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Pillars of Eternity based MMO game


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Hello, Imagine a MMO based in Eora, you can create your character, complete quests and all stuff, a PVP,a CO-OP mode, boss killing mode, bounty hunter and contracts, etc. I mean, I have seen many MMO games but I would really like to see something from Pillars of Eternity with anual subscription.


Who likes the idea?

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Could be a great idea, MMOs are big time sinks though and I probably couldn't justify playing it unless I convinced a lot of friends to joined me. I bet it would take off better if Obs made a 3D action/adventure rpg first. Which would establish the franchise a bit wider. I don't think Obsidian has quite the reach of Square, and FF14 is the only real MMO to chip away at WoW. I don't think TES:O is anything to model on.


If Microsoft does buy them, it could be quite successful. It would need to avoid in any wanky PC client that Microsoft tries to push though.

Edited by injurai
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Could be a great idea, MMOs are big time sinks though and I probably couldn't justify playing it unless I convinced a lot of friends to joined me. I bet it would take off better if Obs made a 3D action/adventure rpg first. Which would establish the franchise a bit wider. I don't think Obsidian has quite the reach of Square, and FF14 is the only real MMO to chip away at WoW. I don't think TES:O is anything to model on.


If Microsoft does buy them, it could be quite successful. It would need to avoid in wanky PC client that Microsoft tries to push though.

I honestly don't like the idea because they would like to enforce the game to not be sold via GOG galaxy anymore... I think that they will try to enforce us to use the xbox platform to play it and also to remove steam from the vendors.

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It would probably work just as well as Old Republic did - so not at all. Personally never cared for an MMO. Those like RPG, but designed to waste your time and suck as much money as possible, while providing little engaging content. Oh and bunch of folk running around and doing the same quests as you, killing any resemblance of immersion and believable narrative. 

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While I think Pillars could in theory be a good MMO franchise, I also think Obsidian is probably not the right shop to build an MMO out given where their strengths lie. Too many resources would be diverted away from their signature and I think it would cripple them unless they had a huge cash injection from someone like Microsoft.


Assuming they stay independent, and MMO might over-stretch their Pillars IP which they own outright. Best to not water it down too much, and MMOs have a tendency to do that as long as the MMO is still successful enough. Plus they tend to demand a lot of ongoing content support.


Other than an ideal vision of what that game would look like, the more I think about it the more I think it's not prudent or practical for Obsidian and the Pillars franchise. It would distract from the core that built up Pillars to what it is.

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A pvp oriented tactical RPG game could work. Each player could manage a group of 5 characters, fighting in a comp of 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. A mix of moba and dnd... a tight and neat UI coupled with the graphics engine of pillars.

Edited by Vorad
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Incredibly, incredibly, incredibly expensive with years and years of investment required (before & after release) from a studio with no real history of massive AAA success or MMO expertise.


It has a pretty high chance of killing Obsidian.

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A pvp oriented tactical RPG game could work. Each player could manage a group of 5 characters, fighting in a comp of 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. A mix of moba and dnd... a tight and neat UI coupled with the graphics engine of pillars.

This would be a good way to balance out Tyranny, PillE and PillE II and set a groundwork for PillE III. Strongly recommended to Obsidian.


Oh, Stoic had gone that way: Multiplayer-spinoff first so it´s secured that the combat systems work well...

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Honestly, I think Pillars should stay simgle player. It excels at that.

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Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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I'm inherently wary of things like multiplayer and MMOs because it's a strong sign of a developer going in a generic, dumbed down ("streamlined"), mainstream direction. Which usually is a sign that they're going to dump attempts at quality or trying new things.


So I'd be against it on those terms. If it didn't affect them or the games, I probably wouldn't play it, but I wouldn't mind that it exists or anything.

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PoE is still a young series with less than a decade beneath its belt. Sure its setting has some interesting aspects, but settings with interesting aspects are a dime a dozen. Part of the allure of the series is both its setting, the presentation, and the gameplay - making it into an modern MMO would require so many changes that really only the first aspect would be preserved.


Furthermore the PoE is a niche game - it may have done fine due to being crowdfunded, not requiring truly massive amounts of resources to make, and targeting its niece heavily, but it is still niche - MMO are unsustainable if they are only niche.


For me it seems like MMOs stopped being an amazing growth industry many years ago - or at the very least, they stopped being this exciting new thing that we all talked about. To stand out as an MMO you either need to be an old incumbent (which a PoE MMO cannot be), or make a big splash when entering the market to capture a sustainable slice of the pie - I am having a hard time seeing this happening for a PoE MMO.


So it is an incredibly expensive and time consuming multiplayer effort that is going up against well established players in a market that whose adoption rate has slowed significantly by a game studio that is mostly famed for its single player products and has a history for teetering on the edge of bankruptcy way to often.


I don't think a PoE MMO would be a good idea.


If people want to play in Eora with other people over the internet, I feel that the Tabletop RPG sawyer is cooking up would be a better (and far less risky) proposition.

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I swore off MMOs many years back, so this would have no appeal for me. I need for my games to have pause buttons, so I can deal with real life concerns at a moment's notice. I used to play Everquest back in the early 2000's, and this game became a problem after I got married.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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