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Found 16 results

  1. First of all I would like to thank MaxQuest for inspiring me to try this run by posting his Fire Priest build. ​That inpired me to try my own priest build, wich worked vey well and was able to solo the game. CHARACTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Priest ​Deity: ​Skaen/Wael Background: ​Old Valia - Drifter Race: Wood Elf Solo: ​Yes PoTD:​ Yes​ Trial of Iron:​ If you avoid the Luminescent Caves ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATS -------------------------- ​Pre - Level 09: Mig: ​18 Con: 05 Dex: 18 Per: 13 ​Int: 18 Res: 03 Post - Level 09: Mig: ​18 Con: 03 Dex: 18 Per: 15 ​Int: 18 Res: 03 ------------------------ ​SKILLS ---------------------- Stealth: 02 Athletics: 03 Lore: 04 Mechanics: 11 Survival: 02 ---------------------- TALENTS ----------------------------------- (?) = Can be replaced. Base Weapon and Shield Style Scion of Flame Inspiring Radiance Interdiction Aggrandizing Radiance Painful Interdiction Deep Pockets Envenomed Strike (?) Event Based The Merciless Hand Gift from the Machine Song of the Heavens Blooded Hunter Dungeon Delver Hylea's Boon (?) Flick of the Wrist Dozen's Luck Sever the Soul Scale Breaker ----------------------------------- MASTERED SPELLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbs of Condemnation / Blessing/Holy Meditation Repulsing Seal / Iconic Projection Pillar of Faith / Dire Blessing Shinning Beacon / Devotions for the Faithful ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Game Head: Maegfolk Skull Torso: Angio's Gambesson ​Arms: Gauntlets of Swift Action ​Legs: Viettro's Formal Footwear Neck: Mantle of the Excavator Waist: Girdle of Eoten Constitution ​Ring I: Gwin's Band of Union Ring II: Ring of Changing Heart Weapon Set I: Bittercut if they fix the Infestation of Maggots bug, otherwise: Drawn in Spring/Steadfast and Little Savior / Aila Braccia ​Weapon Set II: St. Ydwen's Redeemer / Abydon's Hammer Pet: ​Concelhaut's Skull Potions: Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, Llngrath displaced Image and War Paint Scrolls: Paralysis, Moonwel and Insect Swarm Early-Mid Game Head: Hermit's Hat Torso: Angio's Gambesson ​Arms: Gauntlets of Accuracy ​Legs: Malina's Boots / Shod In Faith Neck: Lilith's Shawn / Finrhea's Grace Waist: Blunting Belt ​Ring I: Ring of Defflection (Ring of Thorns if you are able to rush it) Ring II: Ring of Prottection Weapon Set I: Whispers of Yenwood and Small Shield ​Weapon Set II: Blunderbuss / Arquebus Pet: ​Tiny Spider (You will fail the game with other pet) Item Slots: Figurines, Potions of Wizard's Double and Eldritch Aim P.S. Aways carry a set of Gloves of Manipulation around ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRATEGIES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (remove the space from the word youtube in the link) Dragons Sky: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=54cwqbB-kwk Adra: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9R8UvKjtZ-4 ​Alpine: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=yPuvUjX5dJw ​Gafonercos: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9yw8mfdqIeQ Turisulfus: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9yw8mfdqIeQ Mages Concelhaut: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=kZ0LnKGlynA ​Llengrath: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=9yw8mfdqIeQ Thaos: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=3fhRirQZ3BQ Monsters Kraken: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=yCYgNGdD-74 ​Radiant Spore: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=G7NNgaF2560 Bounties Nalrend the Wise: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=KUhQ86iJDWU ​Brynlod: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=7ZYUguAISfI Magran's Faithful: https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=i4X6Zlxufh0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Hi all, I finished the game in normal difficulty pretty easily and wanted to retry on PotD. I've spent hours looking over these forums, Reddit, steam guides and other places Google has directed me in an effort to figure out how to progress through Path of the Damned. I've just started my third new playthrough attempt. The first attempt, I made a monk designed to be an off-tank and collected Eder, Durance, Aloth and Kana. I got the party level 4. I struggled but eventually killed the bandits in Black Meadow with a LOT of restarting from saves. I couldn't get that group to Defiance Bay, couldn't complete the Temple in Gilded Vale, and generally died a lot. The second attempt, I created a chanter to be a summoner/dps/middle of the party dude. I struggled in all the same places had even more trouble with the bandits and had to lead them into a group of trolls to thin the group before I could kill them. I got this group to the second level of the Temple in Gilded Vale but couldn't get further. Lots and lots of saving and retrying. The third attempt, my current one, I started a DPS cipher using this build and hired five custom companions and used all characters here except the wizard. I'm not far in yet, but I'm still dying and struggling a lot. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Hoping some of you have some advice.
