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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. I don't understand all the feminist or whatever talk. Just finished up a W40K pnp session just now and one of the guys in the group mentioned something about feminism at the start of our game and I'll say it here to what I said in the group. Don't know anything about feminism or how it's got to do with the movie. It's a good old fashioned action movie and I enjoyed it.
  2. Saw the movie and enjoyed it. I thought it was good. Bring on the sequels,
  3. People will believe anything. http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/trumanpc.asp
  4. ^ reminds me of the ending to the movie, Kingdom of the Spiders.
  5. Clicked link. Doesn't work.
  6. I'm kinda curious how you figure that. Sounds like you missed this thread.
  7. Just hope you don't do anything we did 7 years ago. We already had our 2020 summit and what a waste of time and money that was.
  8. There's nothing deceptively simple about the question. Also note that I put deceptive in quotation marks to illustrate that there is nothing deceptively simple or otherwise about it. In fact, all it does is confuse and muddy the waters by adding it. But you're right in that you being illiterate can't understand what I write. Back to school aluminiumtrioxid.
  9. I have a better question. Why can't you form a logical coherent argument?
  10. Geezus, I can't believe some of the stuff in that article. Stuff like this: A 'deceptive' question like why are families a good thing? It's in the child's interest to be parented well? 'It looks' as if there's something very valuable in being a parent? Good grief, who are these people and how did they get anybody to listen to them let alone write an article.
  11. The system we have here is foreigners can only buy new dwellings (There's some exceptions but generally foreigners buy off the plan units here) and they can only buy up to 50% in a block of units iirc. eg. New building has 20 new units and only up to 10 can be owned by foreigners. Once the developer reaches 50%, they can't sell anymore to foreigners. Also, once bought by a foreigner, they cannot be sold to other foreigners. There's still problems with our system but at least it's not an open gate where foreigners are flooding in, although we are in a housing boom and it does seem that way at the moment with foreigners buying up off the plan properties. Mainly Chinese, Canadians and Americans. But there are many reasons why prices are on the rise and it's not just foreign buyers. New housing with buildings going up around the area add to the housing market which has benefits and drawbacks (eg. Infrastructure problems such as more people in an area can stress existing infrastructure). Federal Government only handles the Foreign Investment Review Board which all Foreigners must apply in order to buy any property. Stamp Duty (tax) is based on a sliding scale according to the value of the property and is administered by the State Governments. eg. in NSW a $500,000 property will have about $18,000 stamp duty (approx. 3.6%). A $700,000 property will have about $27,000 stamp duty (approx. 3.8%). The higher the value, the more tax (including the approx. percentage) you pay. It sounds like the UK may need to review their foreign ownership if foreigners are buying are property in droves.
  12. Or you could restrict foreign ownership to buying new properties instead of existing properties. Because you know foreigners buying existing properties doesn't add homes to the housing market. Building new properties do.
  13. That seems pretty high compared to previous elections? Actually, I was looking at previous election turnouts and it seems to be around that figure. 60-70 mark. I was thinking it might be lower, like America low but that's not too bad. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AonYZs4MzlZbdGc1ZXlsdXdwTTM4dTFCUTZRWDE1aXc#gid=0
  14. So what was the percentage of the UK population that voted?
  15. Latest episode of the Flash. The banana was a classic. Person of Interest season finale. Wow.
  16. I'm surprised you have drills at schools for SWAT showing up armed to the teeth. The only drills we had at our school were the once a year fire drills, if the teachers remembered to do it.
  17. While googling random things about Firefly I came across this cool picture.
  18. Would it have been better to have something like Judge Dredd?
  19. You didn't break my mind. And no need to apologise.
  20. Dumping bacon would no doubt get you a fine. Better analogies are required.
  21. Were you also appalled when the punisher symbol was used in the American Sniper film?
  22. So you're doing the wrong thing, breaking the law and you would be arrested or at least receive a fine.
  23. Wouldn't you be arrested for lighting fires in a public place or at least get a fine?
  24. Batman Begins is the most loyal to the Batman comics and one of the best comic book movies imo. A lot of Batman Begins is scene to scene from the comic book.
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