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  1. I have had some issues when it comes to questing. I noticed that if I went too fast regarding the dialog, the quests could possibly bug out. Latest is the "Shadows of the Past" quest, where I am unable to do anything since it doesn't register the second trial. I ended up with a 15 minute long fight after talking to the crystal, that just wouldn't end. I have no saves except one that is about an hour behind my playtime. This isn't the first quest where I have had to redo a lot of progress, and again, I think it is due to going too fast through the quests/stories. If you could please implement checks for questprogress, so it can register certain point of the area as a quest progress. I think that would help out a lot regarding this.
  2. Xoti's companion quest Lantern of Gaun is currently bugged in my playthrough. The quest progressed as normal (as I've later checked on wikis and such) and the soul extraction procedure completed successfully, with Xoti being cheerful and "sleeping like a baby" since then. However: - The quest is still in my questbook, on the stage after the worsening nightmares - It continued to update with new adra pillars found - Xoti continued to grab the souls past the procedure - If manually spoken to, the "how are you feeling" dialogue with Xoti is always shown as new, yet no new responses are in that tree if I pursue it As such, Xoti seems to behave as if the quest ended with the "light" ending, but I'm not sure if this unfinished state in the quest log will result in some bizarre flag that makes the quest incomplete for possible sequel export. UPDATE: Epilogues and final talks still worked as if the quest was resolved with the light path. The quest remained as incomplete in the log. The quest was completed on 4.0 version of the game (while I'm still playing that same playthrough on the newest Steam build). Link to the savegame: http://klardendum.com/poe/poe2save.zip As a bonus, two Bounty quests on that same file cannot be completed: Huana's bounty missions cannot be turned in since the start of Act 3 since Barati is simply missing from the game world. RDC bounty missions cannot be turned in (but with the quest not marked as failed) due to me siding with Huana and making the entire district there hostile to me after the quest was complete.
  3. Description: This is a guess at a bug, but when completing Ferry Floatsam the hero LOSES minor reputation with Defiance Bay. This seems to be a mistake. Description: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
  4. Hi folks, I'm stuck on Radio Free Monarch. I think I have everything done but don't see a dialog option with Sanjar Nandi to stop the MSI/Stellar Bay Transmission. Looking at the quest log I have Completed the following: Speak with Nyoka at Stellar Bay Help Nyoka with Her Hangover [Passion Pills] Speak with the Information Broker at Devil's Peak Help the Broke Deal with MSI and the Iconoclasts - is not complete but the stuff below is "BOLT with His Name" "Errors Unseen" "The Commuter" "Pay for the Printer" You were able to put a stop to the Iconoclast transmissions. So it looks to me like everything is done but I can't finish the quest. What am I missing? Thanks
  5. Hello All! I didn't like Xoti very much, so I won't be keeping she in the Main Party. At the same time, I'm kind of a completationist, so I'd like to advance and conclude her personal quest... currently I'm exploring Neketaka, I'd like to know when I should use her to advance quest (status attached). Directions, anyone?
  6. Hi all, I’m starting to think the red ants would make the perfect mount, I’m not suggesting in any way that all insect should be mountable however. the fact there’s no queen is what gave me the idea, what if a quest was to lead you to become the red ant queen and after becoming the queen all red ants can then be mounted or offer fast travel! what’s everyone’s thoughts?
  7. Side quests in the game are simple currently. A good feature would be to have 3 part side quests with small stories. Example: Background Story: Numerous stink bugs have been hampering research efforts around the lab. Quest 1: Build a Gas Mask (XP Gained after finishing quest) Quest 2: Enter Haze area and collect toxic gas (XP Gained after getting 3 balls of gas) Quest 3: Build Gas trap to eliminate stink bug nest (XP Gained after stink bugs die) Finished! (Story reward of a sticker for base)
  8. I already played and finished the first PoE. But in my playtrough, Kana died -somehow- early. And I didn't care him, cuz my party did not need a chanter. Even I like his personality, I don't know anything about his story. So, I am curious about him and his background. And his relationship with Maia -his sister in the second game- is a mystery to me. All answers are welcome. Thank you all.
  9. Hey all! I am trying to complete the Plucked Fruit quest in Tikawara. I have advanced to the quest to the point where I need to confront Rongi on the beach at Midnight. I followed him one night and confronted him, but I clicked "leave him alone", and Rongi hasn't returned to the beach ever since. I've waited several nights, and he's just hanging out at home now. There was no quest update to my journal. Is there a way to reset his pathing so I can catch him at the beach again? Thanks for any tips!! **I noticed I do not meet Insight req's for a dialogue option while speaking to Rongi in his hut. Maybe I'll reroll for Insight and see if I can finish this quest.