  3. For those who are interested on increase the difficulty during Solo Mode. Here are small variants might keep you on the edge of your table trying to survive and earn reputation in Eora. I recommend only try this new mode after you played at least 1-2 times the solitaire mode (so you are familiar with the mechanics and rules of the game) I created these variants due to I noticed while I played couple of times in solo mode, achieve highest score was not hard, since the player can send all the army cards to attack even highest dungeon and there are no risk for been attacked later on. With this mode player may be attacked by monsters during the event die phase. Here is the link for the new mode I created in the past days. Solo Mode -> Path of the Damned If you achieve a astounding victory (either by killing 3 bosses or getting minimum VP for that level) let me know because maximum I have reach in this new mode is 35 so far. Beside I am working/thinking to create a 2nd part for those player that want to continue using a 2nd city deck after the first one is depleted. I will keep inform for any further new ideas.
  4. ...And I have to say it was quite an interesting experience! I also went for "No Rest for the Pro", and it didn't make the game all that much harder now that there's no travel fatigue anymore. And I managed to legitimately miss "Zero Knockouts" achievement in a solo run, which, I guess, should be an achievement in its own right. :D Just for clarity: I was playing without Trial of Iron (I don't believe in legitimate triple-crown-solo anyway) and without Expert mode (finished on Expert my first time, but decided to enable spell area indicators and info on dialogue checks for the second). With a final official kill count of 140, I've successfully finished most of the side quests in the base game (didn't touch the expansions yet, except for some stronghold stuff, but not all of it). A few exceptions (besides party members' quests, of course) are: - Endless Paths of Od Nua. I've only reached level 6, and consciously ignored some heavily guarded stuff on previous levels. I did kill that ogre chieftain on level 3, though. - Divine quests of Galawain and Berath (first could be done without much kills due to a bug, but I decided not to, and second requires clearing out Etik Nol, which is totally not a pacifist thing to do). - Clandestine Cargo - I could do it kill-free with a Rite of Walking Shadows, but it wasn't worth spending such a rare scroll for such a useless reward. Ignoring it (and, eventually, failing due to destruction of the Sanitarium) turned out to be the right decision: I really needed all these stealth rites later. By far, the most interesting find of this playthrough was the fact that this game does have almost everything needed for a "pure pacifist" run with a non-rogue class, even if the developers probably think different. My total number of story kills is 14. That is, 11 in the very first location (too much, I know, but I guess I was a little dumb when I started), and 3 in the final battle with Thaos. Everything in between is strictly optional, as far as the kill counter is concerned. So, after reading about the 12-kill run with a rogue elsewhere, I think that the real minimum would be 7. However, getting clean stats globally would be tricky - perhaps still possible without rogue's shadowing beyond, but I can't be 100% sure. For example, there isn't much XP to get in Chapter 1 unless you finish Raedric's hold (which isn't doable without a single kill), and you really need that XP to up your stealth. And, even if you manage that, I'm not sure a pure pacifist could do Cliaban Rilag without all the extra XP for non-pacifist side quests: for the last guarded door in this dungeon, you need stealth 15 + mechanics 8, or, more realistically, stealth 12 + mechanics 8 + lore 4 + a single rite of walking shadows. Me? I played as a pure pacifist story-wise (refusing to kill anything the game so often tried to trick me into killing just to progress), but wasn't aiming to do my second playthrough super-boring, so I did kill for side-quest XP when I had to - and, in a few cases, when I wanted to, which amounts to around 10 extra kills out of these 140. And, of course, there's that three-tusk staelgar leader whom I poisoned via dialogue without raising the kill count... *** And now, some rant... 1) Athletics and survival still look totally useless, despite their new mechanics. Not sure what was the point of changing them. I mean, high athletics is now equal to 1 extra healing potion per encounter? Great, but who needs that? Survival bonuses look nice... in theory... but in practice, they are just too weak to justify spending so much skill points. Of course, I'm judging from a solo run perspective, so perhaps I'm missing some great tactical opportunities for a normal party... 