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Everything posted by Wompoo

  1. DOS 2 is a very good game, and the armour system is child's play, just make sure your party is focused on either magic or physical, don't go half and half (hell you can solo it with a good build on tac/ honour mode). Pillars 2 story or the lack thereof will stop it getting any critical awards (and the godawful overland travel system, is only marginally better than Pathfinder, and that's saying something)... I have no idea why they thought ship combat was a major feature 0.0). They are, however, 2 different games, and if I was voting, DOS 2 would win easily and by a country mile. Attacking DOS 2 will not somehow make Pillars 2 more of a commercial success. Me I'll continue to play both franchises (unless Miserysoft kills Pillars 3) and enjoy them more or less.
  2. This patch has made the game worse... I've had to turn off telemetry and use Nvidia Control panel for the first time and it is still leaking memory. The AI scripting is also fairly clunky at the moment (after the patch) with the idiot AI just standing there spamming buffs over and over (even with the premade script as a guide nothing changes) . I have no idea what the problem is. Lastly, the scrolling in the scripting menu or hot spots are just not selectable without a great deal of piddling around. I'm affraid I'm going to roll back 2.01.0044 . Other then that the game has been stable outside of one crash and a non-selectable doors bug (which I think was from the memory leak as a quick reload fixes the issue). edit: Trying to cast Holy Radiance while in stag form results in an animation lock up. Loading a save... all saves now... sees the crew being paid for 50,000 plus gold and all food disappearing.
  3. No, leave it as it is... I prefer making theme based builds on PoTD like my current Pacifist and Archon playthroughs... and frankly, I'm tired of games reworking the difficulty curve over and over again, for what, a minority of the players base. Anyway Pathfinder is out soon, as is the reworked DOS 2 :D I'll play them for a while and come back when POE 2 has freshened up in my mind.
  4. I must agree the main story in POE 2 is totally forgetable... I play these games for complex story and game play. The art work and VO are excellent, just a shame the rest of it isn't
  5. The roll was an example, as a maxed roll for say Sorcerer would be a waste of time, and I think the longest I ever rolled was for a mage about 30 mins (Human straight 18s which I wasn't actually after, as I missed clicked and lost the earlier roll which was good enough)... these days I just use EE auto roller (others may use EE Keeper). If this was a competitive game or the feature broke the game outright or was an actual bug sure remove it fix it whatever. My rule is if the feature does not impact my enjoyment of the game directly and is an option that I can choose to ignore then its all good. edit: and I appoligise for going off topic
  6. Really, someone prepared to roll for hours could get that type of bonus at the character creation screen, straight 18s in BG 2 (ignoring race)... paying more money for a product to gain an advantage is really not an issue in a single player game (unless this was an EA game and then christ help us, as content would be behind a pay wall delivered via loot boxes), especially PoE 2, so I have no idea why you even mention that. Many classics have used bonus stat point systems (BG, BG2 and DA:O for example, it was the player's choice to use/collect them, as it is PoE 2) it's not new... if you don't like them don't use them, that simple (an old reply but a valid one)... I do hope this isn't about getting rid of game features for bigger achievement bragging rights.
  7. Use the game mechanics: barrels, sparklers, choke points, Berath's blessing, scrolls, potions or whatever.... they are legit in game, don't fall into the trap of limiting your playthrough if you are enjoying yourself. A good game gives you the tools to make the game fun for you, and if you can have fun and kick its backside on a triple crown run or designer party with a Chanter summoner army or as a pacifist healer buffer, then that is all that matters. I absolutely LOVE CHEESE in games and the best iso Crpg of all time (imho) BG 2 came with mega lashings of it and it was glorious.
  8. When spirit shifted to Stag animation/AI locks as soon as I try and cast Holy Radiance (Universalist), AI off/on... noticed the same thing happening with Aloth as well (AI freeze) especially with dual cautious aggressive settings. edit: Also rings like eg Suppress Affliction will show in the AI Behaviour editor "but if a healer", this may already be present.... yes it shows 2 Suppress Behaviours but does not show which is which; item or learned spell.
