smjjames Posted August 9, 2018 Posted August 9, 2018 Well let's not forget that people are gullible enough to believe anything/everything from the media. At this point, someone can say "Trump murdered 100 people in Africa" and people would believe it. Of course, only to find out they're wrong later and begin searching for the next small sin Trump committed - in an effort to blow it up 100x's more. Such medial tactics can be found displayed on the "Alternative Facts First Network" (CNN, Fox, and many others.) Aside from that though, we are in a desperate age which, being full of desperate people. The majority of the anericas thrives on medial influenced drama in which people will believe anything they are fed. It's the blind leading the blind as paranoia overtakes the weak, no longer wettin the beak but using the freedom of speech for abuse to dictate other's thoughts. We as a people are now rewarded for lies but that's just another reason why I choose not to indulge in such things. Thus, here I am, spreading hope to each and every one of you. My eletism is well deserved as most of you can now see and agree with - fearlessly I speak for many of you, whether you choose to accept it or not. Onwards and upwards, We see more of the downfall amd hypocrisy of the far left as they strive to so call "accept and include" everyone, yet it seems they only accept what benefits their agenda. As one may ask "How Sonic? Hmmm.. That's just Sonic Logic." Well, open your eyes and ears folks, I'll take you down THE enlightening stroll! The brainwashimg that the "acceptance of all things" is progression while beimg blimded that it's at the expense of other's freedom when it comes to the opposite side is particularly troublesome. That's just the beginning of course. There is definetly a segment of the left which takes things too far like with the 'safe spaces' (which get taken to ridiculous extremes) and the whole trigger word stuff (the right plays that game too though), I agree with that, however 'the left' is an entire spectrum as is 'the right'. 'The left' though is having something of an identity crisis atm. Also, funny lumping CNN and Fox together, but at least you aren't trying to hold Fox as 'holier than thou' over other networks.
aluminiumtrioxid Posted August 9, 2018 Posted August 9, 2018 My eletism is well deserved 4 "Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."
injurai Posted August 9, 2018 Posted August 9, 2018 PragerU is about unscrupulous of a conservative platform as you can get. It's not hard to criticize a non-negligible segment of the left. Prager is simply a disingenuous platform that has no intellectual output of it's own. I can't believe Peterson and Rubin did a bits for them, it's like all they want are easy cohorts or something.
Malcador Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Well let's not forget that people are gullible enough to believe anything/everything from the media. At this point, someone can say "Trump murdered 100 people in Africa" and people would believe it. Of course, only to find out they're wrong later and begin searching for the next small sin Trump committed - in an effort to blow it up 100x's more. Such medial tactics can be found displayed on the "Alternative Facts First Network" (CNN, Fox, and many others.) Aside from that though, we are in a desperate age which, being full of desperate people. The majority of the anericas thrives on medial influenced drama in which people will believe anything they are fed. It's the blind leading the blind as paranoia overtakes the weak, no longer wettin the beak but using the freedom of speech for abuse to dictate other's thoughts. We as a people are now rewarded for lies but that's just another reason why I choose not to indulge in such things. Thus, here I am, spreading hope to each and every one of you. My eletism is well deserved as most of you can now see and agree with - fearlessly I speak for many of you, whether you choose to accept it or not. Onwards and upwards, We see more of the downfall amd hypocrisy of the far left as they strive to so call "accept and include" everyone, yet it seems they only accept what benefits their agenda. As one may ask "How Sonic? Hmmm.. That's just Sonic Logic." Well, open your eyes and ears folks, I'll take you down THE enlightening stroll! The brainwashimg that the "acceptance of all things" is progression while beimg blimded that it's at the expense of other's freedom when it comes to the opposite side is particularly troublesome. That's just the beginning of course. Case in point about "bull**** you used to only hear in the pub". Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
SonicMage117 Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Exactly. The far left have made it's faults so public at this point that it's now a thing of "What we say goes and whoever doesn't believe us either needs to go or is to stupid to be a part of society as it is being shaped to our will." type of sith absolute mentality. It's a delisional setup but I'll teuly be impressed if a.) we ever see the far left ever come back to reality or b.) Democrats as a whole adopts the far left mentality and has any success with it, turning the amaericas into a socialist country. As Gifted1 said, it probably won't ever since too many have accepted "triggered" as the norm. Part of me wants a far left demo to win the next election round though so we can see how bad things get, it would be fun to see demos whine about how much more it would be screwed up with one of their own in chair and unaware. I mean, the far right is guilty of its own stuff too as ssjames said, I cannot deny this but that far left with people who joke around about assassinating the Pres but then coward behind the "Oh, we were just using our freedom of speech!" We must give them the best stand-up comic award, their display of ignorance is equal to the average forum members who claim to have knowledge on the subject - but then go to google to win an argument on something they don't like or disagree with. At a time, people could talk politics and legalistics-attornal logistics with rationale and intelligence instead of relying on media news outlets or the internet... I miss those days #Nostalgia #80sBaby #WeOld Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother? What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest. Begone! Lest I draw my nail...