  10. Since I wanted to remove the threat of the Floating Hangman and considerably weaken the Príncipi, I followed along with the Príncipi questline until was able to kill Lucia Rivan and her undead crew. When I returned to Aelys with the ship (I had previously killed Furrante and the other captains) I just cut her down without even talking to her. I am planning to go to Ukaizo alone. The game won't assume that I joined the Príncipi just because I went along with their questline that far, right? I'm assuming not since A Dance with Death failed, The Coming Storm did not complete and The City Lost to Time did not start. But I wanted to ask to make sure. Edit: Just realized I posted this in the forum for the first game, and I apologize!
  11. Hi, I know the reasoning why Maia simply glares at me, since I let her brother die in the first game. But this makes some quests and conversations unplayable/unenjoyable. I just (almost) finished quest "The Courier's Calling" apart from the part where I need to "Talk to Maia upon her return". And since I can't talk to her, because "Maia simply glares at me", I cannot finish this quest. The conversation button is also always popping up during the game, cause she wants to talk to me about my decisions, but I just can't talk to her at all.
  12. Playing the Xbox Game Pass version on PC. I just finished part of the Comes Now the Power questline at the Geothermal Power Plant and need to exit to Emerald Vale Region to continue the quest at Botanical Lab. Every time I start the transition, the game just crashes - no error message, nothing left in Event Viewer. I have one other earlier manual save before making the big decision, but the game also crashes at the same place. I cannot exit Geothermal Power Plant anymore
  13. So the recent patch just came out and I got it installed. However, as soon as I went back to talk to Parvati to get the "Don't Bite the Sun" quest, it immediately fails and says she died. I thought that was fixed in the patch?
  14. I spoke to Trask and decided I'd look at his evidence back on Harlow's base. I went and got the evidence, spoke to Harlow and called him out. He decided I was compromised and automatically we went into combat mode. I killed him and fought my way out of the base. I spoke to him right after killing Harlow and we did the dialog about not knowing what goes on in someone's skull and that I think he's better than that regarding breaking their moral code for bits. This triggered quest completion... The quest log however marked itself as completed despite me not speaking to Felix on the ship. The quest log leaves off that Felix wants to speak with me still but it's completed and Felix doesn't engage in conversation outside of the default leave my crew or go back to the ship. Also of note, the quest says that I killed Harlow on a whim, which is definitely not what happened.
  15. So I'm about ten hours into the game and talking with Pavarti aboard the Unreliable. It gives me dialogue indicating she's starting a quest, but then it pops up midway through and tells me the quest failed, because she died. Except she isn't dead. I can still complete the quest objectives, but they're no longer marked and I'm worried they won't be registered in later parts of the game. Anyone have have a fix?
  16. I'm trying to complete this quest in the Groundbreaker after having completed the bounty for MacRedd peacefully (lying and using his lighter as evidence). I would really like to try and take a non-violent approach here, but I can't access the area in the back bays where the parts are without MacRedd and his people getting hostile, and there is no dialogue option to talk to him about it. I read that if I have a save game before i could talk with Junlei before, but i have no save game before. Please add a dialog option to ask MacRedd for the radiator AFTER have complete bounty quest. PLEASE I DONT WANT TO KILL THEM ALL AFTER HAVE TAKE THE PEACEFUL WAY BEFORE.
  17. Heya. When entering Groundbreaker I found the Repair Bay immediately by accident (I was sneaking around and saw that there were 4 enemies nearby and the map did show the hallway..) Anyways when you then find the weapon immediately the quest goes to "finding clues" and goes a bit wonky, I mean, how did this next step suddenly happen?
  18. In the mission "Foundation", the terminal in the Geothermal Plant in Emerald Vale where you trigger the extermination protocol has an option to redefine "intruders" as "Spacer's Choice Automechanicals", that looks like it's meant to go with "Foundation". But clicking "return to root" after doing this makes the triggering option unavailable. Is this an unfinished quest that was supposed to have an alternate solution of sabotaging the mission to spare Edgewater, or is it left over by mistake from the earlier mission where you visit the plant? (And given the format of the game it really feels like it should have been the former.)
