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  1. I’m having a problem recycling and destroying log pallets while playing on Xbox One. Every time I’m about to finish recycling a log pallet or destroying It with a hammer, my game crashes. This has happened to me every time I have tried to do either of these things, to the point where I’m not going to try destroying this log pallet again. Contemplating just starting a new save altogether with this in mind. I saw this a couple of times on the forums but not on the known bug list so I’m putting it here. I hope this is an easy fix
  2. Bonjour depuis 2 jours impossible de charger une sauvegarde sois elle reste en chargement infini sois le jeu crash et retourne a l'accueil de la xbox. Jeu grounded Avez-vous une solution au problème
  3. Hi im rather stuck now on what to do. Im having trouble with lady bugs not spawning on my game. Im on day 50 now and ive not seen one since day 13. I really have no idea what to do ive put time into the game and I really don't want to start over. The reason im looking for the bugs is to get the level 2 axe and armour. I went on a purge to see if thining the population of animals on the map helped but it never. Does anyone have any idea what i can do.
  4. Dont know if its possible but it would be nice, really enjoy the game, just omg I cant seem to help but always freeze cuz I'm terrified of insects, the ants and ladybugs not so much. But if I start to look at them for too long I start to get a panicky skin-crawling feeling, but its not as bad as the other hostile bugs, I really enjoyed the base building and the map itself is just gorgeous I just wish I wasnt such a wimp when it comes to fighting these things. I just panic XD hoping to get more of my friends into it cuz I feel I'll be a lot less scared if I have other people there to experience the fear with me lmfao XD hope this game goes far, it has so much potential !!!!!
  5. Hi, I installed grounded from microsoft store and when i want to play then i have error. Can i get help? Error is here: https://imgur.com/a/IRR7T48
  6. Some suggestions for the gameplay... * For the Backpack: It would be much better if the armor and the weapons didn't get included into the backpack. It gets crowed very fast since there aren't a lot of slots free. Maybe we can craft different sizes of backpacks. * Googles/Armor It would be great if there is a function or armor that makes it possible to see the animals/the shape at least when they are close by. Maybe some special googles that can be updated to increase the distance where you can see the form. * A portable log pallet That we can pull or shove along the garden. With a lot of stacks for different stuff for crafting. It would make crafting bigger stuff easier. * a pallet lift To built higher up in the trees. I know in creators mode it's possible to built in trees.
  7. My suggestion is adding a sandbox zone. There could be new insects like earwigs, sand fleas, maybe even a centipede boss. The boss could be harvested for its exoskeleton and you could make centipede armor from it. The armor could have a set bonus that when something attacks you even if your blocking, it would poison them. There could also be a new spider that hides in the sand and ambushes you when you get close enough. A way to tell where the spiders are could be, there eyes aren't covered and they could make a noise if your getting close enough for them to strike. Maybe even adding new landmarks in the sand box like a toy soilder, maybe a toy shovel and bucket. There could even be a half destroyed sand castle that's infested with the zone type insects. It's just an idea but I think it could be a good area for the game. All feedback on this is appreciated.
  8. I was having a great time playing Grounded but this new update has come with a few bugs (I'm playing on a Xbox One S) the the biggest one is it deleting my save files! I was pretty far into the game had 2 decent bases, some nice weapons and armour then it dissapeared. Not sure if this been happening to other players but a fair warning if you're playing on xbox one also I'm noy sure if its cloud save servers fault but either way I have to start all over again please can this be fixed I really like the game but if its deleting my saves idk if theres anypoint playing it till its sorted it was legit like
  9. Mushroom Gardin and the dew collector really needs to get fixed. I places them and they only generated once after i collected the water and the mushrooms. and also the sap collector its ridiculous lol it only pops 1 sap and then thats it never pops again. Also the Acorns are limited we need more of them i suggest they get regenerated like every day or two or smth. Please fix these bugs thank you :).
  10. This topic can be used as a place to hold your ideas for new insects, and where (hopefully) the dev team at obsidian can pick them up!
  11. I get "Sign in" button for Xbox Live (PC) and then "Let's Play" screen. After that It just says "Offline User" and It doesn't sign me in. I've tried multiple times to sign in again but It never works.
  12. I would like to suggest an improvement for container storages in the game Grounded. I recently happened to have a group of Larvas show up at my base, who destroyed all of my buildings, including chests. When destroyed, the chests items popped out, and where everywhere. My suggestion would be, that upon destruction of a chest, a small bag will spawn, with your items in them, which will despawn after a set amount of time (so people will actually need to get their items out of there). The small bag can only be looted, and not used to store items.
  13. If future additions and/or expansions are at all possible, here are a few insects that I would absolutely love to see added to the game. They aren't in any particular order. Either way, I love the game and can't wait to see how it evolves!
  14. Has there been any thought to the viability of adding an ant queen to Grounded? Make her like a raid boss or something and killing her affects the game world for x amount of days. Comment and suggestions are always welcome.
