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Everything posted by Kenji

  1. You can technically get adventurers early on so their exp lag is only around 1k less than your main character. Avoid doing most quests on the starting island and rush towards the inn to start hiring level1 adventurers. You can finish the inn quest (or use Berath's Blessings in starting menu) to gain enough currency (250 x 4 = 1k) to hire the adventurers. Make sure you level up to level 2 but don't overshot it in the beginning so you'll essentially have same level adventurers throughout the game provided you don't swap them out while earning exp.
  2. In Sayuka, after talking to the Weto and Tipa who were disagreeing on Rautai/Huana dispositions, clicking on the brother, Weto, again will show that the corresponding string is missing.
  3. Queue "Guy Love" from Scrubs Really tho, Eder's a bro.
  4. I've tried a couple of runs in POTD with similar Ascendant build: one thing I've noticed is that low con means getting one-shotted by those pesty frontline-bypassing rogues and ranged enemies. I often had to resort to needing a priest to cast withdraw to drop aggro from unstealthable combats (ships, scripted interaction into combat zones, etc), or have the Ascendant wear Eder's starter armor. Ascendant shines in prolonged combat, where there are multiple enemies and the fight drudge out for more than the time it takes to build up the focus. I feel those fights are still fairly limited and fights that generally last long enough for the Ascendant to become ascended are usually 'boss' fights where a single tough enemy remains. I find my subsequent Cipher (no subclass) playthroughs to be smoother since I don't have to be stingy about wasting my foci.
  5. I liked Ashley's narration for PoE II. It's a break from all the male narrators in the industries, not to mention it is just as top quality as some of the other performances. Howevevr, Icewind Dale's narration still tops all the other ones for me. David's voice added a beautiful contrast of warmth and stoicism in the cold and unforgiving Spine of the World.
  6. "... I think they'd have rather given up the land then have it come to violence." It should be "than" since it's comparative.
  7. Visiting Neketaka and finish talking to the Harbourmaster there should allow you to trigger the quest. Talk to Eder after docking in the port. I had Xoti in the party while talking to him. Neketaka is around northeast of the starter port. The main quest should point you to it on the world map.
  8. As in this is a bug you have encountered or you have had his quest triggered at a later time? Just want to see if i can still trigger this quest is all. You can still trigger this quest but only after you have visited Neketaka I believe.
  9. Does anyone here still min/max their attributes? Or do you guys distribute the attributes more evenly (No more 3 con, 20 might, and etc.) similar to the companions and sidekicks? I find min/maxing attributes very punishing, low con means characters getting one-shot by high difficulty AI where enemy rogues and backlines bypass your frontline defenses. And I found companions (with their supposed "inferior" stat distribution) to actually be faring better than my hired adventurers from time to time. Any thoughts? I plan on doing an all-hired-adventurers run similar to Icewind Dale after I finish my first run with 100% companions. This is something I'd like you guys' insights on.
  10. A recent update might have changed Eder's quest parameters or bugged it out, I can confirm that Eder's quest to find his old flame isn't triggering as early as meeting Xoti anymore.
  11. Description: Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1. Go out to the open seas by ship 2. Open Party windows, dismiss companions and swap them out with other companions in the reserves 3. Sometimes it crashes my game (more than once), sometimes the game lags a bit and continued on smoothly. Important Files: Output Log Attached System Specs Attached Screenshots Attached Side Note: My computer's system language is in Mandarin Chinese, and some of the logs have diagnostics saved in Chinese. I can attempt to translate them to the best of my abilities: Output Log (last few repeating lines in Chinese): "Attempting to store in incorrect address" DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
  12. The Wizard Subclasses suffer from losing 2 schools of magic. There are only 5. So, you lose about 2/5ths of your spells, roughly. You also have increased recovery time for all schools not of your main school. In this case, you get a +1 power level to Transmutation and can turn into an Ogre, but you lose Enchanting and Evocation, and Illusion and Conjuration have +20% longer recovery. If your ok with that trade then it will be fine. I am of the mind that the cost is too steep for all 5 Wizard Subclasses, but you should be able to kick people's teeth in quite nice and look like Shrek doing it. One of my hired adventurers is a Fighter(Devoted)/Wizard(Transmuter) with focus on Scepter, modal barrage with passive health regen works out well in the backline and the transmutation spells (Chill fog, slicken) prove to be useful in early levels. If anything that comes close to the backline, the transformation into Orge helps tremendously, as well. Not sure how it'll be in later levels, however.
