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ok, this is far from the "woman-vs.-man"-Revan topic, but it's about Revan again.


What classes should be most suitable for the pair? The trio (Revan, Malak, Exile) perhaps were the strongest leaders against the Mandalorians. Yeah, you can chose the class for both Revan and Exile, but what class will suit them best. What class will suit Revan? Personally, I think Malak was clearly Dark Jedi Guardian, who although had good knowledge of tactics wasn't so exceptional and great as Revan. Speaking of Revan I think she/he was a blend of more Guardian and less Consular, and greater lightsaber fighter than Darth Malak.


And what about Exile? She/He was inspiring General, but wasn't seduced by the Dark Side. What class will do for him/her.

  Painbearer said:
ok, this is far from the "woman-vs.-man"-Revan topic, but it's about Revan again.


What classes should be most suitable for the pair? The trio (Revan, Malak, Exile) perhaps were the strongest leaders against the Mandalorians. Yeah, you can chose the class for both Revan and Exile, but what class will suit them best. What class will suit Revan? Personally, I think Malak was clearly Dark Jedi Guardian, who although had good knowledge of tactics wasn't so exceptional and great as Revan. Speaking of Revan I think she/he was a blend of more Guardian and less Consular, and greater lightsaber fighter than Darth Malak.


And what about Exile? She/He was inspiring General, but wasn't seduced by the Dark Side. What class will do for him/her.


I think that Malak was ure Dark Jedi Guardian, for obvious reasons. I'd say Revan was more of a Consular, since he/she (English really needs a dual-gender third person word) was very subtle and was stronger in the Force than Malak. Generally when people are strong in the Force, I think of Consular.


I think the Exile would be a Sentinel, since he/she showed great non-force related skills (or it was suggested he/she had such) and the ability to depend on his/herself even without the mystic powers of the Jedi.

  Tanuvein said:
I think that Malak was ure Dark Jedi Guardian, for obvious reasons. I'd say Revan was more of a Consular, since he/she (English really needs a dual-gender third person word) was very subtle and was stronger in the Force than Malak. Generally when people are strong in the Force, I think of Consular.


"they" can be a neutral singular pronoun in standard English. In older usage, "he" was used but then the feminists objected.


In answer to the OP, Malak I agree was a Jedi Guardian and Revan a Consular based on their clothing. We didn't really see any video footage of what the exile wore so it's harder to tell.

  • Like 1

English does need a gender neutral third person pronoun. I guessed Revan's identity pretty early on in Kotor 1 because of the way everyone studiously avoided referring to Revan as 'he' or 'she'.


I thought Revan had to be a Sentinel, to have enough skill points to put into repair (He/She did make HK-47).

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


Despite that Soldier/Guardian is the best combo in the first game - that's your optinion... I still think he is Guardian with a bit of Consular - Wisdom and lots of Force Points. That's why IMHO Soldier/Jedi Guardian was immensly powerful combo with lots of FP. About the subtopic - English does really need it.




I would think that Revan would be a strong consular, because he was once a very powerful jedi, which comes with plenty of power.


The exile, would be the best Sentinal, becasue of the amount of time he has spent without the force. you can see he used many skills and then became attuned to the force again.


Malak, Guardian, obviously becasue of his strong combat nature.


Malak for me is a purely brute force kinda guy


Soldier -> Guardian -> Sith Marauder


Revan, who was more subtle in dictating events towards his endgame, was more aware of his surroundings and what was really necessary - having said that his force bond was sufficiently weak that he had the option of turning away from the grip of the Dark Side, while still enabling him to outfight Malak when the time came


Scout -> Guardian -> Jedi Watchman / Sith Assassin


The Exile is good with words, attempting to get himself off on technicalities (I had to go to war) and his Force bond and leadership abilities are more important to him than mere battle prowess


Scoundrel -> Consular -> Jedi Master / Sith Lord


I'd say Revan would be best suited as


Soldier--->Sentinel----->Jedi Master


It blends builds up strength and skill, and tops it off with lots of Force powers and lots of Charisma and inspiration






He is much more of a soldier than Revan. Revan is an almalgamation of all the Jedi traits, while the Exile is more of a fighter. Revan is the Supreme Commander, overseeing all, while the Exile gives orders, but at the same time, has to fight.

