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What Star Wars musical theme is your favorite?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. What Star Wars musical theme is your favorite?

    • Imperial March
    • Duel of the Fates
    • Across the Stars (love theme from "Attack of the Clones")
    • Binary Sunset (main theme from "A New Hope")
    • Emperor's Throne Room (from "Return of the Jedi")
    • Pit of Carkoon (sail barge battle from "Return of the Jedi")
    • The Battle of Hoth (from "The Empire Strikes Back")
    • KOTOR1 Bastila's Theme
    • KOTOR2 Main Theme (character creation music)
    • KOTOR2 Darth Nihilus' Theme

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Definitely Jeremy Soule's Bastila Shan.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


i voted for imperial march but would have taken emperor's throne room as a second choice. I like teh way the sith theme swells into the fanfare when luke fights vader.

Dont remmeber bastilaa's theme anyone know a link to it please?

IMO the opeing theme to K2 was the best out of that game - the rest seemed sub par to me.

Dont remmeber bastilaa's theme anyone know a link to it please?


Kotor___12___Bastila_Shan.mp3Fetching info...


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


Thanks for that link nur ab sal.


Yes, bastila's theme is good. From what i remember of KOTOR's music it was def more in the spirit of star wars that K2 and hence i liked it more.


Gotta reinstall KOTOR one of these days


The poll is not only unnecessary, it's restricting. There are a lot of different themes in the SW movies and games that you didn't include.


I can't really choose a favourite but I think most of the tracks I like best from SW were in ESB.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Whichever was the theme music that played when Darth Vader finally grabbed on to the Emperor and hoisted him over the railing into the shaft.


That part of the movie still gives me goosebumps each time I watch it. :lol:

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


At least the ewok 'nub nub' song from the end of ROTJ didn't make it into the poll....


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.


Awww the themes I like aren't up there - i.e. the Republic themes! The Old Republic theme from KOTOR 1 and the Republic March they play at the end of ANH.


Speaking of which, what's the best way of extracting music from KOTOR 1 and 2?


Renaming them to .mp3's is the best way in my experience.


The many variations of Force theme, Imperial March... these are the obvious ones. I have grown fond of some obscure ones, such as Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endor. Perhaps I heard that one too many times in Dark Forces 2. Overall, ESB has the best music.


While talking about non-Williams Star Wars music, I should mention Joel McNeely's SotE soundtrack. Not all of it is good, but there's some good themes in it.

SODOFF Steam group.


While Bastila Shan theme is very good, it's still an alteration of the original the "Binary sunset". Duel of fates still gives me the goosebumps when i hear it, imperial march has been heard waaaaaay to many times.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 


When listening "Bastila Shan" I can't hear any similarity to Binary Sunset. BTW John Williams' music is an alteration of Richard Wagner...


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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