  15. Platform: PC, Game Pass for PC Game Type: Multiplayer, non-host Description: after being defeated and respawning, the backpack appears in a place different from where I was defeated, and contains items that I did not have in inventory previously. Unsure, but seems to also be from a place that is also spawning too much dew drops? A lot of dew drops appeared, rendering large down to small in a weird manner. This only has happened when playing multiplayer, and not as the host, while on PC. The host of the game is on Xbox One X. Result: Backpack appears in world, but with items listed outside it like an array, containing items not possessed prior to being defeated. It's weird. I don't envy the programmer who has to solve this one. OneDrive Link to the image of what I was seeing OneDrive Link to the video showing a bit more than the image.
  16. Whenever I try to play the game with friends or even by myself the game seems to keep stuttering whenever I move around. I tried lowering the settings down to low along with turning all of the other options down as far as I can get them. Any help would be appreciated, if it helps at all I'm playing with the Xbox game pass. (Below are my spec for the PC) Operating System Windows 10 Home 64-bit CPU Intel Core i7 7700 RAM Corsair Vengeance 8GB x2 Motherboard ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. PRIME Z270-A (LGA1151) Graphics 4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (EVGA)
  17. While I have thoroughly enjoyed Grounded as a concept and in gameplay, I noticed something off while playing it. If the game is supposed to be set in the 1990s in North America, then stinkbugs shouldn't exist. This is because they are actually an invasive species native to China, Japan, and Korea, known as Brown marmorated stink bugs, that didn't make it to the US until 1998 where one was spotted in a small town in Pennsylvania. While this really isn't a big deal, in a game about bugs, you would expect a little closer detail. It would be interesting if the game would provide a reason for their appearance, either the setting being in Pennsylvania or maybe they are brought there by the lab and scientists in the game.
  18. After Exploring The Blueberry Hedge, I Returned To The Oak Lab And The Door Appears To Have Been Locked. I Have Looked Up This Issue And It Seems Many Have Run Into It Right After Discovering The Hedge. I'm Playing On The Xbox One, Not Sure If This Issue Occurs On PC.
  19. I've been playing Grounded on Xbox and have enjoyed it so far! I would really love to be able to play on my MacBook and Nintendo Switch. Having it available for switch would be so convenient. Do you guys think it would be a possibility they'd expand to different devices? Or should I not get my hopes up??
  20. Hello everyone, Don't know of it's been suggested yet but what's everyone think about critical points on the larger enemies? I'm not suggesting weakening them but I am suggestion points on creatures that, when hit, cause extra damage. I think this would allow for a more tactical way of approaching the larger, more dangerous creatures as well as making players in Multiplayer plan their attacks. I'm open to suggestions and criticism as always. Thank you in advance and be safe out there!
  21. I am trying to run the game both the microsoft store version and before it opens it gives me that error, any solution?
  22. So after much deliberation over the course of the weekend, my friends and I (more commonly known as the Cheesebags) love the game to bits so far and have come up with some cool ideas for things we'd love to maybe see in future updates. I will sort the lists into categories for convenience. Possible new Creatures: We decided to ballpark some new ideas for possible future creatures to add to the garden. Due to the wasps in the banner image on the steam page we assume you already intend to add them into the game. So we have left them out of this list, but below we have some of our other suggestions. Bees Mosquitoes Butterflies Moths Dragonflies Caterpillars Centipedes Fleas Earthworms Silverfish Snails Frogs/Tadpoles Utilities: Ladders We reckoned that ladders would be a useful way to ascend a built wall that might take up less floor space than stairs. Zip-Lines These could be a great method of travel between two fixed points, they could work either in a traditional sense and you'd slide from one higher point down to the lower. Or maybe they could work with some kind of pulley system from two points of equal height. Rope Swing For this we figure like in lots of games you could either have a fixed anchor point built and you could jump to grab it and swing back and forth to clear some kind of gap. Or maybe it works on a portable sense somewhat akin to Indies Whip but functionally works the same, maybe with a sticky tip of some kind to attach to surfaces. Elevators/Dumbwaiters These could be excellent for those that built raised bases. Perhaps using some sort of pulley system one might be able to raise/lower a platform with chests on or a grass pallet. This would for sure help for more convenient item hauling in a vertical sense. Rowboats We assume that the pond is going to have more to it, but we figure that a boat of some kind would be fantastic in traversing across the water. They would possibly be made from acorns leaves or lily pads. Rain Catcher This Item is dependent on a weather topic that will follow below. But if rain was ever implemented a receptacle of some kind to catch the rain would be brilliant. Stationary Slingshot Turret This idea came about thinking about a kids slingshot, and maybe moving forward with that in mind maybe there could be some kind of stationary slingshot style item to launch the players over a great distance for easy travel with the gliders. This could be a really high demand recipe as it is a rather strong item to have. Quality of Life: Inventory sorting function This was one of the first things we came to yearn for in game, we fell that the ability to auto sort a storage container, your own backpack & and easier way to merge you personal inventory with that of the contained would be a much welcome addition. Inventory stack increase Due to the limited amount of storage space in the backpack and the containers, we really feel that the stack size of items could be increased to some degree. It feels like 10 is far too low as the inventory in your backpack alone fills up too quick and maybe increasing up to at least 20 would be great. Craft 'X' quantity of item function This comes about due to the fact we feel crafting larger quantities of items takes too long when doing them one at a time. For example, being able to adjust the