Generally when people are strong in the Force, I think of Consular.


Anakin Skywalker was the strongest in the Force, yet his specialization was of the lightsaber. Sometimes even Force powers cannot defeat a lightsaber, as demonstrated when Windu defeats Palpatine unlike Yoda, who loses.


Staying on topic...

Malak: Confirmed Dark Jedi Guardian. He uses so many Force Jumps its not even funny.


Revan: I tend to think of him as Guardian who spams Force powers like the Consular. He can then progress into a Jedi weaponmaster or Sith Marauder because of his lightsaber specialization.


Exile: Probably a Jedi Guardian, but a Jedi Sentinel would work too.


Malak- Is a guardian. I think in his character file it says that, but I could be mistaken.


Revan- I tend to think of Revan as a consular. Don't know why but there it is. (Maybe because it's my favorite character class in K1)


Exile- Think of this, s/he was stripped of the Force for ten years, s/he had to do something to earn credits to eat. I think odd jobs of repairing things and programing computers. So I would say Sentinal. ;)

"They might not call you a Jedi anymore, but believe me, you are. It's not the sort of thing that you just stop being. You're stuck with it, just like you're stuck being the General." ~Bao-Dur, Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords
  jaguars4ever said:
All these X--->Y--->Z stuff makes me wish that K3 (should there be one), should incorporate triple classing!  :cool:


And another dimension for development speculation.


Everyone seems to agree that Malak was the Guardian, muscle type character.


As far as Revan goes, I would say Revan would be a Scout/Consular/Watchperson :thumbsup:


Exile would be Scout/Sentinel/Master

  • 2 weeks later...
  Cona05 said:
why do people see revan as a consular?


I should think because it's made very clear that Revan was/is an extremely powerful Jedi, and Consulars receive the most force powers/points. Plus Revan was perhaps less of a fighter and more of a leader, a tactician.


But then so was Kavar, who is a Guardian.


It's really hard to say what Revan was, because Revan could easily fit within any of the roles. More then likely, in the game Revan is a Guardian. But I wouldn't say that influences the decision because of how the situation works. Guardian would be the obvious choice for a bigger player challenge from a designer's point of view.


I think the most sound argument for having Revan be a Consular would be the fact that she (in my case) was always scheming and planning six steps ahead (re: trapping the mandalorians at malachor V, re: sending troops to die as a diversion on Dxun, re: having assassins kill the allies of the Jedi instead of directly attacking them, etc). As far as I understand it, that's the hallmark of the Jedi Consular (kreia, in particular); unlike Kavar, who is described as a tactical genius, Revan was a manipulator and strategic genius.


It'd be rather like comparing a skilled platoon sergeant (the Guardian) to a general-turned-politician (consular). The sergeant has full control of the tactical situation, and can feint and parry to achieve his objective, but the politician is the one who put him there in the first place.


And besides, it's not like you can't have a consular that's incredible at swordplay. In KOTOR1 I had a scout/consular that had master flurry and dual-wield; in real-world terms that'd probably be indicative of the fact that Revan constantly trained with her saber, in lieu of pursuing other training (feats like Gear Head or Armor Proficiency).

  MaglorD said:
"they" can be a neutral singular pronoun in standard English. In older usage, "he" was used but  then the feminists objected.


"They" is never singular, though it is often used that way in conversational vernacular. "One" is the correct gender neutral singular pronoun. However, its shortcoming is that can only be used as a subject but not as an object (like him or her).

  Painbearer said:
ok, this is far from the "woman-vs.-man"-Revan topic, but it's about Revan again.


What classes should be most suitable for the pair? The trio (Revan, Malak, Exile) perhaps were the strongest leaders against the Mandalorians. Yeah, you can chose the class for both Revan and Exile, but what class will suit them best. What class will suit Revan? Personally, I think Malak was clearly Dark Jedi Guardian, who although had good knowledge of tactics wasn't so exceptional and great as Revan. Speaking of Revan I think she/he was a blend of more Guardian and less Consular, and greater lightsaber fighter than Darth Malak.


