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Found 4 results

  1. A great tactic has been found. If you use cracking bolt and rolling flame from a long distance, the enemy will not notice the party, which in turn means endless spells. This method allows you to destroy almost any encounter or lure enemies one by one increasing or decreasing the distance. Also, since the spells are power level 2-3, This strategy can be effectively used by any wiz-multiclasses, making the strategy a great way to complete solo PoTD. If you a smart wizard, you should practice sniping. Also, if an enemy encounter contains healers trying to kill someone is pretty useless unless you can kill mob with one blow, but in this case, such exploits are simply not needed. Still great for luring.
  2. I'm looking for a consistent way of killing the Adra Dragon I tried killing the adra dragon couple of times without 'cheese'-ing, the only thing I did for convenience is to line my characters in a certain way around the dragon and then attack. Cheese includes: 1) paralyze scroll chain (thats how i beat it once but its too cheese!) 2) killing her companions first without aggro-ing her (i believe its not intended that way) I did try to use maelstrom scrolls without paralyze but im just getting whipped (literally!) too fast with all those AOEs and the little reptalians that go for my backline to do ever more pressure... I try to use resurrection scrolls a lot but at some point they just don't bring characters up again The ONLY damaging spells that work are: 1) Priest level 5th pillar of holy flame 2) Wizard level 5th blast of frost 3) Scroll - maelstrom 4) Wizard 5th wall of force but not as strong as blast of frost (i die before duration end..) Problem is they can't always do full damage due to resistances. I can't reduce dragon resistances due to its ... well ... resistances !!! All the resistance-lowering spells from Aloth and Durance that I try miss. And whats the point waiting for iroll100 for the slight chance that they WILL hit ? The most I was able to do spamming those damaging spells is to get her to Injured before I can't resurrectmy party anymore (not sure if bug or intended so resurrect wont be abused?). Not to make this post too long, i'll just add i do drink some defense potion of Eder and everyone ate food ofc +2 might. Summons don't do much except maybe holding xunatrip at bay. Suggestions ? For fun I posted an image of the Adra dragon dying due to cheese (paralyze fest and lucky resistance-reduction spells... look how much I crit!):
  3. Let's start to collect all the stinky stuff right here. Inspired by Use R. Unfriendly and his epic collection The Hero's Guide to A Succesful Adventure or 500 ways to use cheese for decimating even the most powerful foes. link
  4. Hey all! I know these "choose my class" threads are painful, but as I wasn't around for the beta test, I'm gonna need you scholars to aid me in my quest. So my favorite game of all time is BG2: SoA and my favorite class by far is the Sorcerer. I love being able to snare and nuke enemies with all sorts of shiny spells and see my enemies laying before me when the dust clears. Would the obvious choice for this be wizard? I also read somewhere that druids were better for exploding enemies more efficiently from a DPS standpoint. What do you guys think? Also, any recommendations for a fight/cleric type class. My second favorite would have to be a flashy melee type fighter that can buff and charge in chunking enemies like a pro. I guess pally would be ideal? Thanks a bunch all.
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