2) Who the hell decided that limiting item summons to 20 seconds was a good idea?! They are already limited to 1 summon per rest, so you basically killed off a game feature. As if there's not enough dumb "balancing" limits taking the fun out of the game already. This was a huge disappointment and a horrible thing to do with a patch, I never expected to come back to something like this. Although I did find a lot of use for summons in my pacifist schemes, but that's about everything they are good for now. 3) I would very much like it if some future Obsidian RPG showed a little more respect for stealth characters. Namely, I hate proximity scripts which force me out of stealth for a "very important" dialogue before I am technically detected. And I absolutely hate that convenience script on stairs in Heritage Hill tower! Ruining my stealth just to ask if I want to go to the second floor, or to the first floor? Yeah, great idea, great time saver. Especially when there's a bunch of hungry undead waiting for me on both floors, just near the stairs. Thanks devs, I really needed that. Twice. Not that it helped you much in tricking me out of my pacifism... 4) A little less underestimation would be nice too. Remember those looters under Madhmr bridge? I actually sneaked around their 2 lookouts, only to find the rest accusing me of killing them because they "heard fighting". So I just killed them all. That was also the biggest exception to my pacifism, because, technically, I didn't have to, but they didn't give my cruel character any good reason to spare them, and Peregund promised reward... 5) I totally expected the final fight to be tricky on solo path of the damned, but I didn't expect it to be impossible without using a horrible (and, thankfully, still unpatched) exploit. Looks like it is. Cipher is definitely not a bad solo class, but totally helpless against Thaos' will stats and extra resists. My only chance came from re-rolling the stats in a tavern (that was the second time I had to do this in this run, with first being before Cliaban Rilag due to a lack of mechanics) and re-making my cipher into a stupid tank with super-high endurance, deflection and accuracy. Oh, and that exploit too, otherwise I don't think my kiting skills would be enough still. I do remember someone complaining about Thaos being too vulnerable to paralyse-lock in original game, so I assume this was rebalanced with a later patch. Good call perhaps, but still not a good idea to lock ciphers out of the party completely. Perhaps a few skills/talents/items/drugs with good spell-accuracy buffs on self would help. Of course, if anyone knows how to kill Thaos with a solo 12 lvl cipher on Path of the Damned without any dirty tricks, I'd be very interested to hear all about it.
  5. Yo guys and girls! I will be streaming WM2 in around 2,5 hours (7:30 pm GMT+1) http://www.twitch.tv/killyox/ So feel free to jump in, talk about the game or anything else for that matter and lets enjoy it together. I may talk in English and Polish a bit depending on who's watching. Be sure to chat and don't be shy about it! After I saw the Eyeless I thought "Damn I will get my ass handed to me on live...". And that's most likely the case! What's my party comp? Merc Barb (out when I get new companion!) Pallegina Durance Devil of Caroc Zahua My sweet Wizard :D Why do I post this here? Because I want to play the game and enjoy it with other people at the same time duh! More followers wouldn't hurt either. I recently started Streaming and YT channel. PS if it so happens that someone would give a donation (hell if I know why ) 50% of it goes to charity. I will be doing a review of White March p2 on YouTube around 20-21st of February too. PS I will be streaming for about 4-5 hours
  6. I thought I'd share my battle with the 3 early bears in the cave...Done on my second try so I had some luck I'm guessing, but at lvl 2 on PotD, you probably need "some" luck since 1 hit and you're dead anyways... I tried this after Eler in my party died in my current Wizard game (hated resting so he had low health) so I may restart as a Cipher again and start over (Trial of Iron). Never did like the whole limits on casts/day anyways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUprh94zNM4
  7. For people interested how to defeat the Adra Dragon with a ranger solo here's a little video. https://youtu.be/ewxtIFixUb8 In the video I forgot to show my accuracy vs dragon defenses in the logs. My max accuracy was 126 with bow while the dragon's lowest deflection was 96. I had 100 accuracy when I used Binding Roots and the dragon had 100 reflex. With Scale Breaker and the debuff from Lenas Er the dragon had 119 fortitude.