  19. So I'm doing his main quest to retrieve his data from the outlaws. I betrayed Cassandra after agreeing to help her but shot her in the back. Also got Porter to leave peacefully. I'm trying to either turn in the data to Anton or keep it, however as I'm roleplaying as a total d-bag, I want to convince Anton to kill himself. However I don't get the persuade options that other players seem to get, despite my persuade skill being 50+. And I keep reloading to different points trying to remedy this, and I either gain certain dialogue options but lose others? Like I can't seem to tell him about the " Black marks and paperwork " in response to Jameson's death in one save, but in another I can. Like wth is happening? My stats are high enough and I've been a jerk to him the entire time, what's going on?
  20. Only seeing one quest marker at a time is a drag and interrupts the flow of the game. It would be much better to be able to track multiple quests at once so it's easier to see if any objectives are nearby.
  21. Managed to convince Anton Crane of the error of his ways. I'd heard he could potentially kill himself out of guilt, but I ran into him purely by chance in the Lost Hope, where he said he'd left Roseway with Cassandra and sold the research and was going to do something else with his life. ...Except much later that same playthrough, I went back to Roseway looking for marauder armour, went back into the comms room just to see if I'd forgotten anything, and found his body on the floor. So unless Lilya Hagen is onto something, that's, um, probably not right.
  22. So I was playing through my game and during the mission BOLT With His Name, when asked to delete files it wouldn’t let me. I thought nothing of it, no skin off my back, but now at canids cradle I can’t do the peace option without it even though I’ve done everything ese right. When I went back to see if I could at least read the files they still weren’t there. So now I have to choose between two factions I tried really hard to have like each other and by all means should have, but since this whole thing happened I can’t have the ending of the faction quest that I’ve been working for and made no errors on my part for. Will there be a patch or something to fix this? Or will I just have to finish the mission and play on a different character to do that? Posted below I have what I would get when I went during the mission.
  23. Not sure if this has happened to others or not, but when attempting to do the companion quest for Felix, Friendship's Due, i'm having a slight "issue". I'm supposed to meet up with an NPC on Emerald Vale, but upon coming within 110m-160m the quest suddenly updates from "Confront Trask" to "Collect Trask's Ring". Upon getting to where Trask is located, I find him dead, and with several of those dog type enemies directly next too him. It appears that they're either A) spawning on top of him, killing him, and then dying to his Outlaw buddies around him. Or B) since I never came to this area prior, the enemies in it have not de-spawned, and thus once he spawns in from me being close enough, draws aggro and dies. I've reloaded my save multiple times, waited for the day/night cycles to pass, and yet nothing works. If anyone else has encountered this bug, and has a solution to it, please let me know. I want to talk with him and find alternate ways to complete the quest aside from having to kill him. Thank you for your time.
  24. So I'm trying to finish the "Why bring them out of retirement?" Quest and when I come out of the elevator at the end on the dungeon, the whole city is hostile to me. Anyone know why this is? Anyone encounter this? I'd rather not blast my way through and bugger off to The Unreliable. I've got no idea what I did to anger the board but is there any way to boost relations?
  25. Every time I tried to complete the quest By His Bootstraps, Jameson is dead when I show up. I have reloaded and tried several times and he is always dead. I read on a forum that this may be tied to using the computer terminal to unlock the door before going upstairs, so I tried it without using the terminal and he was still dead. When I turned the quest in, I had a reputation loss with Auntie Cleo. This seems like a bug. This quest was given at the last minute by the quest giver as if an afterthought. That, to me, does not signal high priority. Because of this, I ended up doing this one after a few others, just because I ended up in that area later. Quests in these kinds of games are not usually *actually* tied to time, or if that is a factor it seems to typically be made pretty explicit upfront because we are not expecting it in an RPG. Besides, it is certainly not the fault of the strange space captain and crew, who show up in town voluntarily to risk our lives rescuing everybody, that this guy got eaten by dangerous monsters, which the quest giver was responsible for importing to this planet in order to torture them (even if inadvertently) and experiment on them. It seems that other people are having the same experience. I could not find anything online about how to do the quest in a way that does not involve Jameson dying. Either way, even if we fail to save him, it does not seem reasonable to give us negative reputation with the faction. Ok, reduce or take away the faction reputation increase if you need to, although really we still all risked our lives to go try to save this guy and kill all the raptidons and bring back news to his boss. If it were me, I would at least appreciate the effort. Please let me know if there is a way to make this work and please consider taking a second look at how this one plays out. I put so many hours into the gameplay here and I can only do it over so many times before it isn’t fun anymore. I am a completionist but I really don’t want to redo the whole Roseway section. I really appreciate any help you can give, and thank you so much for making a great game for us! I have always thought New Vegas was the best of the Fallout series.
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