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is there a difference between rpg and fps anymore?


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FPP = First Person perspective.


Indicates the Camera is capable of going into a First Person "Point of View" perspective.


FPS = First person Shooter.


A Genera of Video Games that involves "Shooting Projectiles" be it with a Bow, Gun or Throwing Knives etc... In First Person "Point of View" perspective.

Edited by Mortis Nai
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First Person Shooter means you have a projectile firing weapon.  :)




Yes, exactly as I said. :)


Since I know you'll :aiee: and :crazy: if I don't explain it, I shall. :)


In morrowind you can enchant items to cast spells on command, and the rate of casting is as fast as a mouseclick.


So by enchanting a small item (gloves, rings or knives) with a ranged spell you can create the equivelent of a very fast FPS pistol :*


Bows are slow and weak, while enchanted knives pwn all. :brows:

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Personally, if we cant have turn-based combat like in FO or ToEE, then Id rather have twitch. Combat in the IE games and NWN1&2 got boring real fast because you as a player dont have much input.



And no one seems capable of designing a fun twitch 1st/3rd person combat system either. Gothic, DeusEx, Oblivion, Bloodlines.. boring and sometimes very awkward. You need not only perfect control of what youre doing but also so many available moves that it doesnt get tedious



Ive been secretly thinking of new ways to design RPF gameplay for OEs new alien game, it requires some major out-of-the box thinking. Since you need to have both the realtime action elements of "Aaargh!" as the Aliens chase you down corridors and in airducts, whilst at the same time implement a tactical squad-based gameplay on top of it that has to have connection to a stats system thats interesting and meaningful

Edited by Kaftan Barlast

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Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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But none of those games made me want to shoot random civilians just because it was so damn fun to do combat.



And DeusEx had a really piss-poor system, I just used the "lightsabre" all the time because all the other weapons were so laggy and devoid of precision that I was wondering if JC Denton might be seriously handicaped. I remember one gun was especially awful, it fired exactly 5 shots no matter how you clicked your mouse and it had so much lag that you wondered if your mouse was broken.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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All firearms had a given amount of reloading time along with other modifiers (speed, accuracy, etc.). This could be improved via Denton's increased expertise with firearms and/or modifying firearms to become better. I didn't found a problem there, it felt fairly balanced.


I had more issues with the game telling me Denton was weak with pistols but I could just run up to an NSF trooper and compensate for his lack of skill with a close range bullet to the head. Not much of a point in improving a weapon skills if I can just circumvent the skill system entirely by running up to an enemy at close range and whamo his weak body parts.

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All firearms had a given amount of reloading time along with other modifiers (speed, accuracy, etc.). This could be improved via Denton's increased expertise with firearms and/or modifying firearms to become better. I didn't found a problem there, it felt fairly balanced.


I had more issues with the game telling me Denton was weak with pistols but I could just run up to an NSF trooper and compensate for his lack of skill with a close range bullet to the head. Not much of a point in improving a weapon skills if I can just circumvent the skill system entirely by running up to an enemy at close range and whamo his weak body parts.


Or for that matter, just get the sword that kills everything with one-hit. Yeah, that was a brilliant inclusion.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I had more issues with the game telling me Denton was weak with pistols but I could just run up to an NSF trooper and compensate for his lack of skill with a close range bullet to the head. Not much of a point in improving a weapon skills if I can just circumvent the skill system entirely by running up to an enemy at close range and whamo his weak body parts.
I don't see the problem with this, but perhaps I didn't understand what you were trying to say.


Do you think it's unreasonable that you can hit a human head-sized target with a pistol at a distance of two metres? Anyone could do that, provided they knew how to mount the gun and fire.

That also assumes you could sneak up on your target, which was often impossible. And just rushing them was not a very good idea either, especially if they packed shotguns or heavy weapons. All in all, I don't think DX had balance or skill usage issues (save for the lightsaber maybe).

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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But none of those games made me want to shoot random civilians just because it was so damn fun to do combat.



And DeusEx had a really piss-poor system, I just used the "lightsabre" all the time because all the other weapons were so laggy and devoid of precision that I was wondering if JC Denton might be seriously handicaped. I remember one gun was especially awful, it fired exactly 5 shots no matter how you clicked your mouse and it had so much lag that you wondered if your mouse was broken.



I used the sniper rifle almost exclusively, given it's accuracy was 102% by the time I was done with it.


I'm not familiar with the lag though. When I clicked, I shot. Given how much I would snipe moving targets, I would have noticed it otherwise.

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All firearms had a given amount of reloading time along with other modifiers (speed, accuracy, etc.). This could be improved via Denton's increased expertise with firearms and/or modifying firearms to become better. I didn't found a problem there, it felt fairly balanced.


I had more issues with the game telling me Denton was weak with pistols but I could just run up to an NSF trooper and compensate for his lack of skill with a close range bullet to the head. Not much of a point in improving a weapon skills if I can just circumvent the skill system entirely by running up to an enemy at close range and whamo his weak body parts.



That makes sense though. I'm a half-wit with a firearm as well, but I can still walk up behind you and shoot you in the back of the head and kill you. It's the shooting rapidly while moving that I'd not be so good at, and that's where his skill improvements came in.

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If the player's intelligence and strategic abilities are allowed to affect how the character behaves in the gameworld, why shouldn't the player's reflex abilities also be allowed to have an effect on the character?


Combat is always based what you do. Always. It
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Damn straight sisters!


I think the belief that player reflexes shouldn't be allowed is a leftover from the days when CRPGs were PnP simulators. People seem to have mistaken the fact that people don't use their reflexes in PnP as some kind of rule, rather than an impossibility.


What was wrong with PnP Simulators? Isn't that sort of what a Computer Role Play Game is? A Computer Adaptation of a Pen and Paper Game?


If you want to play FPS Games, there is an entire Genera for that, why is it that people are insisting that other genera's of games morph, merge and have the bastard love children of the FPS Genera?


All that matters is that the player skills and the character skills don't contradict each other.


That makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.


So I should not play a Wizard... because I cant cast magic In real Life?


I should not Play a Rogue, because I cant really hot wire a car?


I thought we were playing games and exercising our imaginations and creativity here... sorry about that.


Like RP said, how does a high skill player play a low skill character without purposely sabotaging themselves? How does a really dumb player play a highly intelligent character?


In PnP, the Character and the Characters skills act as Proxy for your own. They are fictitious characters that interact with a fictitious world and in essence, have super human abilities... Even your first level characters are generally considered way above average, that's what sets them apart as Hero's.


Your average Character is not 40 years old, balding, overweight and has a list of life accomplishments including watching Star Wars in the Cinema when it first came out, and being able to remember when DOS was "New."


If they did, that would be a really ****ing boring PnP Game...



Should RPGs allow us to play any kind of character we could possibly dream up, even if we don't possess any of the skills to play them, or do we play as a character within the boundries of our own skills?


Yes... within the confines of the laws, rules, restrictions and limitations of the Game system and the DM's campaign... players should be able to make anything they want and should not be limited by there own personal skills.


That's why its called "Role Play" and not "Life."

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That is one of the reasons why I don't like twitch style gaming. I just don't have the reflexes for it and if every CRPG, the only genre I really like, is going to be twitch based then what is the point of playing? I play games to have fun, that is all. Twitch games are not fun for me.

Edited by Sand

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


@\NightandtheShape/@ - "Because you're a bizzare strange deranged human?"

Walsingham- "Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy."

Joseph Bulock - "Another headache, courtesy of Sand"

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