  8. Hello I play longer than 10 hours and I would like to encourage you to play at Path of The Damned diffilcult. Im not veteran player, more casual (i dont even play backers beta) and still i think path of the damned is not that hard but very rewarding I dont play any other difficult, so i dont have any experience. I just started at Path of the Damned level. To be honest, I thought it would be a big challenge, but it is not. So far in about 80-90% ecounters i do not have to try hard to win or even use wizard/priest per rest spells. Here is a small guide: I recommend full custom party and as soon as possible get full party. Here is my party composition Paladin - Tank (max Con/Per/Res, dump Mig/dex) Fighter - Tank (max Con/Per/Res, dump Mig/dex) Rogue - Melee dps (max Mig/dex/per or res, dum con/int) Cipher - Ranged/CC (max Mig/Dex/Int, dump con) Priest - healer/support/ranged (max Mig/dex/int, dump con/per or res) Wizzard - Dps aoe/CC (max Mig/dex/int dump con) I min/max stats a bit but not other aspects (i took race/backround that suits my rpg goal) , i dont even think this party is optimal but still very good for Path of the Damned diffilcult. Sorry for my English im still learning
  9. I've finally managed to kill the Adra Dragon solo. As the strategy could be used on any class, I thought I could share. You just need to set a trap right down the stairs, then as soon as the fight starts, just run towards the trap and melt him with a lightning spell (I was using the animancer's boots which grant Jolting Touch) No need to make a video about it, the screenshot it's self-explainatory :D Screenshot here
  10. Hi adventurers! I am very happy to share with you my new victory: After finishing the game Solo in normal mode 1 week ago (remember HERE), I finally achieved the Game in Solo and Path of the Damned! http://i.imgur.com/wkUDqTgh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/88bFM8yh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bvGFuiKh.jpg I achieved this with a Rogue once again, with a Retribution / Tank build. I you guys are intrested, I will make a post to explain the detail of my full build and the strat I used to defeat this last boss! Triple Crown solo, here I come Did some of you manage to finish the game in PotD solo too? Cheers !
  11. Hey guys! Here is finally the video of the final boss in PotD with my Rogue with all the explanations you need! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=562MPFJzgOc I hope you'll enjoy it ! Sorry in advance for my bad english and accent, i'm french you know Cheers
  12. Intro Greetings, all! I'm doing a Spotty run - solo Path of the Damned (SPOTD). Why? Because I think I've found a winning formula! The short answer? Bide my time with super high defenses then summon disposable minions and traps - repeatedly! (I call it "Stalling for summoning!" or SFS for short!) Having soloed Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition, and much of Baldur's Gate II, I learned the best way to solo any game is to make your one unit have the strength of many via mind control, crowd control, and summoning. (Alternatively, just slaughter everything so well it can't fight back. That didn't work for me in Pillars of Eternity.) I got to the first town and am level 2 - sort of. I have the EXP but have not yet leveled. I wanted to ask y'all about your thoughts on this character. Stats, including from race and background! Fire Godlike Chanter1 (Fire Godlike is for the +Damage Reduction and fire damage on melee hit when below 50% Endurance. The +1 Intelligence also helps!) Might 3 (Summons do my work.) Constitution 18 (I must endure until I can summon.) Dexterity 4 (Summons still do my work.) Perception 19 (I dlslike being interrupted. See also Constitution.) Intelligence 16 (Larger AoEs and longer lingers and better dialog options? Yay!) Resolve 18 (Defense, ahoy!) Chants -Make It Go Faster [blessed Was Wendrigh, Quickest of His Tribe] (Kiting with ranged weapons and escaping hazardous situations are things.) -Sharp Weapon Resistance [Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point] (10% less damage is good.) Invocations -Phantom Pain [but Reny Daret's Ghost, He Would not Rest] (Phantoms have higher Deflection and attack than skeletons.) Skills Lore 3 (I like scrolls.) Mechanics 2 (I like laying and disarming traps.) Others 0 (I'd max Stealth if it meant a strong chance of total 'invisibility' a la Infinity Engine games.) End Current Stats - Begin Prospective Stats Items and Enchantments I plan to wear the highest Damage Reduction I can equip ASAP due to stalling for summons. Stat-wise, what are my priorities? I like all stats, but CON and Perception seem best