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Nvidia RTX Series


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^ I should note that the whole reason I went to higher end gpu's was because of longevity re: higher game settings.
If you buy high end nvidia it's typical that a couple generation series later, the "lower end" ends up being kinda like what used to be higher end 2-3 gens ago.

But I really don't want to give nvida 2k+ for a stupid gpu. $1400 for the 2080ti 5 years ago was bad enough, even tho I've liked that gpu/it's served me very well (I've only played 4k since I bought it).

tripleEdit: it's not at all about affordability for me. It's consumer principle at this point + less gaming interest. I just want to play on a giant 4k screen. >.>

Edited by LadyCrimson
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Games have different failure modes for running out of VRAM. Some may at least gracefully dial back texture quality dynamically, which sometimes might not be noticeable. But others aren't nearly as well-prepared for it and become a stutter-fest.

Funny thing about the 4070 Ti in the first place is that I think it's a card they're struggling to sell. It's one of the two older models in the family, the other being the original 4070 GDDR6X version. The Super variants were released later, and the 4070 Super ended up being a 5-10% slower Ti, but with the same VRAM and for around 20% less money. Mind you it's the same again with the Ti Super, 5-10% faster than the Ti for 20% more money, though at least you also get 4GB extra VRAM this time, unlike going from a Super to a Ti.

At any rate, I don't think it's a card you should fear missing out on, mainly because it's hardly a paragon of value in the first place. The 5070 will have it covered easily, and even with AMD abandoning the high-end, the 7900 XT is already faster than it for the same price, so you can infer that their replacement for that card will also be a suitable alternative.


(Note that prices are based on what I've seen locally, so the pricing gaps might not be representative. The Super is around $900AUD here, then add $200 AUD for each successive step up)


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17 hours ago, Humanoid said:

The same thing has already happened multiple times in recent memory, so it's nothing new really. Is it really any different to just 5 years ago with the 5700 XT, a decade ago with the RX 480, and going further back, the 3870? Doesn't feel like it. The mainstream gamer will be find and well catered for by whichever products they'll likely release.

They try to create a halo product that matches nVidia's best when they can, but if they're way behind in a particular generation, they don't bother. Yeah, it hurts the Radeon brand in terms of it increasingly being viewed as just a value product, but it's not like it has much cachet right now even with the existence of the 7900 XTX.

It's their timing and pricing that ****ed them over more than anything. They barely undercut nvidias cards and had less features, so why not spend the extra 100$ and get good ray tracing performance, DLSS and their other features. And they were nowhere to be seen when nvidia released their 30-series cards, since there was nothing to go on, I bought an 600$ 3080, waited for several months for the delivery, and shortly before I took delivery of my card AMD released their products.

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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The spec difference between the 5090 and 5080 is bizarre. kopite7kimi is usually right though, so I guess that is what we're getting.

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