number of how many woven fibres you want to make based on the amount of planet fibres in your backpack and craft all at once would be a huge time saver. Pallet capacity increase Similar to the inventory stack quantity feeling too low, we feel the same issue extends to the pallets. Considering how many grass planks in particular you need to build larger structures it would be very handy if the amount of planks you can get onto each pallet could be increased to maybe 30. This would prevent having to stop building and gathering planks almost every living second of the game as you burn through them so fast and building. Storage Chest Naming This one isn't nearly as major as the custom markers on the chests a already pretty cool. But maybe being able to add a name to a storage container just to further mark it with a specific kind of item would be neat, Equipped items not taking up an inventory slot So far we feel that we dislike that the tools and certainly the armour take up a backpack slots while equipped. I'm not sure and the best way to go around dealing with this in the game in the cleanest way for the UI. But its definitely a thought we'd like to put out there to discuss with everyone. Ability to move built structures For far it's been a bit of a pain placing a structure or utility item down in the wrong place and having to recycle it (receiving less materials) to move to another spot. Only to then to not have enough materials now and having to stop and go harvest more. Maybe having just the ability to move a completed base piece would be handy but obviously could be avoided currently by being very careful with where you but down blueprints. It would still however be a very handy feature to have. Custom Blueprint Group This one is inspired by other building games, namely Planet Zoo. In this game you have the ability to create a 'group' blueprint based on a structure you've made so that you could save it to a library and the whole blueprint of the structure could be placed in one motion to make it easier to make duplicate structures. This would be a fantastic feature to add as I would like to repeat a few structures we have made within the garden. Filter Specific Trail Markers This one is another minor one, but even though there is already a way to hide the trail markers from the UI. We feel that being able to isolate certain ones, namely the quest ones while keeping all the other ones could be great. Because in our game at least, we know where to go for each of the major landmarks now but still use a lot of our own custom trail markers. But having our own in addition to the quest ones can be quite overwhelming and would like the ability to filter certain ones away. Additional 'Major' Features: Different weather variations This one I'm sure has been brought up by others, but a weather feature with some of the usual classics, rain, drought, snow, overcast, humid could be neat and effect the game play in various ways based on each individual weather. I wont go through all of them as this paragraph would be gigantic but maybe a few examples might be that some of the games creatures might act differently or perhaps the rain might be very dangerous to travel through but would obviously be a plentiful source of water. Season Variations This one is similar to the weather note prior where maybe just some of the games features, game play mechanics and of course visuals might change up to complement the passage through the different seasons throughout the year in the garden. Understandable this one is a giant effort to bring to life but would be awesome on the less. Base Building: Below are just some off the cuff ideas we had for other base building items that could be added to spice things up. Bunk Beds Slime Mold Ceiling Light Flower Petal Roof Pieces Support Pillars/Columns Bug Cage Trap Equipment: This is the same as the above category but for general equipment. Thistle Armour (returns damage back to attacker) Wing suits (possibly made from insect wings wasps/dragonflies etc) At this moment in time these are all the suggestions for game play changes and possible future content that we the Cheesbags have come up with. We hope that future readers of this like some of our ideas and would be open to discussing their opinion on what we have brought up below, or even add their own ideas! And lastly to the team over at Obsidian, we hope this might be useful information to all of those working on the game. Keep up the great work, even in early access we are having a blast and cant wait to see the next content update from you guys. Stay Fresh! - Corey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just under here I'm going to keep the ideas from everyone in the thread so that in the event of crazy amounts of ideas flooding in we can keep most of the coverage from the topic up near the top for easy reading. I will credit everyone accordingly for their ideas Tamable creatures This is one that I reckon comes up a lot for many players. But I do really like the idea of being able to tame certain insects to maybe just have around player bases in order to defend them from threats. Then also down that same vein even have some mounts to ride around on much like in honey I shrunk the kids. Being able to ride an Ant or a Ladybug would be terribly fun and a great addition to the game.
  23. I am trying to run the game both the microsoft store version and before it opens it gives me that error, any solution?
  24. Upon logging in today i found the rotten bee armour had disappeared from an armour dummy i made. This is irritating seeing as the armour in question is uncraftable and therefore irreplaceable.
  25. GLITCHES: If you drop grass planks in areas with water texture they fall through the world, ants can take stuff out of storage boxes that shouldn't be accessible to them at all, larva have a huge spawn rate, ants and lady bugs spawn inside rocks and underneath water, armor dummy's allow you to sometime dup armor and dummy's also glitch amor pieces which switches them to a different type (spider and ladybug head changed to acorn), anything with a lunge attack can faze through walls and into buildings SUGGESTIONS: amor and weapons equipped shouldn't take up invatory space or ability to get a tier 2/3 backpack, drop stack or trade option, sort invatory option, bigger party size, ability to "pin" armor like you can items so it auto equips when picked up, a way to use grass planks (once base is built they just lay scattered around with no use) or let us "scrap" them for even plant fiber It's an amazing game and I'm really enjoying myself I really hope this game makes it
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