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You can cure vampirism quickly by visiting a temple right away.  If you let it fester, you have to do a long quest.


No you don't. :thumbsup:


If you want to get rid of it, it seems like a long quest. I need to get 5 empty soul gems, of which I have found 2 (I have found others, but they weren't empty) in the 30 or so hours of gameplay.

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You can cure vampirism quickly by visiting a temple right away.  If you let it fester, you have to do a long quest.


No you don't. :thumbsup:


It's not like being a vamp is hard, like it was in Morrowind.


Bceome one, get the bonuses, enjoy it. (just make sure to feed)


I'm afraid of the dark, so being a Vampire was a bit of an issue.

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My boss is pissed because he's thirty hours into his game of Oblivion and was just turned and absolutely hates being a vamp.


And I'm currently stuck playing Elimination from the radio station that I listen to hockey games on.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I moved on after completing Mechwarrior 3 to Mechwarrior 4: Mercs. I managed to place first in the Grand Championship on Solaris, but I'm currently stuck on one mission where I have to stealthily scan several buildings without alerting the enemy to my presence. Tried to play the mission with an Assault mech and just blast my way through, but that's even harder. :thumbsup:

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Don't know whether to replay Fable or replay KOTOR II. Neither are particlarly stand-out , I-have-to-play-this-game-again kinda games to me right now.


I'm tight for cash and I feel like an RPG that I can just get immersed in. Might get a cheap PC RPG. Bear in mind, I'm mystified when it comes to PC RPG's, so I dunno. Recommendations?



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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Don't know whether to replay Fable or replay KOTOR II. Neither are particlarly stand-out , I-have-to-play-this-game-again kinda games to me right now.


I'm tight for cash and I feel like an RPG that I can just get immersed in. Might get a cheap PC RPG. Bear in mind, I'm mystified when it comes to PC RPG's, so I dunno. Recommendations?


Well Fable only takes like 3 hours to beat so go with that, then replay KOTOR2



Playing Galciv2 right now.

Edited by Oerwinde
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Dreamfall Chapter Six.



...next week.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Don't know whether to replay Fable or replay KOTOR II. Neither are particlarly stand-out , I-have-to-play-this-game-again kinda games to me right now.


I'm tight for cash and I feel like an RPG that I can just get immersed in. Might get a cheap PC RPG. Bear in mind, I'm mystified when it comes to PC RPG's, so I dunno. Recommendations?


Perhaps Lazarus then. Free, big world, each npc (except guards) is an complex individual with his, her own fears, interests, ideas. Quite okay storyline. Very nice writing. Lot of characters, even the ordinary ones, like shopkeepers or lighthouse keeper`s wife, shocked and surprised me. Lots of grey areas. Companions on the level of BG (although after Kotor`s they feel kinda bland). Excellent soundtrack - especially in this "Jeremy Soule is da master" age we live now, not pompous with lots of trompets and chorus elements that might be technically good but is horrible to listen to, but more simpler and rennaisannce fair like - think Blackmoore`s Nights. The world is not a typical fantasy world, meaning that it is different form what goes around for fantasy today. Nowadays fantasy is almost anything which is freakily colorful, mixes anything together, has elves that are an insult to the elves of Tolkien, has demons and wizards in it, bikini chainmail armor, save the world plots, artistical influences form anime - what goes around for fantasy today is freakish and unnatural, or more bluntly put, fantasy is when the dwarf has a gun and his sex-slave is the daughter of the demon queen Que` Ksah` Mashti form the multidimensional planet Gilius B. Now what I really liked about Lazarus is that it was more natural. You know, it had a sense of wonder, something that is lost in fantasy genre today. It was more like the 80`s Robin Hood show with Jason Connery, it was more like the feeling what celts, misty forests, white nights, white stags and Enya give you - more magical and mystical, more innocent.

Although there are some moments (like people`s tendencies to throw to things before you rather than give them to you), that will make you remember that this is a fan game only. And you need a copy of the original Dungeon Siege though.

If imterested, then here`s the link.


Edited by Winterwolf

Enough with the dancing clown.

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Isn't Lazarus that project that tried to redo Ultima 5 with Dungeon Siege's engine?


Edit: Yup, that was it. It seems the finally finished it too.

Edited by mkreku

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I thought it did, not just tried

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Just finished the ranger stronghold quests, recovering my ranger status along the way. Those area effect spells can really take a bite out of your reputation when innocent passersby are around...

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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Finally, Desther is dead.


He had an army of undead(well ok, about 20 of them) made up of Mummy Warriors, Greater Mummies and Specters.

Linu got wiped out with 3 hits from 1 skeleton Warrior so I was left alone against a series of level drains. My lvl 4/2/9 Fighter/Rogue/Wizard was reduced to a lvl 2 rogue. Against 1 Greater Mummy with Desther still at full health.




Even though Linu still dies I was able to take out each undead one at a time. Somehow this time I didn't get level drained once.

When those were gone I sent one fireball at Desther. The splash damage took out all his protection minions and he immediately summoned his Undead Chietain which I took care of easily with a hit and run tactic. Finally, Desther fell and chapter 1 was over.


Sorry for babbling but although I got frustrated a bit at first, I actually really enjoyed this fight. :D

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I've started playing Mage Knight Apocalypse, and while it seems to have a lot of potential (playing dress up with the vamp chick and her skimpy outfits, for example :) ), interface issues are really starting to piss me off.


First, having to screw around with ini files (then never touching the option menu in game, lest my tweaks disappear) just to get an acceptable resolution (1360x768 is the only widescreen res by default, so I had to trick the game into displaying 1920x1080) was a pain. Then, realising that a large portion of the controls can't be remapped (camera control, in particular) made running around in the game more aggravating than it should be. Throw in a clunky interface and you end up with a game that really should have had more dev time put in before going gold.


I'm hoping some of the issues get sorted out in upcoming patches, since I know there's fun to be had with the game. I can feeeeeel it. Until then, though, I see myself spending more time with the NWN2 toolset than I do playing MKA.

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Some mods, I guess. I'm most interested in new characters (to heighten the replay value, ya know), and I've been really, really impressed with Kelsey so far. Also tried Sarileth but quickly dropped her for being a drama queen. Next playthrough I might give some other user-created NPCs a chance. I've downloaded Tashia and Amber but haven't used them yet.


I've also got the banter pack installed and my favorite mod of them all, Dungeon-Be-Gone!

baby, take off your beret

everyone's a critic and most people are DJs

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NHL 2007 on my roomate's 360 for a couple of days now. I actually told him to go do something else when he wanted to play some Oblivion the other day. :">

Edited by Laozi

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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