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Everything posted by fgalkin

  1. I do not know; neither do I know what reason you could have to debase someone's writing as "masturbatory fantasies". Because it's basically what it is? The series is pretty terrible, and I've never been able to get into the Witcher games because I've had the misfortune to read the books before the games came out.
  2. You're still destroying thousands of souls. Sure, they will be ground down by entropy eventually, but we too will be ground down by entropy and die of old age, but that doesn't mean we can just go around murdering people.
  3. Never mind, wrong thread
  4. Is that not the case with Endless Space 2? Or even Pillars? In Civ there are many scenarios and in any particular scenario there is an optimal way to progress to a goal. Yes, but both Endless Space and PoE make up for it with lore and flavor. Civ is just Civ. Which was my original point in response to the sentiment that "Story and atmosphere are for casuls"
  5. It's highly dependent on its mechanics. Once you understand them, there is usually one optimal way to play
  6. If I wanted a spreadsheet, I'd use Excel and not spend money on a game. For example, I love Endless Space 2, while the Civilization series bores me to tears
  7. Are you playing PoE1 or the Backers' Beta of PoE2?
  8. It's the hardest fight in the beta right now if you don't kite him away all the way to the xaurip camp.
  9. Mouse over the gold in the world view leads to a graphics bug and a missing string
  10. Found another one- when summoning Writhing Tentacles in Poko Kohara, their models are not visible.
  11. I killed the thing while it was charmed, and combat did not end after its death
  12. So, when I tried to board the enemy ship and sent my crew to leap to the enemy's deck, they got stuck in an endless animation loop instead and never went anywhere.
  13. Or get stuck in an endless animation loop and never go anywhere, in my experience with the beta....
  14. And another one, with disappearing effects on the ground
  15. Found another one in Update 4 Beta. When you press rest without deselecting the food, the food cursor persists through the resting video.
  16. Remember that animancer who tried to absorb a scullery maid's soul, but ended up absorbed by her soul instead? I don't, at all. Where was this? I can't recall at the moment. It was either in a book you read in-game, or a lore-dump conversation at the sanitarium, IIRC
  17. They cut a lot of stuff from the game, including being able to get Iovara's soul to help you in the fight against Thaos in exchange for freeing the Forgiven souls. This might be one of those things.
  18. Remember that animancer who tried to absorb a scullery maid's soul, but ended up absorbed by her soul instead? If you tried to merge with Thaos, there is no guarantee that it wouldn't be Thaos who came out on top.
  19. How. . .Just. . .How. . .I ended the game with like a quarter of a million. Aside from the Paladin shield in the first town, I never paid for anything. The best loot and spells are plundered off dead enemies. . .What the devil did you find to spend your money on? I'm quite the opposite, I always has ton of cash on me, and I can find plenty of ways to spend them. But every time I looks at a nice cool weapon on the vendors, I just think "what if I need a huge **** ton of money to buy something really great in the next town?" Before I know it, I was standing in front of Thaos with half of Dyrwood's cash in my pocket. I used to be like that. Then, I decided to check the wiki, and pick out the gear I want for my party in advance. It solved my hoarding problem. I still ended the game with 100k+ cash, which was a lot less than what I had before
  20. I liked it but I wish there were more game elements to manage, like wind direction and a weather gage; it's a bit shallow and thus not as engaging as i'd like. Still it's there and there's boarding for those who don't want to deal with it. Yeah, I'd liked to have wind direction to be a factor, too. That's why I compared it to the NWS 20th century games, which had sea states and visibility, but no wind direction.
  21. You don't seem to realize that only a tiny minority of souls ever awaken. Are you one of those people who think that playing the lottery is a legit way of making money?
  22. As opposed to sitting in a soul prison for an eternity? She knew exactly what she was getting there. Sit around in Breith Eaman being smug at the Gods for petty satisfaction. Given the Gods are kind of proud selfish ****, it probably even worked a bit. Oh, she probably thinks that way for sure, but i really doubt the gods give even the slightest amount of ****s about her in her position, if anything it's actually good for them to have her sit there forever, instead of being out there in the world spreading her heresy. Except that she wouldn't be spreading her heresy if she was out in the world.
  23. By the way, the Orlan baby question is missing an option- in my latest, "canon" playthrough, I simply killed Simoc and his guards as soon as he made the offer (you have an option for that in dialogue). Later, his son showed up and thanked me. Never even saw the baby.
  24. As of right now, with the long casting times and the new interrupt mechanic, it seems nearly impossible. However, changes are coming in the next patch, so we shall see then.
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