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Canadian Election


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I'm pretty happy about the results. NDP gained 10 seats, liberals didn't lose as many as expected. My riding and my hometown's riding both elected NDP MPs, even defeating the Tory MP that has ruled in my hometown for the last 7 elections.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Hmm...interesting. I wonder why that is.


I don't really see the point in seperating from the country, honestly. Just because they don't feel a part of Canada (oh, sorry, is it officially "Kanada" now? ^_^) doesn't mean they should just get up and be their own country.


A little odd to me.



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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Good for the NDPs. Keep trying, Jackie boy. Next year is the year!  :wub:


Heh. What about the Seperatists? How'd they do?


51 seats by my count at the moment. That's down three seats from the last election.

What's pretty surprising is the fact that the Gatineau riding elected a Bloc MP, and that the Hull/Aylmer riding came DAMN close to it as well. The areas closest to Ottawa on the Quebec side have elected Liberals for as long as I can remember. My dad used to always joke that a sufficiently trained monkey could run for the Liberal party there and still win. I guess he's not saying that today.


Thing is, a huge chunk of the people living in that area actually cross the river to Ontario every day to go work for the federal government. Yet somehow the Bloc is raking in votes. THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO ME.


On a side note, I'm pretty relieved to discover that while a lot of people on my street had Conservative signs on their front lawns, the Liberal guy still got reelected in my riding. Sure, I'm not that fond of the Liberals (I'm more of an NDP person), but it's still better than the (deleted expletive) Conservatives.


I loathe Harper.

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Hmm...interesting. I wonder why that is.


I don't really see the point in seperating from the country, honestly. Just because they don't feel a part of Canada (oh, sorry, is it officially "Kanada" now? ^_^) doesn't mean they should just get up and be their own country.


A little odd to me.

Isn't that how people usually form their own country? That and armed rebellions of course.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Hmm...interesting. I wonder why that is.


I don't really see the point in seperating from the country, honestly. Just because they don't feel a part of Canada (oh, sorry, is it officially "Kanada" now? ^_^) doesn't mean they should just get up and be their own country.


A little odd to me.

Isn't that how people usually form their own country? That and armed rebellions of course.

That, or losing a major war to powerful enemies. They have a habit of drawing lines in the sand and splitting up countries into smaller, manageable chunks (see Ottoman Empire, Austro Hungarian Empire etc.)


Does that mean we can take Hans Island now ? :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Our votes might not matter!:




Try the following topic:


"Party with the most seats doesn't necessarily form government"


Sure, it's unlikely to happen to but this is for fellow Kanandians who looked down upon the Amerikans because the one who didn't get the 'most votes' won the election 2 elections ago.


Anyways, time to see how the Conservatives behave in power. :ermm:


why is this a surprise? canada is a parliamentary democracy with multiple parties, no? this is a not an uncommon situation in a lot of parliamentary democracies...

Edited by random evil guy
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Hmm...interesting. I wonder why that is.


I don't really see the point in seperating from the country, honestly. Just because they don't feel a part of Canada (oh, sorry, is it officially "Kanada" now? ^_^) doesn't mean they should just get up and be their own country.


A little odd to me.


If not feeling a part of the country is not a good reason to want out, what is a good reason?

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Hmm...interesting. I wonder why that is.


I don't really see the point in seperating from the country, honestly. Just because they don't feel a part of Canada (oh, sorry, is it officially "Kanada" now? ^_^) doesn't mean they should just get up and be their own country.


A little odd to me.

Isn't that how people usually form their own country? That and armed rebellions of course.

That, or losing a major war to powerful enemies. They have a habit of drawing lines in the sand and splitting up countries into smaller, manageable chunks (see Ottoman Empire, Austro Hungarian Empire etc.)


Does that mean we can take Hans Island now ? :)

Meh only if there's oil to extract, but both Canada and Denmark must be careful when mentioning the "O" word, Bush's Oildar might pick it up and decide to invade. :ph34r:



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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If not feeling a part of the country is not a good reason to want out, what is a good reason?


Uh, oppression, maybe?


I'm just saying that just because you feel different from the rest of the family doesn't mean you should run away. And because Quebec isn't really that much different from the rest of us (besides the linguistic differences), if they did start a new country, it would be exactly the same as before, just with them being able to say "We're not a part of this country!" But then again, I don't live anywhere near Quebec, so maybe it's a little more complicated. But from where I stand, that's the way I see it.


On the subject of Hans Island, I say we split the island in two and give one half to each country! :)



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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On the subject of Hans Island, I say we split the island in two and give one half to each country!  :)


As we speak my troops are burying explosive charges under the island. Within the hour the island shall be no more and no one will be able to claim it. ;)


Or at least that's what should be done. <_<

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"If not feeling a part of the country is not a good reason to want out, what is a good reason?"


That's all well and good; but the problem I have with bigoted Seperatists they wanna leave the country to run away from their responsibilties yet keep all their rights as Kanadians.