for my continued not dying. Do I need a crafting/enchanting in-game recipe to perform the crafting or enchanting? What other items are best for me to get, enchant, and use? What enchantments are best? Remember, > > minimal spoilers! < < Prospective Skills -How much Lore do I need to use each level of scroll? -How much Mechanics do I need to unlock everything? How high should my Mechanics skill be otherwise? -How much Stealth is worthwhile? Remember, I can save and reload. -Athletics and Survival: What numbers of these should I have? They don't seem especially useful. Deflection and Prospective Talents As for the future, I've heard I should just stack Deflection (via talents, items, etc.) as high as possible. This means, talent-wise, I take Weapon and Shield Style then 5 stacks of Superior Deflection (+10 Deflection each). This seems... boring, but I know too little of the game to say otherwise. These talents look interesting: -Ancient Memory [Chanter-Only] (Heal while I chant? Awesome! The amount I heal per second? Um...) -Body Control [Any Class] (It's +10% resistance against most stunlocks, but the spirits who target Deflection make Superior Deflection a better choice.) -Fast Runner (+1 movement speed. +5 Deflection vs. disengaging. Kiting still works and this saves me a song most the time. It still stacks with Make It Go Faster.) -Powerful Traps [Any Class] (It's more damage from some traps. How worth it is it?) -Superior Deflection [Any Class] (+10 Deflection. Stacks with itself. Boring but practical.) -Weapon and Shield Style [Any Class] (+6 shield Deflection and my shield's Deflection bonus also applies to my Reflex. Sounds good - tentatively.) Prospective Phrases - Level 1 (+2 @L1, +1 @L3) -Chant of Broken Concentration (Enemies are more likely to experience interruptions in their flailings and castings.) -Chant of Slowly Killing Everything (It does Raw(?) Endurance damage to all foes in the area - slowly. My Might affects damage dealt. This seems like a 'meh' pick,) Prospective Phrases - Level 2 (+1 @L5, L7) -Chant of Disney's Frozen (Only matters if I'm moving away from my foes and they're following in my wake. Having seen how enemies cluster in some sections of this game, this seems like a low priority. See also the Chant of Slowly Killing Everything.) -Chant of Ranged Attacks (I like kiting. This helps me kite. It also relies on kiting. As useful as kiting.) -Chant of the Scaredy Pants (-2 Dexterity and -2 Resolve are just gravy compared to -10 melee and ranged accuracy! Note AoE though, and this is mostly better against melee.) Prospective Phrases - Level 3 (+1 @L9, L11) -Chant of Burning Blades (40 Slash and 40 Burn damage per tick to those near me. Might be worthwhile. Seems better than the Chant of Burning Hands.) -Chant of Burning Hands (Ally attacks do +25 Burn damage. Does Might affect this? Is it worth it?) -Chant of Practical Deflection (+10 Deflection to self and all friendlies in range. A debatably slight improvement over the level 2 version.) Prospective Invocations - Level 1 (+1 @L1, +1@ L2, L4) -Cone of Blown (Stuns foes in melee range then pushes them back slightly. Handy for disengaging. Is another invocation better?) -Cone of Moan (Summons 3 worms from the corpse of any foe that died this fight. Also explodes corpses in range, dealing Crush damage.) -The Thanatos Trio (Summon 3 skeletons. They help flank and deal some damage. Each is ntoably weak, even at level 1. This invocation doesn't scale well.) Prospective Invocations - Level 2 (+1 @L6, L8) -Be Mine! (Charms foes in melee range for 8 seconds. Mine!) -Summon Dragon Babies (Are the 3 units I get with this summon better than the 2 I get with Summon Wisps?) -Summon Wisps (If I get 2 units per summon instead of 3 from the same level ability, they seem more individually powerful. True?) Prospective Invocations - Level 3 (+1 @L10, L12) -Disposable Drake (I summon a drake. Worth it?) -"He Did It! No, He Did It!" (Summon 2 ogres. How does this compare to a lone drake?) -Let It Snow (45-60 Freeze damage - before Might? - to foes around me. I may already have Chant of Burning Blades. I'm not convinced Let It Snow is worth it. Convince me.) End Prospective Stats
  13. I'm wondering if anyone else is having this issue; when I first loaded the game, in the starting area I fought three guys and then four when I came back to the camp - with the leader holding Heodan. Yet now whenever I start a new game again on "Path of the Damned" difficulty, I only get the one guy and then two at the camp. Any idea what might be going on? I've been messing around with the command console the last few games, does turning on cheats "irolls20" drop the difficulty level?
