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Adding my little 2 cents in here.

Malak,Bastila, and Revan are illusions.When you enter the area to the tomb,it is showing you how your character chose to go to the Mandalorian Wars.Another illusion inside is:in the war,you gave your troops orders to charge through a mine field.Now these illusions are a test to see if you would make the same choices again or not.If you choose the opposite you want change the present,it's only a test.

Another illusion is:Atton confronts Kreia,she's annoyed by him,then Bao Dur,T3,and someone else joins in and you are given a choice to either tell Kreia to back off,or to tell your other members to back off,either way they attack you,again it's only an illusion,a test.

Another illusion:you enter a room and Revan attacks you,he doesnt speak,just attacks,but again it's only a illusion,you're not fighting the real Revan.


They cannot kill you so that automatically throws the ghost theory out of the window.That and the fact that Revan is not dead so he cannot be a ghost(read below).


Darth Traya:I have no clue on this one because it is explained that Traya pretty much chose that name because your character betrayed her.I don't exactly remember what was said,but it had the word "BETRAYAL" in it.Look at that word and you will see.Question is:if Kreia is Traya,how did you betray her?If Atris is Traya,how did you betray her?There is way too much story info in this game for me to keep up with everything so I could have missed something on that.


Mandalore is Candarous.The voice gives that away.


Revans fate:at the end,you can ask Kreia what happened to Revan,and she says he went to look for another Sith planet or something like that.


Now on to one of the things that really bothered me.

Nihilus:they made him sound like he is the most badass dude ever.Saying he feeds on all life around him.Kreia and Visas explains all this.Now what pissed me off was that you could actually kill him.They made him seem unstoppable,like no matter how powerful you are,he would be just as powerful because he feeds off all life and force around him.If he feeds off the force in people/planets,then he would be uber powerful when you are fighting him,thus feeding his strength making him more powerful than you,but yet you kill him.

But I'm just glad he was not Revan because that would have seriously pissed me off and I would've stopped playing the game and traded it in,might sound dumb but that's how I feel about it.


Edited to add:the guide has many mistakes in it.One mistake in particular:they said when you defeat the Revan illusion,you can check his remains,there was nothing on the floor,no remains of any kind after I beat it.


Whew, I just finished,...


This is as light side with Revan being lightside in KOTOR-1


Bastilla is still alive and she and Carth want to know if you have any idea where Revan is.


Revan left them because he slowly got his memory and became to realize he still had a war to wage. Revan was basically building both the Sith and Jedi to be able to face the true Sith Empire who live in the outer regions and is waiting to destroy the Republic. Revan has gone to fight the war alone.


Mandalore is in fact Canderous, Kreia says he is still loyal to Revan.


Most of the character are force sensitive, Kreia mentions them as the new foundation of the jedi.


Altris isn't Traya. To make a long story short Kreia sats that Traya (sith lord of betrayal) has to always exist and basically makes Altris realize she has replaced Kreia as Traya.


Had a strange side plot with the droids towards the end that they never cut back to (It'll be in the PC version as well as soem cut scenes they seemed to skip over, I'll assume)



Kreia tells you the future. The Exile leaves to join Revan in his war. And is seen as the leader of sorts for the new Jedi Order.


Brianna the Handmaiden stays behind as the council's historian. Like Viper mentioned they never go into the backstory of the side characters and we never get a reveal on who Brianna's mother was.


Canderous has many battles left.


Mira wasn't born to be a huntress despite who her true father was (Yeah, they don't reveal who he is either) qand lives a long life and dies saving others.


Atton will be fine (Kreia goes into no details) and his true name is never revealed, nor is his force abilities.


Visas returns to her homeworld and Kreia can't see Visas' future.






First of all the first game was too easy, and the sequel is WAY easier than the original. Its painfully easy. I never even had the slight risk of losing a battle and I don't think I'm some super-human player. Its just too frickin' easy.



I enjoyed the game, though after finishing it I'd say it isn't quite the smash the first one was. The problem with it was the same problem a lot of people had with the Matrix sequels. The first half(Matrix 2) was great and hinted at a larger mystery and a ton of revelations down the line. Then the 3rd part(Matrix 3) proceeds to answer none of those questions and replaces it with a non-styop battle sequence and when that sequence is done, the movie is over and you're scratching your head wondering why it has so many plot points left hanging.


The dialogue thing REALLY irks you by the time you're towards the end of the game and was tempting me to stop playing by sheer annyance factor.