I say no way. If you leave the country, you are just another neighbour... a neighbour I have no respect for because of your cowardice.


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A lot of love here for the NDP.


I'm not so sure why.  I'd personally be terrified if they came to power.


Most people don't actually want to see the NDP in power, we just want them more powerful. We want them in a position to push their policies, while kept in check by a more fiscally responsible party. They do their best work when they hold the balance of power in a minority government.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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"If not feeling a part of the country is not a good reason to want out, what is a good reason?"


That's all well and good; but the problem I have with bigoted Seperatists they wanna leave the country to run away from their responsibilties yet keep all their rights as Kanadians.


I say no way. If you leave the country, you are just another neighbour... a neighbour I have no respect for because of your cowardice.


Neighbours. That's what we want to be. You think neighbours don't have partnerships? If, in the future, the people of the province of Quebec decide to become sovereign, you will want to break all bridges between the two nations? To everybody's disadvantage? If you're talking about us wanting to keep the money or the passport or whatever I agree, that's ridiculous and I wouldn't want that.


Now explain that cowardice part in your post, I'm not sure I get that.

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"If not feeling a part of the country is not a good reason to want out, what is a good reason?"


That's all well and good; but the problem I have with bigoted Seperatists they wanna leave the country to run away from their responsibilties yet keep all their rights as Kanadians.


I say no way. If you leave the country, you are just another neighbour... a neighbour I have no respect for because of your cowardice.


Neighbours. That's what we want to be. You think neighbours don't have partnerships? If, in the future, the people of the province of Quebec decide to become sovereign, you will want to break all bridges between the two nations? To everybody's disadvantage? If you're talking about us wanting to keep the money or the passport or whatever I agree, that's ridiculous and I wouldn't want that.


Now explain that cowardice part in your post, I'm not sure I get that.


I'm french Canadian in Montreal, fully bilingual and I for one, if Quebec splits I'll be moving to Ontario.

French Quebecers are fascists, narrowminded idiots.

Fascists because they force the language upon everyone and will not accept any compromise, especially with the anglophone community. They even have a frakkin' language police that disregard basic needs of other human beings.

Narrowminded because they beleive that their language is their culture, when language is only a means to communicate. If language was cultural, nothing would ever be translated, it would be like repainting the Mona Lisa with blue eyes. You can write, sing, speak ABOUT the culture in French but French itself is not a culture. Get over it!

Idiots because english is the universal language on this planet and if they ever seperate, most American and foreign businesses will move to Ontario to avoid all them crazy laws, which force extra costs on companies to translate everything.


Why can't they just adopt a bilingual status, like New Brunswick, I'll never really know.

Oh and their love of hockey and the importance they put on it is behond fanaticism.


I'm glad the Conservatives ''won''. Liberals have proven their corruption, the Bloc wants to destroy the country and the NDP has never even been in the game.

Edited by astr0creep
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If you think language is not part of a culture than you are stupid. Sure, language is not all there is in a culture, but I think it's a big part. Language has a lot to do with the identity of a people. That's why we are overly protective of it. Surrounded on every side by english, it would be swallowed eventually if we did not protect it. You think you have to be an idiot to speak french in an english world?


I'll be glad to see you gone.

Edited by Fionavar
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Do you think that we could please try to discuss the topic and not insult the person? Hyperbole might be tolerated by the media, but the Big Green much prefers people to utilise their intellect without digressing to insulting/flaming/taunting ...


Furthermore, circumventing the language filter is a big NO NO. For your review Reinoc: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?act=boardrules


Ignorance is never an excuse.

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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If you think language is not part of a culture than you are stupid. Sure, language is not all there is in a culture, but I think it's a big part. Language has a lot to do with the identity of a people. That's why we are overly protective of it. Surrounded on every side by english, it would be swallowed eventually if we did not protect it. You think you have to be an idiot to speak french in an english world?


I'll be glad to see you gone.


Slightly agressive aren't we (before the mod edit that is...)? This is exactly the kind of thing I was writing about.


Of course language is part of a culture, as a means of communicating it to the people concerned.

The thing is that in Quebec, anglophones are part of our culture, wether the francophones accept it or not. Putting together a language police in order to block(no pun intended) a part of this province's distinct culture is wrong.

And the fact that a lot of francophones in Quebec are ready to become violent about it is proof of their narrowmindedness.


And the problem is on both sides. Anglophones are sticking together as are Francophones. One can pinpoint French and Anglo ''gettos'' in Montreal. We need to mix things up, make friends with each other. This war is over!


We need to grow up as a society before we even think about becoming a country. Thats all I'm saying.

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French Quebecers are fascists, narrowminded idiots.


Slightly agressive aren't we (before the mod edit that is...)? This is exactly the kind of thing I was writing about.


Pot, meet Kettle.


I live there. I was including myself in that first quote(mostly) and I was not talking at anyone in particular.

Edited by astr0creep
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