  14. We love giving players options: character build options, personality options, story options -- all the options you might want to play around with. We recognize that many players also want to play the game their way and have an experience that matches their particular RPG tastes. RPG fans share a lot of common ground, but on matters of visible mechanical feedback, complexity, and the overall level of punitive face-punching a game provides, there's a big spectrum of opinions. In a lot of cases, it's not too hard for us to provide options to turn an individual feature on or off, so we want to make that possible when resources permit us to do so. Additionally, even among the ranks of RPG superfans, there exists a subset of players who can't get enough challenge. They want all of the difficulty features set to "I am pro." Collectively, we've worked on a bunch of these challenge modes in the past and enjoyed the results. Project Eternity seems like a very appropriate place to highlight suites of these difficulty options as distinct gameplay modes that players can opt-into at the beginning of any game. We've come up with three modes we'd like to support, which also includes the ability to turn many of their sub-features on and off on an individual level in an ordinary game: Expert Mode, Trial of Iron, and Path of the Damned. Expert Mode will disable all of the common ease-of-use / in-case-you-missed it gameplay elements like the display of skill thresholds, influence/reputation modifiers, and similar "helper" information. In a fashion similar to Fallout: New Vegas' Hardcore Mode, Expert Mode will also enable more punitive and demanding gameplay elements, in and out of combat. We're not saying we're going to have weighty gold (for real, we're not saying that), but if we did, you can bet that would be automatically turned on by Expert Mode. If you guessed that Trial of Iron is like Temple of Elemental Evil's Ironman Mode, you guessed right. When you start a Trial of Iron game, you have one save game that persists for the entire campaign... or until you die. And if you die, your save game is deleted. Enjoy! Path of the Damned is a spiritual successor to Icewind Dale's Heart of Fury mode. In our encounters, we like to turn individual combatants on and off based on the level of difficulty. If you come into an area on Easy, maybe casters are replaced with weak melee enemies. If you come in on Hard, maybe the casters are augmented by a tough melee enemy or two. With Path of the Damned, that goes out the window. All enemies from all levels of difficulty are enabled and the combat mechanics are amplified to make battles much more brutal for everyone involved. The first question you may have is, "Can I enable multiple challenge modes at once?" Yep, you sure can. They have to be selected at the beginning of the game, but if you want to play with two or all three at the same time, you can certainly can do so. If you're not quite sure you want all of the elements that come along with a given mode, this funding level will also cover implementing the ability to enable and disable the individual sub-features. Along with these modes, we also want to introduce the Godlike races. These folks have been described previously as being similar to the humanoid "planetouched" in D&D: aasimar, tieflings, and genasi. That is a good high-level description of them, but they are viewed differently by various factions, faiths, and cultures in the world of Project Eternity. Godlike were "blessed" before birth by one or more of the meddling deities of this world. Though their appearances vary, they are unmistakeably otherworldly when anyone gets a clear look at them. Sometimes, the reaction they get is overwhelmingly positive. Many times, the reaction is overwhelmingly not. For better or worse, the physical "gifts" that mark them as Godlike always come with supernatural blessings (and curses) of their own. The first question you may have after reading this may be, "Hey, what about the other races that have already been funded?" Those races are in the process of being fully designed and concepted -- and they can't be summarized quite as simply as "sort of like planetouched". We'll have more for you on those guys in the not-too-distant future. Thanks again for your support, your patience, and your questions. Update from Josh Sawyer In addition to today's update, we've got a few backer badges for you, including one for the fantastic Obsidian Order of Eternity! @Obsidian
  15. From the IGN wiki for P:E If I could have polled more questions, I'd have asked if there are those with a personally imposed handicap for difficulty. And whether you'd use the ability to change difficulty settings during the game.
  16. The 2.3mil stretch goal is my favorite so far, because I'm an Infinity Engine junkie and mastered all of the hardest BG/IWD challenges (mods included) on the highest difficulty. I *really* enjoy RTWP combat of yore and am very okay with fiddling around the same combat situation dozens of times until I get it right. Now... I will probably cry many tears because I won't be able to resist ticking all of the +difficulty checkmarks right off the bat. I'm the "challenge for the sake of challenge" person those options likely are intended for, BUT... How about attaching a 5% experience bonus to each of the game modes? It's not a straight up "You're missing out if you're not doing this" kind of thing, but it's an added incentive to face challenges one might otherwise not and surely preferable to the notion of giving people better equipment for playing a certain way. This is highly egotistical, since, as I said, I'll check Expert/Path of the Damned/Iron Man anyway, but 15% more EXP would make it SO much more rewarding.
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