And what about Exile? She/He was inspiring General, but wasn't seduced by the Dark Side. What class will do for him/her.


I personally see Revan as a parallel for Anakin (an exceptional young Jedi that falls to the Dark Side during War and is ultimately redeemed). I would view Anakin as a Sentinel. High skill level and still very proficient in saber combat.


Exile is a parallel for Obi-Wan, the war hero who disappears and returns to teach others the ways of the Force. Right now, Obi-Wan appears to be a Jedi Guardian, though he has shown modest skill in Repair and as a Pilot.


Malak, Guardian for sure. He's all brute force and melee combat powers. And severally lacking subtly or planning department


Revan, I would say s/he was a soldier/consular. Soldier because he did fight in the war, and consular because it was repeatedly stated that he was very charismatic leader and great strategist. his/her plans are very subtle. Not to mention the fact that s/he did built HK-47, and repair is a consular class skill.


I would say pre KOTOR 1 Revan had very int and char score as well. A shame int happens to be least useful stat in the game. But I will just say s/he suffered several brain damage when Malak fired on his ship. :devil:"


Exile, I would say's s/he's a soldier/sentinel. Soldier because s/he was a veteran in the mandalorian war. And during his/her exile s/he journeyed throughout the outter rim. And sentinel fits the whole explorer theme better.

  SteveThaiBinh said:
English does need a gender neutral third person pronoun.  I guessed Revan's identity pretty early on in Kotor 1 because of the way everyone studiously avoided referring to Revan as 'he' or 'she'.


Same here, kind of. As soon as Carth said his "They say the Force can do terrible things..." bit, I went "Hrm," and the longer the game went without a pronoun, the more sure I was. The funny thing is, at some point an NPC (I want to say the Twi'lek that speaks Basic, but I'm not positive) does refer to Revan as a he, but the subtitles were pronounless. I assumed the voice-file was badly proofed or whatever, rather than an invalidation of my growing suspicions.


On the other hand, if you saw Malak consistently referred to as "he" but Revan referred to as "zie" I think that would be an even bigger tip-off.



Edit to contribute to the actual topic :"> :


I think I like Revan as a Scout -> Consular. A solid base of general skills, topped off with an incredible skill with the Force. Malak is a Soldier-Guardian, definitely. I'm not sure about the Exile. I generally play Sentinel -> Watchman, but that's more my own playing style than anything. I don't have a very good read on the exile, really. She's just kind of... there, for most of the game.


i think Revan was Jedi consular, he has a lot of power!! and because he has nice robes!


Malak??? of course Guardian, he was brute and uncontrolable!, anyone knows how malak lose his "teeth???"

i think Revan was Jedi consular, he has a lot of power!! and because he has nice robes!


Malak??? of course Guardian, he was brute and uncontrolable!, anyone knows how malak lose his "teeth???"


Malak lost his "teeth" as you put it ,against Revan when they fought to see who the Dark Lord of the Sith would be. lucasarts/lucas himself said/put that it was Revan who did that. and if you think that isnt possible cause they were friends....dont forget, Malak turned on Revan, as seen in KotoR I, Sith dont have friends. Everyone is out to get you and you them. just how Sith are.



as for the OP.


Malak was by far a Guardian turned evil. he has strength, brute force, and a lack of impulse control as seen in KotoR I.


Revan was more then likely a consular. why? Revan is ranked as #9 of the 19 strongest Sith of all time (Palpatine being 1 cause of the Kyber Crystal and Revan' s rank is probably lower then it should be cause Revan brushed death and only a whisper remained after the saving of Revan done by Bastila). as for skill with a saber/sword. in truth, what you train to be has nothing to do with it. look at the over-sized lawn orniment(sp?) Yoda. Yoda was a consular and we saw that little thing and his sword skills.


http://www.supershadow.com/starwars/powerful_sith.html for the ranking

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