Katphood Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Ahmadinejad has sent a letter to Trump: ' Dear Donald J. Trump, I know it must be tough to be the president of the United States of America, especially under the current circumstances. But what I am about to share is something I cannot categorize myself, so I simply think of it as a wish: I wish I were still the president of Iran, so we could take a big fat dump on this planet, together! Hand in hand! Sincerely yours, Mahmoud.' There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
smjjames Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 (edited) I wouldn't be surprised if the pendulum swung so hard to the other side that we get someone who is roughly a polar opposite of Trump on the political spectrum. If not 2020, then maybe 2024. Many of the potential contenders seem a bit left of Clinton (or are moving in that direction, though a whole lot of it is just jockeying for position), but the only one who is in any way a potential candidate that is as far left as Bernie Sanders is Bernie Sanders himself. However, that Avenatti lawyer says he's prepping a 2020 run, so, who knows who'll show up. Given that the Democrats are filling their bench back up again this year and in 2020, those who become elected this year and in 2020 could show up as candidates in 2024, so, who knows who will show up then. edit: Lol Katphood. Trump and Ahmendijad would definetly be an... interesting, dynamic. Edited August 10, 2018 by smjjames
SonicMage117 Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 (edited) That's pretty awesome lmao Edit: I'm hoping he means nukes and not an actual dump? Edited August 10, 2018 by SonicMage117 Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother? What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest. Begone! Lest I draw my nail...
injurai Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 I'm thinking Sanders will run, but we may see him drop out if there is another non-establishment favorite. At any case, his endorsement will be huge come 2020. If he is still the leading candidate I personally want to see a Sanders/Gabbard ticket. If Sanders only takes one term then when can get Tulsi Gabbard in in 2024.
smjjames Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 He'll definetly have a major role as kingmaker/queenmaker since that database of his from the 2016 election will be a valuable asset. Hope it doesn't get too Game of Thrones in the Democrat primaries, though I expect it to be crowded and fierce.
SonicMage117 Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 (edited) It's really sad that freedom of speech is so one-sided and double standard though... Glad he won actually. "It's really something now, how liberals want to silence conservatives" "Can you blame them?" "Yes. They aim to earn their rights by stealing others" "You mean the people who're fighting for equality and rights?" "Liberals are the people fighting for equality and rights eh? Not the military, not the soldiers who gave their lives on the battlefield or veterens of our nation? Sure, you go ahead and believe that." Edited August 10, 2018 by SonicMage117 Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother? What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest. Begone! Lest I draw my nail...
injurai Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 He'll definetly have a major role as kingmaker/queenmaker since that database of his from the 2016 election will be a valuable asset. Hope it doesn't get too Game of Thrones in the Democrat primaries, though I expect it to be crowded and fierce. If the Dems end up recreating the 2016 GOP circus of nobody dropping out late into the 11th hour of the primaries, then they in some manner deserve a second loss for shear ineptitude. I don't think the smoke will ever clear from hardline Clinton supporters, but hopeful they and their haze will fade into a background dominated by new and more popular actors.
