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Everything posted by omgFIREBALLS

  1. Tell me more, please. Half the crew combat experience or half the crew sailor experience?
  2. "Someone start singing so we can pretend we didn't hear the captain's stupid orders, quick!" BTW, I bothered to write down the lyrics for Aim'Spirente. They are available in-game but not entirely correct.
  3. That's very clearly wrong and not the case, just by looking at OP's screenshots. Under the captain's portrait it says "3" but I count 13 soldiers on deck when boarding. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/936064627081528283/6FD0AFB56964D9B8E1277B75845EABBD79060158/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/936064627081528603/16CC387C5B57D6599E5E849B68EB02A8B036BD07/ I think the 3 is the captain's character level as well as an indication of the level of their minions.
  4. Just a protip to everyone playing, boarding is absolutely NOT the way to go. Your ship gets screwed up every time, even if you do it the hard way, you can get crew injuries easily, you actually get less loot, and your sailors gain less exp. The benefits are much higher to playing the ship battles out traditionally. Once you get good cannons and learn how to really do the battles it isn't that time consuming or hard. I have sunk a galleon with the starter ship for example. It is all about getting good guns (either close range or long), leveling up your crews skills, then staying within your optimum firing range but outside your enemies. As far as the accuracy thing goes, I think it is the chance to hit, not be hit, not that it matters. The key things to hitting is good cannoners (Cannoneers? Cannon Guys?), and being in optimum range with your guns. You have that, and you do a full stop before firing, you are going to be getting 100% shots. How the hell is boarding less loot?? What extra goodies do you possibly get from sinking the ship? Audiophiliac lagufaeth show up, keep everything afloat and then offer themselves as food? I know your post is two days old which is an eternity on release week, but I have to say some things here are patently wrong. Your ship does not get screwed up every time at all (if you manually charge), because the opponent usually either can't decide what to do or doesn't have time to do it. Oh you got too close for one side's cannons' ideal range, let's jibe, never mind we got boarded. They more often than not don't get to fire at all, and if they do it's nearly always raking hull hits that don't injure anyone. If you go with automatic boarding however, then yes, everything gets screwed up. Also curious why you're saying less experience. Got a basis for that? P.S. It's terribly convenient to board if your party is in good shape. I just 111111 until I can board, then I unpause and tab out while the AI wins.
  5. 1) She's on their council of seven, but my memory is fuzzy as to whose side she's on. 3) Every food item lists its crew moral effect. 5) What would make you happier, drinking water or drinking alcohol? It's not like the water has no effect. You should see the moral drops if you give them nothing at all to drink. 7) Bind it to your watcher and enjoy the adventure. Seventh chord complete.
  6. Watcher: Gellardicus, you are my sworn enemy! Pallegina: DI VERUS?! HE IS MINE! Watcher: MINE! Pallegina: *YOU* ARE NOW MY SWORN ENEMY, POSTENAGO! Anyway, I really like the paladin auras (armor/stride). Got no issues using two.
  7. Emeini is the gal who has five stars total: 3 cannoneer, 1 deckhand, 1 helmsman. I believe she starts that way. If anyone wants to check for science, I recall recruiting her at the Brass Citadel.
  8. On my first playthrough I scoured the seas clean. Every ship except neutral merchants (who are worth very little), I boarded. I later decided I wanted a bigger ship, which meant a lot of crew slots to fill with untrained sailors. To get them experience, I sailed into storms repeatedly. I have sailors who have been with me from start to finish here, from meaningful piracy to deliberate storm sailing. None of them have gotten past the master (4 stars) rank. None of them have gotten past 4 stars total either, except one guy but I think he actually starts with 3-2-2 experience. Can you get past four stars on a crew member? Maybe. Will there be any use for it at that point? Doubtfully P.S. The highest xp I've reached is 143 on a sailor, but storms respawn so if you wanna see if something happens at 150 or 200 or 250, sail into them as long as your budget allows.
  9. No zombie sailor. Lame. Zombie sailor is multiclassed. We don't like multiclassed crew. We want them to have only one skill so we can raise it to master.
  10. Okay, I tested just removing the super good sails since even the basic (linen) sails have 40 health on a junk. That didn't work. You actually get different text with the best sails too. So I'm going to assume you need them. Or at least not basic trash ones.
  11. I re-tested it before I uploaded the save, and it seems the total requirements are: - Sails will take 30 damage, but this is a poor representation of what happens, you probably need the best ones (Dragonwing) to make it. Basic linen sails will get ripped apart and you will sink, even if they have more than 30 health when you start. - Don't get your hull breached by the adra; Blackwood hull handles it. - Have expert or higher helmsman - Have expert or higher deckhand(s?) - Be on the godsdamned quest to go to spoiler island or Ondra will sink you anyway, and don't copy paste my posts because I'm extremely evil. By posting this you consent to going to the moon with me. But that's just the information that was communicated to me.
  12. It's not the gear, it's how you use it. https://imgur.com/a/7QyvKQg
  13. Shrug. You can try my save to find out what my ship has that yours doesn't, because this one makes it through: https://ufile.io/1owq9 For science!
  14. Hm, isn't the sword in your possession though? I mean, isn't it what you use to "summon" Lucia even? The oath is to bring it back to the tomb, AFAIK. Gotta upgrade the junk. IDK what the exact requirements are, but I think you take at least 20 sail damage, so your sails gotta be able to handle that. The best hull (blackwood) won't be breached by the adra. I'm not sure what happens to other hulls even, but that one takes no damage. And I think you need a competent crew too. Can't just take a basic junk full of landlubbers and hope to win.
  15. Yeah it's a bug. But a workaround for now is to just click the blueprint and then the slot, rather than drag-and-dropping it.
  16. is that true ? after I got the ghost ship...I got the Principal saying they will take the 'Spoiler Island' and without them , a normal ship (the Junk) kept sinking . So had to use the ghost ship and they helped in the end . And the slider counted them as me siding with them . and no , I didn't have a chance to say NO . When did you give them a chance to say it? I challenged Ondra's Mortar a few times with my pimped up ship and elite crew, and indeed it kept sinking. But when it was actually time, plot-wise, to go to spoiler island, my junk made it through.
  17. Hm. Seems to be when I dock in Neketaka (probably spelled it wrong) my surgeon just pretends time is not needed to heal wounds and just dumps all the medicine needed on the patients in one go. But I seem to also have a patient who's taking forever to recover, so it could be a bug.
  18. Does your surgeon have medicine to work with?
  19. Make a voice set that just says gellarde in different tones. I'd use it.
  20. You can get the ghost ship, but as far as I can tell it's just a galleon that you can't upgrade. Lore-wise though, it might get you past a certain obstacle without needing upgrades. Allegedly the Rauatai will give you a submarine if you side with them. No idea if that's good for anything except getting through storms. Seems hard to board with a submarine.
  21. I haven't tried it (well, other than me simply attacking them), but three explanations: 1) You didn't see the wand. 2) You didn't judge the wand to be particularly valuable. 3) You didn't judge the wand to be as easy to steal as the dagger.
  22. Yeah, it's new. And considering how many bounty hunters there are and how few bounties each have (pretty much four each) it'd be a nightmare the PoE1 way. You might spend more coin on your crew traveling to the bounty locations than you'd cash in :D Speaking of which, anyone know where in Serpent's Crown Nungata is? Supposedly she will accept four heads that I have on an otherwise rather "complete" playthrough. I already know of one bounty hunter in the palace, but it's not him.
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