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New NWN2 DevDiary


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We wanted to keep the stakes high and the enemies powerful, as well as give you a key role, not just from an adventuring perspective, but also as a general, commander, and even a ruler of your own military stronghold. We give you a choice of being a politician, criminal, or advisor, as well, but that's up to you to choose. Whatever occurs, you will find yourself engaged in several battles over the course of the game--sometimes commanding large groups of troops on the battlefield, and at other times, diplomatically fighting for your reputation in a courtroom where it seems all the evidence is piled against you.


There's the politics of Neverwinter and the challenges of fortifying your own stronghold, as well as enemies from Luskan in the North and the extraplanar githyanki that have declared a crusade on you. You find yourself locked in battle with all these factions, but you're in a position to play them off against each other to buy time and learn more of the events and history that led up to this conflict, and how to end it once and for all.


While Neverwinter Nights 2 does offer a range of alignment options for your good, evil, lawful, and chaotic actions, the influence system also allows for an additional level of repercussions for decisions you make that are not on the alignment axis. For example, contrasting opinions on magical theory, nature versus civilization, and even how much of a rein you put on creativity itself in light of threats you and your characters face. Each of these actions can cause your influence with certain companions to go up or down over the course of the game and govern how much they involve themselves (or leave) at certain points in the game.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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What have you done? Now we're going to expect all that! You should've given us anti-hype, like, "NWN2 is going to be a game, probably. That is, you'll be able to play as if it were a video game," or, "the game will be of a certain quality, for sure."

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Mr. Sawyer's witticisms and speculation aside, I'm not sure how to take all this. I didn't really dig the "battle command" in HotU, I'm not particularly thrilled at the prospect of being a military commander in this 'un. That's not what I'm looking for in my RPGs. I'm interested to see how this whole "politician / general / criminal" thing pans out, though. I think it would be awesome to have a game in which you could become either a general or a mob boss, and beat the game either way. But somehow I don't think that's what MCA was after with that quote :wacko:

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Mr. Sawyer's witticisms and speculation aside, I'm not sure how to take all this. I didn't really dig the "battle command" in HotU, I'm not particularly thrilled at the prospect of being a military commander in this 'un. That's not what I'm looking for in my RPGs. I'm interested to see how this whole "politician / general / criminal" thing pans out, though. I think it would be awesome to have a game in which you could become either a general or a mob boss, and beat the game either way. But somehow I don't think that's what MCA was after with that quote :ermm:


Yeah, a lot of people are going to be disappointed.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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You can also play as a female character, if you choose.





edit: that said, it's finally a campaign that offers more than what an adventurer does - dungeon crawls, small espionage missions and some variable hingers that have no real effect. In fact the only way for the adventurer to be given significance in the world at large is for the evil boss at hand to have a silly, unending stretch of backstory about The Artifact of Doom and crap. Politics, factions, being in command - all are awesome things in the scope in which I envisage it being implemented in NWN2.

Edited by Tigranes
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..and I who just like to be some nobody, taking on a personal adventure of some kind that eventually evolves into something bigger..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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One thing I really hope doesn't happen, is that the PC turns out to be a "Chosen One" outlined in some prophecy, or singled out for significance before the adventure even begins. It's waaaaay too much of a cliche, even when it happens to work well, as in BG.

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There should be a quest where a prophecy dude comes to you for your help because you're "the one" that will save lots of life. Anyway turns out there's another dude going on the rampage and killing all the prophets he can find because he wants to wipe out prophecy once and for all because he hates the concept of the "Chosen One", ironically becoming one himself. So you stop the fanatical dude and save the largely innocent prophets etc.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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What have you done? Now we're going to expect all that! You should've given us anti-hype, like, "NWN2 is going to be a game, probably. That is, you'll be able to play as if it were a video game," or, "the game will be of a certain quality, for sure."


The man knows it. :ph34r:

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
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Baldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester

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Mr. Sawyer's witticisms and speculation aside, I'm not sure how to take all this. I didn't really dig the "battle command" in HotU, I'm not particularly thrilled at the prospect of being a military commander in this 'un. That's not what I'm looking for in my RPGs. I'm interested to see how this whole "politician / general / criminal" thing pans out, though. I think it would be awesome to have a game in which you could become either a general or a mob boss, and beat the game either way. But somehow I don't think that's what MCA was after with that quote :ermm:

I played a couple of Community mods that handled both large troop battles under the player's command AND political machinations very well, so it is possible (even if it was beyond the scope of Bioware's original remit).


Otherwise you will just have a party-based dungeon crawl rehash of Oblivion, in third person. :lol:

..and I who just like to be some nobody, taking on a personal adventure of some kind that eventually evolves into something bigger..

Precisely. :o




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"singled out for significance before the adventure even begins."


You have sword stuck in your butt, and everyone wants a piece of you from the beginning. In fact, you are the reason why your home town gets attacked most likely. HAHAHA!!!


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Yes, it does. There are things I extremely dislike about it which I'm very vocal about (as always, heh); bu there are also things I extremely like about it. Just like any game I ever played even ones that are amongst my favorites.


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Yes, it does. There are things I extremely dislike about it which I'm very vocal about (as always, heh); bu there are also things I extremely like about it. Just like any game I ever played even ones that are amongst my favorites.

Bio fanboyz alert.


I have not found anything I really dislike, yet.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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