Guard Dog Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 I had dinner with some friends tonight. I don't normally discuss politics in social settings (you guys get the brunt of that) . But it came up tonight. I was, as you might expect, very critical of the man. Nothing all of you haven't heard from me. My friends wife got a little indignant and said "can't you think of anything positive to say about him?" I replied "Sure. Thank God it's not Hillary Clinton". 4 "While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before" Thomas Sowell
Malcador Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Did you also remind them you voted for Johnson ? 2 Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
Guard Dog Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Did you also remind them you voted for Johnson ? Yeah I heard all about my wasted vote. They are both deep red Republicans. Finding a Republican in TN is like finding a bee in a beehive. You don't need to look hard. 1 "While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before" Thomas Sowell
Gfted1 Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Dangit, I was hoping I could ride the wave of ridiculous improbability into a Powerball win. I am disappoint. "I'm your biggest fan, Ill follow you until you love me, Papa"
HoonDing Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Magic Johnson would be a good president. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
Gromnir Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 PragerU is about unscrupulous of a conservative platform as you can get. It's not hard to criticize a non-negligible segment of the left. Prager is simply a disingenuous platform that has no intellectual output of it's own. I can't believe Peterson and Rubin did a bits for them, it's like all they want are easy cohorts or something. the video is kinda misleading. is not wrong, but is misleading. US liberals, in general, has become increasing dismissive o' fundamental rights. extreme cases such as antifa is becoming less extreme and more mainstream 'mongst liberals. am gonna quibble 'bout the right o' a seller to refuse to sell to anybody for any reason as such is covered by civil rights LEGISLATION and were addressed, in part, during the 60s... thank goodness. gauche to quote self, but... but again, the video is correct 'bout liberals, in general, being less dedicated to preserving fundamental rights... though am thinking "progressive" label is also misleading. however, the notion o' conservatives being the new protectors o' such rights is equal misleading. a disturbing large % o' conservatives, following the lead o' their president, has decided the media is the enemy o' the people and has even called for journalists to be jailed for scurrilous articles. a large % o' conservatives supported the muslim ban and were equal invested in a border wall 'cause o' the rapist and murderous tendencies o' mexicans as described by trump. progressive? am thinking not. reaction 'mongts the 30% conservative trump base to charlottesville were hardly progressive. sure, support free speech is okie dokie, but when was the last time a republican President or Presidential candidate failed to take an opportunity to make clear their disgust o' white supremacists? go ahead and tell bob dole or george h. w. bush how progressive it is to be getting the neo-nazi vote. a tax cut which primarily benefits the rich, thus increasing income disparity is progressive? the problem ain't liberals and conservatives. the problem is Americans. traditional American values has, in recent years, been eroded as political polarization increased. libertarians and an increasing small % o' liberals and conservatives is fighting a rearguard action 'gainst the willful diminution and marginalization o' fundamental rights. try and paint liberals or conservatives as the bad guy is only contributing to a far more pervasive problem. as soon as some arse jack blames republicans or democrats (or some other group dujour) for what is in truth a general, widespread and growing problem, you should feel free to criticize the pundit as the equivalent o' a p00p hurling primate with anger issues. as such, the video guy ain't wrong, but he is also so wrong on so many levels. Americans gotta take notice and gotta take responsibility. ain't a "them" who is at fault, but is us, as a whole, who is failing America. where is loretta castorini when we need her? HA! Good Fun! 1 "If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927) "Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)
injurai Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 The criticism was towards PragerU not towards Rubin's musings on leftist failings. I've seen enough Rubin to know where he is weak in his articulations, and I know Prager wants sound bites that will land blows against liberalism / the left / progressives / etc. Rubin's friends largely are able to articulate those distinctions while he himself often cannot. Which is why it's painfully obvious how Rubin's message is concerted by Prager's motives. They are that very ill-liberal conservative platform that erodes civil liberties and rights under a guise. Glad you could get your rant in though.
