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Tried Bioshock for the first time, and I'm pretty disappointed. On the visual side it's excellent. It's actually quite well presented overall, from visuals to audio.


But the gameplay sucks. I'm not a fan of FPS games in general, but I've come to realize that I really need some real "weight" in how it works. STALKER has this in spades for example, guns really feel deadly there. It feels like they pack a punch. Bioshock feels really weak in this regard somehow, the gunplay is just... not fun. Don't think I'll be playing it much more.

I had the same reaction. Put about 4 hours in and decided that seeing more of the cool art direction wasn't worth the tedium of going through all the splicers, especially once I realized that the game respawns them in areas you've already cleared out.


Yup. Same here.

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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Also, you can buy it from their site and then add it to Steam.

Kinda lacks the easyness of Steam.

Did I mention the story and the writing are also very compelling?

That's cool, just too bad I haven't seen anything of it in chapter 1. :ermm:


It isn't because I like disliking this game as I don't. Normally I would have expected it to be right up my alley but somehow I don't really enjoy it. I love 2d art and would have expected to like the art in this game but I really don't. Good music always improves a game but the music in WoG doesn't tickle me. I think I might have caught some sort of chronic 'can't enjoy WoG' disease and my doctor would just laugh at me if I told him.



Somewhat more cheerily I've been playing through Half-life and I think it still holds up well on the immersive storytelling scale and it's definately still fun as a shooter. I might have had more fun in this playtherough of HL that I had playing through Crysis.

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Alright, I'm installing WAR right now and right off the bat, something that makes me itch to reactivate my LotRO account... PvR. At it's heart, WAR is a PvP game. Fair enough, but if it is, I'm going to cancel my subscription pretty quickly and return to Duilond. One of the things that appeals to me about LotRO is the lack of player (and not just PvP but players in general) stupidity. No trade chat filled with so much crap you end up turning it off. No general chat that makes you do the same. Sure, I saw some other players, but I could go on my merry way and do my own thing.


However, I will say, while I'm loading it, that Warhammer has always been a miniatures game for me, and so it has always been PvP in RL. So, maybe the PvP in the game will reflect the sort that I enjoy.

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WAR is definitely a PvP game, but I think it might be awesome enough for you to like it. Also, RP servers have no general chat, which is the best thing ever. Instead you can designate your group as open if you need players, and when someone enters your area they have th eoption to join you easily.

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Do you have a link for Saints Row 2, Kitty?


I'm still patching WAR, but the install didn't take. I think it's because I was playing LotRO when the disk finished and must have inadvertantly clicked cancel for the next one. Sooo, finally installed, account created, and patching as we speak.

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OK, now I've gotten a bit into World of Goo. It's a fantastic game. I absolutely love the visual style and the presentation! Oh, and the physics based gameplay really works.


But the controls.. You always start with this cramped little building block where a billion little balls of goo are rolling around.. and you're supposed to click on the right ball at the right time.. except it doesn't really matter where you place your mouse pointer because the game has some kind of auto-lock on the 'nearest' goo.. So nine times out of ten you'll end up clicking the wrong goo ball when the going gets tough. Also, sometimes you need to strengthen your goo-buildings and place a crossbeam somewhere.. but the game won't let you as the goo balls make the entire structure wiggle and the game doesn't allow you to manually place your goo balls where you want them. You have to hover your goo ball over the EXACT pixel where the game thinks that crossbeam should be. Often, the goo ball starts flickering between several different types of available constructs and it's a guessing game which one you'll get. Most often you get the wrong one. And then you have to remove the goo ball (if it's even possible!), but you can't because it's instantly covered with other rolling goo balls that take precedent to your mouse pointer because of the auto lock..


So yeah, I've been having a wonderful time with World of Goo, but the controls ARE frustrating.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Yeah, it's a GTA clone, but while GTA4 went for a more serious tone and got rid of the crazy side missions, SR2 embraced the silliness and added even more awesome side missions. And loads more customisation options for both the player and vehicles. Sandboxy goodness.

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That's definitely the impression I got. Hell, even your face is blank at the beginning of the game. It did have some over the top goofy looking graphics that I found interesting, but it's definitely a pass for me barring something unforseen.


As for WAR. It's not so bad. Everything looks absolutely grim for Order as far as I can tell. Hell, not only in terms of the backstory, which has always been the case for the Warhammer universe, and probably even worse for 40k than Fantasy Battle, but for the player demographics. Granted, I'm a complete noob, but it looked like the order players are way outnumbered according to that launch box. Hell, the game immediately offered to give me a sort of "signing bonus" of experience for playing order on some server, which I accepted. I think there are just a lot more Chaos players, but I don't really know. What I do know is that Order stomped the crud out of the Chaos in my first battleground. Of course, I had no idea of what I was doing, although I did make the top half of overall damage (and was only level 5 out of a grouping 1-10) and the top third in overall kills. I only managed one killing blow, however, which disappointed me. Something I find unhappy is that it looked like we were rolling for Hordie equipment. Ugh, I don't like that because I don't want to lose really great gear in battlegrounds. Absolutely sucks. I'll have to look into that. Anyhow, we almost completely shut out the Chaos guys by 500-22 or so. Complete mastery. I was a little more upbeat about that. I was going to write a really long (okay, an even longer) review, but I'll wait to do that until tomorrow when I actually pen a thought or two on the subject of Warhammer Online. So far? Pretty good.

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I might get that on PS3. GTA4's realism was a nice change for a while, but I haven't touched the game since I completed the story, as opposed to previous GTA installments.

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Something I find unhappy is that it looked like we were rolling for Hordie equipment. Ugh, I don't like that because I don't want to lose really great gear in battlegrounds.



You die in PvP and you can be looted? >_< Ive died 5-6 times before in a BG, they would have me stripped to my skivvies by the time I got out.


You don't lose gear in WAR PvP. But there is random loot that drops with player corpses.

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NHL 09 of course! Totally awesome, and sweet. My league's newest season has just started tonight. UNSTOPPABLE GAME!!!!


I should probably get some Wii NHL 2K9 in. I just got an e-mail saying that I managed to get in to the Future Shop tournament. Must find, unstoppable goal scoring method...

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NHL 09 of course! Totally awesome, and sweet. My league's newest season has just started tonight. UNSTOPPABLE GAME!!!!


I should probably get some Wii NHL 2K9 in. I just got an e-mail saying that I managed to get in to the Future Shop tournament. Must find, unstoppable goal scoring method...



Comparing the awesomeness of NHL '09 with the craptasticity of NHL 2K9 is like comparing a bed of potpourri to a pile of dysentery!

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Comparing the awesomeness of NHL '09 with the craptasticity of NHL 2K9 is like comparing a bed of potpourri to a pile of dysentery!

I know, I know, I should be shot for my blasphemy. I probably wouldn`t have touched NHL 2K9 if I hadn`t gotten in the tournament. >_<

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