  13. I was hoping they'd have an Fallout New Vegas approach where you can completely ignore the main quest and just run off to do whatever you want. But with modding, the horizon expands beyond adding modules on top of exisiting game modes (Main game). I was hoping for future releases to have similar module system like Neverwinter Nights, where players can create whole new campaigns, dungeon crawls, or multiplayer pvp arenas. One can argue one of the most successful creation for Neverwinter Nights 2 is the persistent Baldur's Gate world (heavy RP and in-character required), The Sword Coast Chronicles, that allowed Baldur's Gate fan to tread the realm with their own characters. If this were introduced in Pillars of Eternity 2, think of the limitless possibilities! I personally like Icewind Dale series better, and I play PoE just like it, with all 6 cusom made characters all the time on most of the playthroughs. The White March's homage to Icewind Dale was more than anything a IWD fanboy could ever ask for, but I do have to go through main quests and the like to get there. I would like people to discuss the possibilities of having modding tools in either the current existing PoE game or later developed PoE 2 before I move onto another discussion: Procedural Generated Contents
  14. Greetings everyone, First of all, allow me to praise Pillars of Eternity and its developers. The game is a worthy successor to the Infinity Engine titles and caters to both Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale fans. While not the most original game out there (I doubt any game is truly original to the core), Pillars of Eternity not only revitalized the genre of cRPG; it elevated the genre with its mechanics, character creation, background lore, and many other qualities that I sadly do not have the time to mention. I digress, praise is not the reason why I came out of my cave to type a wall of text. Pillars of Eternity has great potential to become an evolving game. And by an evolving game, we can make great examples of other video games and their qualities that I will only briefly mention in name: Warcraft III The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim) Mount & Blade Neverwinter Nights The aforementioned games have one thing in common: Modding Any game can be modded, don't get me wrong, but not all the games are friendly to mods and modders. Only a few games embrace modifications, and Pillars of Eternity has yet to become one of those, which prompted me to write this huge wall of text. The ability to modify, expand, and create a base game is what made the games so successful. Some could even say the genre of Mobas was created because of Warcraft III and Dota. If we look at both Skyrim and M&B, these 2 games still have a respectable amount of loyal player base that continuously mods and improves the base game even after years of their release! This was all made possible because the devs allowed the players to mod by giving them the tools, to begin with. We can also look at other games that quickly followed suit and came to relative success: XCOM 2, Legend of Grimrock, Shadowrun: Hong Kong, Starcraft II. Older titles such as Age of Empires 2 with its map editor are also worth mentioning. If we look at all the mentioned games, it is hard not to notice that they came from vastly different genres of gaming: RTS, RPG, 1st/3rd Person Melee, Single-Player, Multiplayer, Turn-based Tactical, Sci-fi, Medieval Fantasy, and so on. The ability to mod a game is not just confined to a specific game or genre! By giving the players the tool and interface to mod Pillars of Eternity, the game will be allowed to evolve and remain relevant for years to come. I want a user-friendly modding tool for PoE that is friendly to both new players and experienced programmers alike. Call me delusional or make snide remarks to get likes, share whatever you want, just post your thoughts.
  15. Them/they? But One of Many is singular! And it was referred in the dialogues as "it".
  16. On a completely unrelated sidenote, Burial Isle was one of my favorite place to explore, too bad it was tiny when compared to IWD's Burial Isle... Boy, I wonder why they looked so similar and have the exact same name, hmmmmm... The appearance of those banshees is almost uncanny, as well!
  17. It'd be awesome if they made the Human racial bonus function like the Heroic Inspiration perk in IWD2.
  18. Just like in Icewind Dale! You have just made one loyal IE fan a happy man today, good sir. Now, if not too much to ask, can we have more sound sets and the 'annoyed' selection sounds in near future?
  19. Edér is too chill to be disliked... Watch out for the eventual Obsidian fanservice to the Edér/PC romance requested by fangirls!
  20. Some of us are Icewind Dale fans who liked to create a thematic party full of custom characters. Sure, we can basically have a full party of our own characters in PoE, but the leader (MC) must be a watcher is almost inescapable in every sense. I can't even hide it! I had hoped it would somewhat plays off like in Skyrim where we aren't forced to go along with the main storyline and still able to explore almost the whole region. But, hey, Icewind Dale fans are the minorities in comparison to the BG/PST fans; I'm happy enough that I get to create a full party of custom characters even though the voice-sets are limited and character bios are non-existent.
  21. Hi, I have recently finished my PotD run with a full party of 'supposedly min/max'd' (ew) custom characters. Now that I feel comfortable enough with the mechanics, I feel like it is now time for me to focus on the one aspect I have always loved in the IE games: theme of the party. Before we (or I) start, here are some links to some amazing high quality portraits with similar styles; permission already granted through their websites: http://www.jasonseow.com/poeportraits by Jason Seow - full permission to modify and repost http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com/ by wespenfresser - disallowed cropping and posting without link http://lucanii01.deviantart.com/art/Rain-the-Cipher-522921730 by lucanii - free download Feel free to let me know if there are more of these around so I can add them to OP. The topic at hand: Themes Many comes to mind when Pillars of Eternity contained such deep lore, the posibilities are limitless! I often imagine my group has just arrived in Dyrwood only to find the newborne nation to be in deep dissent rather than trying to solve the soul crisis. I'll list two of my favorites: Vailian Mercenary Warband Commissary - Gold Pact Paladin/Old Vailia Aristocrat Captain - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Lieutenant - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Sergeant - Fighter/Old Vailia Mercenary Specialist - Rogue/Old Vailia Laborer Chaplain - Priest/Aedyr Clergyman The White that Wends Expedition Emissary - Chanter/Aristocrat Adventurer - Fighter/Explorer Scout - Ranger/Hunter Guard - Fighter/Mercenary Fugitive - Rogue/Drifter Scribe - Cipher/Mystic These groups are far from being the most viable composition for PotD, but, hey, it's more fun this way.. based on personal taste. Post your party and its theme, along with whatever info you'd like to provide: Names, roles, classes, backgrounds, even bios! Let us all start lobbying for custom biographies for all the hired adventurers!
  22. Apparently this dude did it with an all-13 stats Chanter in patch 1.03 http://imgur.com/kMa7gnN Edit with Reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/32nuyv/the_complete_guide_to_triple_crown_solo_as_a/
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