  9. I've encountered this. If your own cannoneers are high level you can shoot with just as good accuracy and damage right back at them. I just reloaded the fight and my Iron Thunders have higher hit when distance greater then 500 metres, they're out damaging my Imperials at + 500 range.... any way glad its not just me :D
  10. Enemy Thunders seem to have high damage at 570+ metres (low miss) which is well over their effective range of max 500, is this a bug (ship's cpt was low level yet was doing more damge with Iron Thunders then a higher level cpt with Imperials firing at 550). err new PoTD game
  11. I don't understand the difficulty setting for PoTD at all, Eder is getting one shot by a single skeleton pistoleers in the starter area ffs (and mouse over stats do not match this amount of damage ??? ... tweak the game difficulty by all means, but be transparent with your changes... have the mouse over update to show those changes ) Things like Nature's Mark (eg) also seem to be totally inconsistent with ability description: should last 42 secs "with int modifier" , but is lasting anything from 18.9 secs to 50.4 secs when applied to the same group of npcs, each mob is getting a different time? As for technical issues, seriously the character getting stuck and unable to move is still there after the beta patch. At present, I'm still enjoying my Troubador Lifegiver run with the beta patch... but no beta patch will fix the main story, sorry.
  12. Anything would of been better then soulless main quest with a PC character who's journey in the game has been nothing but forgettable (they really need some better writers).
  13. I had your problem with build/class selection as well, I found things changed when I dumped fighter, chanter and paladin from my builds (if I try a no deaths run I will definitely use them then, as they will be a must have... but when death is not an issue, they are a tad overkill). Playing 2 multi-classes presently... Cypher/Cleric and the other a Ranger/Druid. Also Nature godlike Evoker with power stacking items, abilities and pet... is seriously, "watch them explode" powerful, unfortunately, the texturing and colour of the Nature Godlike are fugly limes with legs .
  14. I've had Pallagina lose 50 percent of her hit points from one mob of the same level (elite) quite often in veteran (whilst she was wearing best in slot for her level, low to mid game). Veteran is more like a base hard mode, but ship to ship battles early can be very brutal and unforgiving (especially in Vet level). Personnally I feel the difficulty settings allow for some entertaining and creative builds to be used in Vetran or PoTD without being restricted to power builds based on fotm classes or templates. If the difficulty is to be increased, I would rather see players "forced" to use more balanced builds with team support being almost madatory for survival... for a better tactical game, rather then the dps checks and damage stacking mind set.
  15. It is a single player game, so this hurts no one... reporting it or complaining about others using it, is assinine.
  16. I seriously don't get why people dislike prestige classes so much. I love DnD prestige classes, if they had that system, I would be all for it... .Diablo 3 bs no thanks, or even worse ESO :D
  17. I tired it today after Steams usual bloated update 6 gig >.< The ship too ship does feel a little long, with more than 1 wth moment (not into text based chess... the game already feels a little too quite, and the ship combat just lacks that sense of urgency). Will try it a few more times. Also how do you feed your crew... all I get is a msg in red saying you cannot change slots in combat (I'm not in combat).
  18. Already verified the game cache (thanks for the suggestion) unfortunately no improvement. The druids movement seems totally broken (in my game) she now just walks every where fast/normal speed (checked half speed, it's off). As for the slow motion that is gone now. The game log errors, well this is the original game which has had a number of betas patches installed into it. I'll try a new druid game (which I probably should of done earlier, and see what happens). edit; well started a new game, no slow motion (can't recreate that), still green and some mobs seem to still have issues with the stags hit box early game, running on the spot.