Another problem is that this game is perhaps the arch-enemy of power gamers. It just has no rhyme or reason at times. Instead of having the benefit of the shops that you could visit, etc. you get random events like fighting at the end alone and having random items like Dominator gloves, GMC belts, and cool un-seen items pop out of b-class Sith and by that time you're not caring. Another example is how you never find a silver crystal until you're alone in Kreia's lair.


By the time I got all the pieces for HK I'm on the last leg and he NEVER got used.


So the final break down is that whereas Sith Lords is a huge improvement in aspects of item and weapon designing, force powers, fighting styles, clothing and other things we all were begging for on the bioware forums.. it also takes a big step back on aspects that the original did good on. Ie Having an overall plan, placing items where you can get them and USE them for a bit, giving the characters a past and most importantly dialogue.


I enjoyed the game a lot, but it makes no sense to give Mira, Atton Rand, the Handmaiden, the Droids and Bao all sub-plots if you have zero intention of ever resolving them. If the original was an A+ on my scale, the sequel is probably a strong B, (oh and WTF was with the ending?.. I know we all begged to lose the cheesy ceremony, but damn)

Whew, I just finished,...


Revan left them because he slowly got his memory and became to realize he still had a war to wage. Revan was basically building both the Sith and Jedi to be able to face the true Sith Empire who live in the outer regions and is waiting to destroy the Republic. Revan has gone to fight the war alone.



Wait, so the Sith that appear in KOTOR I & II

aren't true Sith, but a "Sith" or pseudo Sith started by Revan to defeat the Mandalorians and strength the Republic/Jedi, either by conquering it or making it stronger? And the true Sith, which should be either remnants of the Exar Kun War, or the few leftovers of the original Sith species or both are out there, waiting?


If that's correct that would explain Canderous comment on KOTOR I that the Sith came to the Mandalorians with an offer, to fight the Republic, and that the Sith sealed themselves on their Empire.


So Revan, Malak and the Sith lords in KOTOR II weren't true Dark Lords of the Sith?


Heh, Kotor 3. Some Jedi and some "Sith" fighting against the Sith. :thumbsup:


Revan left them because he slowly got his memory and became to realize he still had a war to wage. Revan was basically building both the Sith and Jedi to be able to face the true Sith Empire who live in the outer regions and is waiting to destroy the Republic. Revan has gone to fight the war alone.


So your saying no matter if we choose him being dark or light that is what happen to revan. That he is out fighting a war against other "sith"?

Whew, I just finished,...


Revan left them because he slowly got his memory and became to realize he still had a war to wage. Revan was basically building both the Sith and Jedi to be able to face the true Sith Empire who live in the outer regions and is waiting to destroy the Republic. Revan has gone to fight the war alone.



Wait, so the Sith that appear in KOTOR I & II

aren't true Sith, but a "Sith" or pseudo Sith started by Revan to defeat the Mandalorians and strength the Republic/Jedi, either by conquering it or making it stronger? And the true Sith, which should be either remnants of the Exar Kun War, or the few leftovers of the original Sith species or both are out there, waiting?


If that's correct that would explain Canderous comment on KOTOR I that the Sith came to the Mandalorians with an offer, to fight the Republic, and that the Sith sealed themselves on their Empire.


So Revan, Malak and the Sith lords in KOTOR II weren't true Dark Lords of the Sith?


Heh, Kotor 3. Some Jedi and some "Sith" fighting against the Sith. ;)



so some one has finally seen the light.


Ya the story seems amzing but so scwerd at the same time which in this case is good.


For those not willing to read Ryan's long (but well-written) post, I will summarize.


Jedi Masters meet on Dantooine. They try to cut you off from the force, Kreia kills them.


Handmaiden becomes Jedi, Atris later tries to kill her.


Atris has been tainted by the darkside, you can kill her or let her be killed by the Sith holocrons.


All of your friends = future jedi, who will lay the groundwork for the Jedi of the coming generations.


Carth and Bastila are alive. They talk to you before you go to the final planet, Malachor V, the site of the Mandalorian War battle that stripped you of the force and left the force with a mortal wound.


Kreia = Darth Traya. Stop arguing that. She manipulated the whole game because you are the one one who can bring death to the force. She hates the force, so she hopes she can break you and kill it.


Darth Nihilus is a pushover. Because you are a hole in the force, he tries to devour you and ends up eating part of himself. Visas unmasks him, but you do not get to see his face.


Darth Sion learns the error of his ways before he dies.


Mandalore is Canderous.


