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Mass Effect is coming to PC


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The question is if I should buy it to support PC Gaming? I could sell my vanilla 360 copy and buy a sweet Limited Edition MEPC box :D

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Sounds interesting :teehee:


Jade Empire never did sound like something I could be bothered to play, but this one managed to make me at the very least curious.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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From what I have heard the Texture pop up is a limitation of the engine itself and will be inthe PC version, unfortunately.


And from what i've heard, it was about Bioware compromising between no load times (=texture pop-ups) and load times (= no texture pop-ups). This is due to the lack of HDD on the Xbox360 that made them stream the textures from the disc. With a HDD, there shouldn't be any problems, fortunately :)

From what I've seen Bioshock on the PC also has it and a little bit of it appears in Gears of War PC.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Priestly has already said it isn't.

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I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
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I'll laugh when this turns out to be a vista exclusive title.

They learned from Halo 2 and Shadowrun flopping on the PC. And then the only excuse was Windows Live, which has since transitioned to XP. DX 10 is no excuse since 360 doesn't use it.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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"They can keep it and stick it where its warm and wet. They want to snub the pc user when they first release it, they can stick it."


What a silly attitude. I wonde rif that's the retarded reaction a xbox 360er will ahve when/if DA gets ported to their mahcine.


BIO didn't snub the PC with ME just like they didn't sub consoles with PC exclusives either. The 'woe is me' whiny attitude is hilarious when it comes to exclusives.


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They really shouldn't make games exclusive to one platform anyway. ALL GAMES FOR ALL PLATFORMS!


Including Dragon Age. :D

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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"They can keep it and stick it where its warm and wet. They want to snub the pc user when they first release it, they can stick it."


What a silly attitude. I wonde rif that's the retarded reaction a xbox 360er will ahve when/if DA gets ported to their mahcine.


BIO didn't snub the PC with ME just like they didn't sub consoles with PC exclusives either. The 'woe is me' whiny attitude is hilarious when it comes to exclusives.

:p Like R00fles and stuff. :)


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I'll probably not buy it, not right away. It will take a few good reviews of people I trust first, as Bioware didn't exactly improve the qualities that matter to me in their games.

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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I'll probably not buy it, not right away. It will take a few good reviews of people I trust first, as Bioware didn't exactly improve the qualities that matter to me in their games.



Which qualities are those?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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"They can keep it and stick it where its warm and wet. They want to snub the pc user when they first release it, they can stick it."


What a silly attitude. I wonde rif that's the retarded reaction a xbox 360er will ahve when/if DA gets ported to their mahcine.


BIO didn't snub the PC with ME just like they didn't sub consoles with PC exclusives either. The 'woe is me' whiny attitude is hilarious when it comes to exclusives.


While I think Dark Raven's attitude is a bit on the extreme side, and I wouldn't be surprised if Raven purchased KotOR, KotOR II or Jade Empire which were also 'x-box exclusives', I do understand the disapointment of how many devs have switched to a 'console first, PC last' approach. Games have really lost something special in recent years with the focus on consoles, ports and hybridized dual console/PC releases.


IMHO the console focus killed the Call of Duty franchise. So many things were dumbed down and removed in the sequel, it was hard to believe CoD 2 was made by the same devs. Unfortunatly for me, thats pretty much a personal opinion, as the sales numbers do not favor my opinion.


A few years ago I would have 100% agreed with Dark Raven.

Edited by GreasyDogMeat
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I had Call of Duty for PC and CoD2 for 360...Didn't notice any differences really.


This is another part of the problem, as so many are willing to overlook simplified gameplay... or just don't care.


-The CoD 2 healing system removed any thought or tactics. We can't have that on a console. What was even worse is the healing system forced the AI to act less realistic. Instead of engaging multiple contacts they would almost exclusively focus on you. They also became far superior in their accuracy because you now needed ridiculous amounts of damage to be killed off.


-The weapon kickback was drastically reduced. Where CoD 1/UO had a feeling of realistic weapon kickback, the CoD 2 guns barely kick when aiming down the site.


-Maybe its unfair to also use the expansion as an example, but great multiplayer modes like domination, the bunker mode were removed, as well as vehicles, sprinting etc.


-A ridiculous grenade indicator was introduced. Again, console players apparently can't think for themselves that grenades=bad so they need a massive white indicator telling them a grenade just fell near them.


CoD 2 only improved on the first games formula in tiny small ways while taking away so many things that made the game feel special and unique.


I suppose a more casual (FPS) gamer may not have noticed or cared about these things, but I was really into CoD 1/UO, and it felt like it had rejuvinated the FPS shooter. It was so perfect in every little movement and CoD 2 came along and just screwed that formula up. I honestly believe CoD 2 would have been a better, more immersive game if it had been developed solely for the PC, with a possible console port later.


A lot of people feel the same about Oblivion... how Morrowind had so much depth and then Oblivion came along and 'noobed' everything up, trading that depth for graphics.

Edited by GreasyDogMeat
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I think it's presumptuous to assume that those things are added simply because of the "console" audience.



You assume that stuff was removed because you couldn't have thought or tactics on the console, when such changes really don't strike me as being changes specifically for the purpose of having it available on the console.


To be honest, until your post, I didn't even know that CoD 2 was available for the console.

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KotOR 1 and KotOR 2 were never exclusives.

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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Can someone just tell me one thing. The story doesn't revolve around a variation on "character X who you thought was your friend is actually a villain" to be the entire hook of the plot, does it? Bioware have used that for their last three major games (not counting the NW expansions) and if they're relying on it here, I might skip.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I don't understand why so many PC players think they're so smart and that all console players are retarded. If you noticed, CoD2 was also out on PC where all the things you listed above were present as well.


If you noticed, that really doesn't mean anything to his argument. He's already said that these features are in the PC release which is why he was disappointed in it. He's arguing that the reason they were included in the first place was, because of the console audience. Would you really expect a company to release two completely different versions of the same game?

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