  19. Description: Character remaining a translucent green after shifting out of Stag form. Character runs in slow motion when combat starts (only PC so far). Edit: slow motion is death in big fights, the druid is the only one affected in beast form or human, not fun Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Does not happen every encounter, quick save supplied, problems... removing items removes the green from PC except weapons remain greenish. Combat ends and PC exits ultra slow motion (note slow motion only occurs in human form not beast form) Another problem very early in the game in Valewood... wolves and npcs were just constantly running on the spot, against the Stags Hit box... Stags attacks lacked weight, almost like air swings. Important Files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/75d4obs8s3kfufz/8fba0b0f-41fb-4cd0-bbcb-c30c14126b06%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 Output Log https://www.dropbox.com/s/50faqew0b5g0xdk/output_log.txt?dl=0 System Specs https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pgarfmuqy3pe2n/DxDiag.txt?dl=0 Screenshots https://www.dropbox.com/s/920htjhjdt2gki9/Screenshot%202016-02-20%2015.56.46.png?dl=0
  20. Only thing that has changed on the PC, is the update to Win 10 and the beta 2.01 Verified game cache via Steam (not sure after win 10 if I need to re run redist? https://www.dropbox.com/s/50faqew0b5g0xdk/output_log.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cy298wtxl2z6fxx/5f3c1331-5b4d-42f1-a6e4-2f24c06c941c%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0
  21. The plus 6 accuracy bonus from Weapon Focus: Noble is not being added to Eder's primary stat So far tested no accuracy bonus from rapier (plus 5) or fine dagger (plus 5 and the fine bonus of plus 4) Also things get even more unusual with Heodan's starting dual daggers, both give plus five on both main hand and off hand... however change either or both of those starting daggers for other daggers and he loses the plus 5 accuracy on main and off hand.
  22. Think it is more then just EA who is guilty (and BW's present state has more to do with the 2 Doctors who sold it in the first place). Cash shop excess unfortunately is a disease in gaming (especially in Korean MMOs). As for the OP, I like both games for different reasons, both "have issues", but one has a chance to improve, PoE. The other has devolved into a generic fantasy action title, built around fixed base camp hubs, with the usual pointless lets return to camp companion interactions (BG2 it isn't) and a lack lustre focus on the player hero.
  23. It would seem the things Josh Sawyer disliked about DnD Wizards, is exactly what I and a lot of other peopled loved about them (they were seriously good fun to play)... or even the monster that was the Cleric (Ranger/Cleric multi). That flexibility enabled you to create a class-hybrid that you loved playing, it allowed you to solo BG2 as well (if that was your wish, was never mine ... I was a sucker for the story and companions). Over balancing classes in a single player game is not necessarily for the best, it just kills class diversity, experimentation and just plain fun (balancing classes into bland almost linear experiences is not fun imho ). I love feeling godly in game play and in story, elements missing in so so many games... boring and tedious.
  24. Its fairly easy, once you under stand the mechanics of the game (bulwark is your friend and shift queue Arcane assault and any other spell for very very quick casting). You can also do a quick milk run and pick up Durance and Kana (after you do the hanging tree... at level 3) easily, no combat involved and come back and just rip it apart. Also Concelhaut's staff first level spell makes short work of the shades. Lastly make sure Eder is well and truly the first thing they see, have him pull with a bow or charge in ahead of you. Fan of flames is a great early spell, need to learn how to position the group and yourself (great against Trolls). As for wizards damage, mine finished with it very easily being the highest damage dealer (they get stronger as you proceed, but 24 int doesn't hurt either ) . Currently running a Hearth Orlan as a spellsword capitalising on its racial crit using Concelhaut's and having a lot of fun.
  25. Not a fan of all classes must be equal in these types of games... you just end up with the usual bland predictable game play plaguing modern games imo. Dual classing would be far more interesting I think... as it would open the class system up to creative build design and experimentation. Additionally I'm currently running a front-line wizard, is she optimal? no, is fun? oh hell yes. The buffs present allow her to get some very impressive defence (along with heavy armour) going and raw power (not a tank or off tank). I trust the old school game designers more then I do players (no offence meant, sorry if that sounds like a slight).
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