I know Rvan was the dark lord of the sith and all that and the plot that you find out that you are the dark lord in KOTOR... butnow with your new PC mentioned above saying that there was a big hole in the force it sounded like this new PC is much more then Revan ever was or more as important as Revan....oh by golly I am sooooo looking fowar to this game....




its like if you are ripped from the force...the force gets ripped too..so ok where would your new PC stand with Revan...would he be stronger then Revan or as strong as Revan?


Well that's the weird thing. Kreia pointed out that Revan's true power was that he had an ability to influence othrs through the force to make them follow him. The Exile also has this ability and by being the first jedi ever to choose to cut himself off from the force his power has grown and changed by that. Every time he kills someone or the such his power is fed (cool explanation on why you get stronger through the game) and Kreia hoped he would be just like Revan, but she admits at the end that the exile is different. But she does say that the Exile should go and follow Revan, so I assume Revan is still atronger.


And no, you see Carth's fleet arrive but no big fleet battle.



this is all from light side BTW, I'm starting a darkside game today and also changing my initial response so that Revan was evil in the first game.


I believe Kreia said that you can be more powerful because you was cut off from the force and you got back in touch with it.Said some crap like once a person gets cut off from the force and then regains that connection,that person will be stronger in the force because they learned to live without it.


*response to entire thread*




Oh my gosh.


I'm sorry but if everything that is being said is true then this game's storyline is APPALLING.


I suspected as much when Chronicle IX was put up and had crap about "Jedi Master Revan" when he was clearly referred to as "a young Jedi Knight" in KotOR but I chose to think "well, some of these guys brought us Planescape:Torment, so they know what they're doing" but *seriously*!!! Doesn't anyone else (those who have read the blanked out spoilers) find the plot absolutely ridiculous?


Well, this just makes me want to weep- I was really anti KotOR II when I first heard about it, but over time came to be really excited about it and thought "hey, what I've heard of the plot sounds pretty awesome actually" but now... omg, it's terrible.


I just hope beyond hope that all the stuff being posted is made up because it's just pathetic. Sadly, I think it's true.


I mean, come oooon - some of the stuff I've read today sounds like bad fanficiton and is unstarwarsy as you could possibly get, as opposed to Bioware, who focused on a simple plot that was remniscent of the classic movies.


Anyway, I will still buy this game and see for myself. The optimistic part of me hopes that the plot in practise isn't as bad as it sounds here, but I haven't got much hope anymore.


Dammit, why did I come to the spoilers forum? At least before I could have come to this conclusion after finishing the game.


everyone has their own views about something. I never really truly get all into a game review. if I want to know how it really is, I'll play the game myself and not read the things others people have said to heart. I still have hopes that I'll enjoy the game in February.


It is my observation that people complain about everything. I remember after I beat K1 and visited the forums for the first time, I saw so many people complaining about things I thought were good. And I though it was redicoulous.


From what I gathered so far the game story is good... People are generally complaining about the ending which was not "Happy Ending" and is a cliffhanger. This intern puts a bad taint on the game in general... But I will only know once I play it.


Nah, the endings I've heard about aren't my major gripe.


It'll prolly end up with me loving the game and doing everything I can to defend it's story, but right at this moment: from what I'm hearing (particularly in this thread) the story just sounds messed up and rather silly.


One thing I *really* dislike is being TOLD stuff about Revan's past. I don't want to know, Revan was my PC thankyou very much, I don't want you telling me that his much vaunted charisma was actually all force manipulation... that just sucks.



I thought Treya was Kreia?




I agree. Mandalore says he is a member of the "Ordo clan" Ordo was Canderous' last name. It is the same voice actor, that's for sure.



Bastilla is dead with Malak, im not there yet but u have a talk with their ghosts


No, those are NOT ghosts on Korriban. It is simply a flashback to the past. Bastilla is very much alive, as she made an appearance IN THE FLESH in my game. She is there on Telos with Carth.


Kreai is a trader but not really, she used to be a sith, as movie shows, but she hates the force and wants you to kill her


True, but I never really understood this part of the story, it makes no sense to me. Why doesnt she just kill herself?


The disciple is only for women players while handmaiden is for male characters


Disciple? You mean Visas? Visas can indeed be in your party as a male. I was a male and she fell in love with me and we had a romance dialogue.



And i dont think Kreia is blind, but she does lose her hand.


She is blind. She says as much.


Have you really even played the game, dude? You don't seem to be following it too well.

I thought Treya was Kreia?

She is, at least for a LS Female (with Raven being the same). Why there is so much going around that Atris is Darth Traya is confusing.



