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Update #53 - Beast of Winter Launch Day

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So I went to my account (where one manages the pledges and all that) in order to redeem my season pass key, and for some reason I have two of those. No idea why. :blink:


People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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So I went to my account (where one manages the pledges and all that) in order to redeem my season pass key, and for some reason I have two of those. No idea why. :blink:


People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier.



So I pledged an extra 20$ for nothing? xD

✔ Certified Bat Food

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So I went to my account (where one manages the pledges and all that) in order to redeem my season pass key, and for some reason I have two of those. No idea why. :blink:

People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier.

So I pledged an extra 20$ for nothing? xD

Give it away. Feels good, man.
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So I went to my account (where one manages the pledges and all that) in order to redeem my season pass key, and for some reason I have two of those. No idea why. :blink:


People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier.



So I pledged an extra 20$ for nothing? xD



Or you can reach out to us through support and we'll give you a refund for the $20.

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On Twitter @MikeyDowling

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So I went to my account (where one manages the pledges and all that) in order to redeem my season pass key, and for some reason I have two of those. No idea why. :blink:

People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier.

So I pledged an extra 20$ for nothing? xD

Give it away. Feels good, man.



I would and yet I still have a copy of PoE to give xD

✔ Certified Bat Food

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It should be possible, yeah. Board your ship and travel around a little; you should get the message pretty soon (that’s what happened to me at any rate.)

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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Where do I find Deck of Many Things?

I got letter from Vatnir. Should I finish Beast of Winter to See this ship?

It’s sailing around Deadfire, waiting for you to find it
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Where do I find Deck of Many Things?

I got letter from Vatnir. Should I finish Beast of Winter to See this ship?

It's a merchant ship (cyan symbol on the world map), but with a named captain. Don't think it has anything to do with Beast of Winter. 


I visited the ship to shop, then I sunk it, got a disappointingly small amount of loot, reloaded, and then murdered the crew to take all the stuff. Tenacious buggers.

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So, this DLC is not part of the Premium Digital reward? I need clarification because GOG Galaxy is very confusing about this stuff. It still wants me to buy the soundtrack, even though i got it as part of my reward a long time ago...

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Very nice indeed. But I am baffled, as I am not understanding how to start this DLC, nor do I seem to find any information on how to start it.


*shrug* I simply reloaded my first character’s pre-endgame save and went to do the expansion.
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The first time you go to your ship after downloading the expansion you'll get a missive. If you're already on your ship just go ashore anywhere and get back on the ship. A good idea is to pop over to the Deck Of Many Things and see what they're selling, then when you get back on your ship you can start Beast Of Winter

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Very sad, DLC is so short.

Island small :[ 

I still did not see snowfall :[

Main quest - 3 different time-lines just awesome!

New armor - cool, but i don’t see new robes :/

New "item for grimoire slot" sorry, i don’t play in eng. version - exactly what is needed for not a wizard class. (need more kind item in basic game)

waiting next DLC, good work!

Keep going!

Edited by White.Kelevra
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Traps are very broken in BOW. End game level 19 party can't detect traps at all vs detecting them pretty much as soon as they came in LOS in base end game content.

Out of curiosity, what's the best PER score in your party?

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Guest Psychovampiric Shield

Will Beasts of Winter be available for Linux? I only see Windows and Mac on GOG.


By now there should be Linux version too. And files do not seem to be corrupted :b

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