeah. Teenage drama. However, this character trandscended that characterization. Seriously, Pacey defines 'Black Sheep'. This is what coolness profound.


6. Angel/Angelus, Buffy/Angel: Vampire with(out) a soul. 8 seasons watching him do his thing was NOT enough.


7. Buffy, Buffy/Angel: The heroine that started it all doesn't always get the credit she deserves; but the series is nothing without her.


8. Bobby Donnell, The Practice: A lawyer who you aren't always sure if he fits the sterotype of the udnerhanded lawyer or his own man who does what he thinks is right. Either way, expect fireworks to occur when he's around!


9. Will Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel Air: Comedy is funny! And, when the character went dramatic (like with his deadbeat father), His freshness nailed it, easily.


10. Alex P. Keaton, Family Ties: The second character from a comedy to make this list. Family Ties is perhaps the most udnrrated of the 80s sitcomes and Alex P. Keaton is the reason why. What a deep character - espicially hard to find in a sitcom.


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Emma Peel.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Emma Peel.



Blake from Blakes 7

Stanley Tweedle from Lexx

Sydney from Relic Hunter

Charles Winchester III from MASH4077

Kermit/Miss Piggy from The Muppet Show

Pullo from Rome

Dory from Finding Nemo

J.R. Ewing from Dallas


Probably a few more given a bit of time to jog through memory.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Not in order


Ari Gold - Entourage

Archie Bunker - All in the Family

Tony Soprano - Sopranos

Barney Fief - The Andy Griffith Show

Jim Rockford - The Rockford Files

Burt Campbell - Soap

George Costanza - Seinfield

Carla Tortelli - Cheers

Redd Foxx - Sanford and Son

Oscar Madison - The Odd Couple


Honorable mention

Nathaniel Fisher - Six Feet Under

He should have made the list but as viewers of the show might understand he might not qualify.

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Did I miss something? Is Volo a 15-year-old girl?



Kelv's list is reasonable.


But it needs more Mary Ann. :(



And every sitcom lead in history is pretty much a rip-off of one of these people:



Also: Batman! (C'mon, people-- it's Batman!)


Edited by Enoch
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Sadly, I have to agree on Pacey from Dawson's creek. It's embarrassing, but his character really was the only watchable one. I would also put Briscoe County Jr. on an all-time list, but I'm going to do current running and fairly new series.


1. Sayyid from Lost - Iraqi National Guard torturer for the win. Heck of a Bollywood dancer too.


2. Michael Westen from Burn Notice - Always entertaining super spy


3. Jin from Lost - I don't believe he's dead


4. Sam from Burn Notice - Bruce Campbell is always a treat on screen


5. Chuck from Chuck - Goofy genius


6. Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory - Seriously, if you aren't watching this show, you are a moron


7. Barney from How I Met Your Mother - Neil Patrick Harris, wait for it...Nailed it!


8. Stewie from Family Guy - From the first episode, the evil baby genius has defined this series


9. Casey from Chuck - Jane from Firefly continues to entertain in fairly similar role


10. The crazy genius guy from Law and Order: Criminal Intent ( I could really do a separate Law and Order list)

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Hawkeye (M.A.S.H.)

A great character in my second favorite show, but I can't seem to separate the actors politics from his performance.


I've always found it's best to realize that actors, musicians, and athletes make their living PLAYING, and should not be taken seriously on an intellectual level unless they have distinguished themselves in that realm.

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Hawkeye (M.A.S.H.)

A great character in my second favorite show, but I can't seem to separate the actors politics from his performance.

I always felt that the supporting characters carried M*A*S*H. Col. Blake and Maj. Burns were the funniest ones to me. Yes, the series sufferred when Alda's more maudlin tendencies got in the way of the comedy, but mostly it suffered as most of the better characters left, leaving uninteresting, derivative replacements.


Also, M*A*S*H the film > M*A*S*H the series.



Oh, and just one more thing...


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I always felt that the supporting characters carried M*A*S*H. Col. Blake and Maj. Burns were the funniest ones to me. Yes, the series sufferred when Alda's more maudlin tendencies got in the way of the comedy, but mostly it suffered as most of the better characters left, leaving uninteresting, derivative replacements.



Who do you feel were lesser replacements?


Col. Blake ---> Col. Potter (Potter was better IMO)

I cant remember Burns but was his replacement Winchester?


All the rest of the staples were there for the whole run, no? (Radar, Hot Lips, Klingar). Who was it that was Haweye's sidekick? He changed once, right?

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