SonicMage117 Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 (edited) I like how people blame Trump for others' poor behavior and decisions. Blame Trump for Trump. He makes it easy but blaming Trump for stuff like Trudeau and co's poor use of social media or the left's call for violence or businesses being forced or not forced to serve certain people being okay if the target is disliked by them. That's on them. Trump's scummy behavior is on him. CAPICHE? Oh my, reminds me of when... Clinton had an affair with his secretary, lied under oath - It's cool. Trump had a sexual encounter with a porn star - it's not the old days anymore so it's not cool, it's suddenly creepy lol There seems to be a common way of doing things now which is - "Let's tear down the man any way we can, down to his tiny hands and oompa loompa hair and skin tone. How the hell can he hold all that money with those tiny orange paws anyway? Wait.. Degrading the president isn't enough, let's get his wife and children. C'mon, they're the spawn if satan! His son's girlfriend is hotter than mine, what the... what world are we living in? Uggghh... There's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun (Although I'm too cowardly to admit to being 100% serious!)" There's a noticible pattern to these types, when things get to hot they're just "joking" but when they're with people who agree and no signs of reprecautions, they're serious and the more below the belt, the better. Point being, they blame his family for being related to him or his wife for marrying him. I don't take anything by those people too seriously. If Mileena wears a suit, she's secretly lesbian, if she wears a dress, she's sending a negative message to women and so forth. This is 2018, where the voters grill and eat tide pods. We should expect no less, after all. Is it really that harmless? Or are people too ignorant to realize that it damages the morale of the people and makes the americas look like even more of a joke to the outside world and it's forbidden kingdoms? Well, that's not for anyone here to decide but I will say it's the latter. Moving on, seems like we now see that treason is being excused and/or pardoned by freedom of speech so why not let everything else go through as well? Or let me guess, more double-standard culture for the sake of "Look at me, look at how I have helped our society, as it were, progress!" Eh... The stupidity is cringe worthy all of in itself as are the people who support this leading to the true downfall of moralism and the true progression of american society and culture. A dapper folk like meself wouldn't dabble in such nonsense but that is just me. Is it really that funny or are people just desperate enough to validate themselves anyhow they however can? Hint: The latter but at least Trump shakes it off or fires back so we don't need to worry about him too much. More than often the criticisms are only found spreading like a wild-fire through the internet by people not using their real names or even on Facebook WITH their real names (after all, you leave a comment and someone disagrees with you and calls you out, you can just block them ad protext your rep, don't want the friends and fam to see ya gettin owned huehue), this is nothing new. So it's amazing to me that people will not be afraid if they are covered but less likely to do so in a public area (in person) with strangers in the same fashion. Now, which gives them an excuse of not being the far left because they don't attend the impeaching march/other protestant meetings - which don't have any affect on the peoples or the government anyways. "The peoples voice" has always been in vain and none of that has changed. Oh and don't get me started on the Republicans who say "The world is going to end soon" but then do everything in their power to keep it from happening lol But that's another day. Today it's about the other folk. Now then, since my point has been well made, I assume opposition from the corner of treason. I shall remain in the corner of eternal justice, backed by patriable reasoning to the point. 3...2...1... GO-gurt!!! Edited August 10, 2018 by SonicMage117 Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother? What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest. Begone! Lest I draw my nail...
HoonDing Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Trump's just ashamed he had to pay for it. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
213374U Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 (edited) Trump's just ashamed he had to pay for it. I think he's more ashamed of Stormy's account of his performance than anything. "Textbook generic" and "what you'd expect from someone his age", in her words. Edited August 10, 2018 by 213374U - When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.
SonicMage117 Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 Hmmm.. One would think that he's so use to people bashing/insulting him, I don't think he really cares either way. I'm curious, did he ever return insults or have a response, or was she not worth it in his eyes? It seems that even when President Trump returns insults, people seem to think of that as "Our President can't keep his cool, acting like a child again, blah blah" but in reality, he's probably just trollin and laughing all the while people like Stormy and the extremists are genuinely angry and seeking some eligible road toward vengeance. I did notice that she fell in both statistics and ratings quite a bit after the whole ordeal so if it was just or publicity, it has shown only to backfire on her in that sense. Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother? What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest. Begone! Lest I draw my nail...
smjjames Posted August 10, 2018 Posted August 10, 2018 He seems to have mostly stayed clear of the Stormy Daniels stuff, probably at his own lawyers instructions. The Mueller investigation ticks him off a whole lot more than the Stormy Daniels stuff anyway, which has kind of faded somewhat into the background among the noise.
smjjames Posted August 11, 2018 Posted August 11, 2018 (edited) Rep. Chris Collins is suspending his re-election campaign over insider trading allegations. It's not clear what the Republicans are going to do next as he already won the primary and his name is still going to be on the ballot. Short of maybe defaulting the election to his opponent. Also, it's mentioned here that "Under New York law, Collins’ name can be supplanted on the ballot at this stage of the cycle only if he dies, moves out of state or is nominated for another office — like a local judgeship. According to Erie County GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy, the exact mechanisms are still being worked out, but he noted Collins owns houses in Florida and Washington, D.C." and top Republicans in the state are meeting to try and figure out what to do and choose a replacement (maybe the runner up from the primaries seems reasonable). Edited August 11, 2018 by smjjames
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