I agree. Mandalore says he is a member of the "Ordo clan" Ordo was Canderous' last name. It is the same voice actor, that's for sure.

I'm a 100% sure. It's Candorous.


Bastilla is dead with Malak, im not there yet but u have a talk with their ghosts

No, those are NOT ghosts on Korriban. It is simply a flashback to the past. Bastilla is very much alive, as she made an appearance IN THE FLESH in my game. She is there on Telos with Carth.

Only if you are male, and perhaps only if you are Light Side as well. This would explain some of the confusion, but it certainly is still annoying that people toss out "she's dead" and "he's dead" when we all know there are so many differences between the paths.


Kreai is a trader but not really, she used to be a sith, as movie shows, but she hates the force and wants you to kill her

True, but I never really understood this part of the story, it makes no sense to me. Why doesnt she just kill herself?

I don't understand this at all. She is supposedly trying to destroy the galaxy one second, with you as the key to the destruction, and then she just falls over and life goes on. WTF!?


The disciple is only for women players while handmaiden is for male characters

Disciple? You mean Visas? Visas can indeed be in your party as a male. I was a male and she fell in love with me and we had a romance dialogue.

No, he means Disciple. It isn't "the desciple", his name is Desciple.


Is the fate of Yuthura Ban revealed in the game? She was my favourite character from KOTOR1.



Ulicus i dont mean to say it outright but ur a dumbass, kotor2 is, looking at the plot a filler like the 2nd matrix movie, and will tie together with kotor3, so thats why the plot doesnt entirely make sense. Its probly the smartest move for a starwars game that makes me think that lucas should never touch a starwars game again, or his developers.


I just finished it as a LS female with a LS female Revan, as well. Below are mostly female-ending specific spoilers:











* Carth is alive and well. In what is one of the most well-acted, most emotional scenes ever seen in a video game, right after Darth Sion's ship blows up you have a conversation with Carth. He thanks you for allowing him to save Telos this time (yay, a little redemption!) and then asks if you ever saw Revan in your wanderings in the outer Rim. When you tell him no, he basically says that if you go back there and see her, to please give her a message for him... that "Carth Onasi is waiting for you. "


It seriously had me in tears for about three minutes (yes, I am a woman :p) and I have no idea what happened in all the cutscenes after that, the next thing I knew, when I looked up, I was on Malachor V. :p Anyway, no matter what my opinions on the rest of the game, bravo for that scene, Devs. Very well done.


* Kreria says outright at the ending that Mandalore is Canderous.


* She also says that both Atton and Disciple loved you. Disciple has a pure, worshipful love and ends up on the Jedi council, and he never forgets you. Atton has a fool's love and is protected by the force for the rest of his life, and that even he knew that he had nothing to offer you, so he never followed up on his feelings for you.


* She says that you basically HAVE TO make the same choice that Revan did, apparenlty you guys get choices? We don't, she basically tells you to go to the outer rim and help Revan with her war against the true Sith. She says that Revan knew she had to leave those she loved behind (she says it would have been easier for Carth if Revan had made him understand, but even a hero of the Republic with all his courage can't help Revan where she went) and that if Carth had gone with her, they both would have fallen into darkness.


* We don't see Bastilla at ALL. (At least, I didn't.)


Um, I think that's all I can think of that might be female specific.


You know, there's an awful lot of confusion over several plot devices (ie. Darth Treya, etc.)


May I suggest that with different Revan beginnings (Light/Dark, Male/Female) and idfferent beginnings and behaviors of the PC in the game, that different things can happen?

"You shall not pass!"
* Carth is alive and well.  In what is one of the most well-acted, most emotional scenes ever seen in a video game, right after Darth Sion's ship blows up you have a conversation with Carth.  He thanks you for allowing him to save Telos this time (yay,  a little redemption!) and then asks if you ever saw Revan in your wanderings in the outer Rim.  When you tell him no, he basically says that if you go back there and see her, to please give her a message for him... that "Carth Onasi is waiting for you. "


It seriously had me in tears for about three minutes (yes, I am a woman :p) and I have no idea what happened in all the cutscenes after that, the next thing I knew, when I looked up, I was on Malachor V. :p  Anyway, no matter what my opinions on the rest of the game, bravo for that scene, Devs.  Very well done.


My Revan was male, so I didn't see that scene, but it certainly sounds great (No, I'm *not* a woman :p). I think the ending could have used the kind of hope that Carth expressed - even if it's never fated to be.

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