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Yeah, okay. But make sure this egregious conduct doesn't happen again, Deraldin...else I be forced to unleash the Oiler power of Kor and Alanschu on you.

I'll see what I can do, but know that your Oiler power doesn't scare me.

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Currently replaying Jade Empire.... and it reminds me of how awfully embarrassing and corny these typical Bioware romances are.


Dawn Star: "Oh I was so worried about you! Master Li send me to look after you, to help you with this difficult burden you have to carry bla bla"

PC: "I know Dawn Star. This all must be also very difficult to you as well, especially considering your childhood. But know that I feel for you as a friend, and maybe more...."


Oh goddamn. I've a lot respect for Bioware for many things, but romances are definitely not part of that.

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Okay, W:AR is really good. In fact, in terms of just plain gameplay, I prefer it to WoW. I probably like LotRO online the best. So, I guess that would be LotRO, W:AR, and WoW, in that order. Nevertheless, each game has a distinct advantage of the others in some respect or another. I think the comparison deserves its own thread.

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Scariest game I've played in a while. made me jump a couple times within the first 10 minutes.


PC or 360? If the former, does it use a limited installation/activation system? If it doesn't I'm definitely going to have to buy a copy... :down:

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Scariest game I've played in a while. made me jump a couple times within the first 10 minutes.


PC or 360? If the former, does it use a limited installation/activation system? If it doesn't I'm definitely going to have to buy a copy... :down:

PC version isn't out till Monday.

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Scariest game I've played in a while. made me jump a couple times within the first 10 minutes.


PC or 360? If the former, does it use a limited installation/activation system? If it doesn't I'm definitely going to have to buy a copy... :down:

PC version isn't out till Monday.


Well I guess that shows how much attention, or lack there of, I pay to release dates... :)

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I found SiN Episodes: Emergence in the bargain bin so I'm now playing the original SiN and planning on picking up the first, and only, episode of the sequal after that. :thumbsup:

Heh, I did the same thing a couple months ago. How much did you find it for?

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Mostly playing The Witcher. What an awesome game :thumbsup:


Bought Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. "What a pile of Crap" was my first impression. The disk was one of a batch released in North America and Australia that was mastered badly, with all the .exe files missing. Nothing to click, nothing to play, no help on the help pages , faq pages or support pages at either EA and Mythic. Talk about leaving bad first impressions. Spending good money and buying a months subscription leaving you with *nothing*


Well, Google to the rescue. EB Games have provided a link to download the .exe file that will patch your game (and download the missing files), but sheesh, talk about crappy support. That kind of help should have been at the very least on Mythic's support pages.


EA and Mythic both lost a bunch of influence points there (and I consider myself happy that I only bought one months subscription so far if that is a sign of things to come).


Created my account and started taking first baby steps, familiarising myself with the controls.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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With all the Far Cry 2 hype I thought I'd try out the original. So far I'm underwhelmed to say it mildly. The voice acting is atrocious, I wish the PC was mute, the story is even worse, and the promised freedom, while somewhat nice, if useless outdoors, is nonexistent indoors. Not even the shooting is much fun.


All in all a big disappointment so far.

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Nethergate is the only rpg I've ever played where a team consisting of(at least) a Roman deserter, a druid, a Brigante berserker and a(n almost retired) goblin can exist. Oh yeah, and they kill evil faeries, seriously.


I can't wait to finish the Celt game and play as the Romans. Pillage the countryside, desecrate every altar and make half the magical world go rogue in the process. Hate me, hate me!

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Nethergate is the only rpg I've ever played where a team consisting of(at least) a Roman deserter, a druid, a Brigante berserker and a(n almost retired) goblin can exist. Oh yeah, and they kill evil faeries, seriously.

What's the extent of the party development/interaction, Muso?

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With all the Far Cry 2 hype I thought I'd try out the original. So far I'm underwhelmed to say it mildly. The voice acting is atrocious, I wish the PC was mute, the story is even worse, and the promised freedom, while somewhat nice, if useless outdoors, is nonexistent indoors. Not even the shooting is much fun.


All in all a big disappointment so far.



Far Cry is very underwhelming today. When it first came out the enormous environments were incredible. SOme of the stealth aspects of rustling through the bushes were amusing as were some of the mercs. And the combat was good enough. Several years later the bar on shooters has been raised, and a lot of the stuff that made Far Cry cool is now commonplace, and what is left is just a pretty straightforward FPS. And of course, awesome graphics age quickly and get unawesome pretty fast as technology pushes forward.



But make no mistake, when Far Cry first came out it raised the bar on FPS games. But going back and playing FPS games long after their time seems a waste to me. CRPGS and strategic games age much much better.






Sin was crap when it came out, insanely buggy crap. I can't believe it is worth playing 7 years later.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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EA and Mythic issues


This is why I cancelled my account after a month. They don't even have a tech support forum. That's ridiculous. The game was good, but I was having some serious crashing issues and there was just no support for it.

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I am on chapter 2 of "the longest journey", not got much to say about it, other than that it hasn't aged well.


Resident evil 0 is plodding along slowly, and suffering from all the same flaws the series has always suffered from.


Viking is just the same old generic fun.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I found SiN Episodes: Emergence in the bargain bin so I'm now playing the original SiN and planning on picking up the first, and only, episode of the sequal after that. ;)

Heh, I did the same thing a couple months ago. How much did you find it for?


$5 including tax, about one-forth of the original price. So far it's both been better than some other shooters that were far more lauded -Crysis and Crysis Warhead for example- and, in some ways, some other Source titles that I could name. Overall, I'm finding it disappointing that there's almost no chance that the sequel(s) will ever get made. >_<

Edited by Deadly_Nightshade

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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I found SiN Episodes: Emergence in the bargain bin so I'm now playing the original SiN and planning on picking up the first, and only, episode of the sequal after that. :)

Heh, I did the same thing a couple months ago. How much did you find it for?


$5 including tax, about one-forth of the original price. So far it's both been better than some other shooters that were far more lauded -Crysis and Crysis Warhead for example- and, in some ways, some other Source titles that I could name. Overall, I'm finding it disappointing that there's almost no chance that the sequel(s) will ever get made. :(


My copy was about $2 + tax and it was quite possibly the best two bucks I've ever spent. I know what you mean about the lack of sequels though. I want to know what happens next. :(


Just picked up a copy of NHL 2K9 so I'll probably be playing that soon. Even if it's a crappy game, I also get to watch crappy streams of NHL games online for free for the next two months thanks to the coupon inside the case.

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I just finished my first game of NHL 2K9.


Just a couple complaints so far:


Why is everyone so slow?! Scratch that. Why is everyone on MY team so slow?

Oh god! What have they done to my eyes?!

The AI is so stupid on anything below Hall of Fame difficulty.

The AI on Hall of Fame has only one tactic each for offence and defence. Skate into the net and Have everyone mob the puck carrier.

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