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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. ^ First episode of Blindspot was great. Can't wait to see how this series pans out.
  2. Watching the Twilight Zone series in reverse order. Finished watching Twilight Zone (2002) hosted by Forest Whitaker. It was okay. Will now go onto Twilight Zone (1985) and then save the best for last - Twilight Zone (1959) I'm hoping the other two Twilight Zone series are good. Although I think I prefer The Outer Limits.
  3. 12 Monkeys. Interesting season and take on the movie. Can't wait for season 2.
  4. Terminator: Genesis. I don't know which sequel is worse but this one is up there with Salvation.
  5. Time to get my application in to buy another investment property.
  6. Everyone pretty much gets it the same time if you watch it on Channel BT.
  7. Jurassic World. Not too bad. Better than the second and third. Nearly on par with the first.
  8. ^ Plenty of places on the internet.
  9. Bought a 4K Ultra HD Smart TV last night and delivered this afternoon. Starting it up was a breeze and watched some stuff on Youtube. Have just watched Mad Max Fury Road and I'm like, woah. I'm in heaven.
  10. Trigger warning. I was nearly raped by a fat person in college. I then spent some time in a safe space and was consoled by other people who were nearly raped. We then put on a video of puppy dogs to calm us all down.
  11. Project Almanac. Hand held shaky cam throughout the whole movie was annoying.
  12. Put a deposit down on an off the plan city apartment just now. Will be finished in two years. Today was just to reserve my spot for next Saturday morning when they go on sale. No doubt will be fighting over everyone else who's put down a deposit to get their first.
  13. Welcome to the club boys. My better half who does the same job as me earns more than I do, and my mother has always earned more than my father. I also have a good friend who does the same job as his wife and his wife earns more than he does.
  14. I'm glad I'm in a job where it's legislated by the Government that I must be physically in the Commonwealth to do my job. With current Technology, I could do my job outside of Australia but I'm not allowed to. So I'm safe from being outsourced.
  15. Some of it reminds me of Extreme Ops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZoACTYqwbg
  16. Wow, nobody can't be as stupid as you. I can't decide if you're doing this on purpose or you really are stupid. You decide. It may not be you who first brought up the doom and gloom but you did continue with your doom and gloom. And I didn't smugly pose a question on any incorrect supposition. That's you jumping to conclusions. Also, if you read my posts which clearly you haven't, I don't go through life smiling and thinking nobody has any problems. Another one of your jumping to conclusions. And you didn't provide any examples that you think I'm disconnected from reality. The one who's not only disconnected but has serious issues with other people is you. I'm sure you can get some professional help with that. It's okay 213374U, I can understand you don't like to post anything positive in a thread created for people to share anything positive in their lives. Maybe you can create a thread on all the societal world problems and how the sky is falling. Maybe throw in how the price of fish is affecting your day to day life.
  17. You really do have a problem don't you. So much negativity and woe in the world in your life from your posts. So much world problems and societal problems and everything else has problems such as the price of fish. But that's okay. Your posts show I'm dealing with someone who's either wallowing in the mire that is your life. Or you could still be in diapers and about to start elementary in a year or two and still coming to terms with life as a new born baby. And I never said this thread is my property. And I never told anyone what they should post. People can post what they like. I would find it odd that if there's a thread like JadedWolf's thread on what makes you happy and someone decided to post something that gets them angry and derails the thread, then that comes across as a little silly imo. Sure they can post anything they want, but what's the point? To prove that you can post anything you want? Bravo! Thanks for that insightful point on being able to post anything you want in a thread on the internet, regardless if it derails it. Maybe you'll get to enjoy some positivity in your life. I'll note that I copied this thread title from another forum and I'd have to say the other forum had positive comments and people being happy with their life, their kids, etc. Focusing on the positive. Overall, people enjoying their lives. A forum where the threads are closed for length after 2000 posts (100 pages) and the current thread is up to Part 3 page 47. I decided to create the same thread here expecting something positive and the total opposite happened.
  18. Yep, really hit a nerve with you. That's okay bud, you can wallow in your societal world problems and sky is falling way of life. I'm not desperate to show everyone how happy I am. I started a thread for people to post about the good things in their lives. But we have the likes of you coming into threads because you know 'life sucks' and this is how threads derail. Funny that you say to me to toughen up and deal. Sounds like you need to take your own advice and toughen up with life and deal with it.
  19. Ah yes. Seems I hit a nerve with you. Maybe what I'm posting is hitting close to home? Possibly even shades of the green eyed monster because other people are reasonably happy and doing well with their lives. How about actually quoting me and keeping it in context instead of making stuff up? And no, Barothmuk never answered my questions. Never go full retard 213374U, never go full retard. And that's what this thread was supposed to be about. Something positive that people could relate to. Someone like Guard Dog seems to be doing well with his life. He comes across as someone with an indomitable will to succeed regardless of what life throws at him. I applaud him for his strength to continue despite the odds. He's had his ups and downs and seems to be at a stage where 'everything's great' for him. And what I mean by that is even if you have problems in your life and everyone does, overall, life is pretty good for a lot of people. Yes, life is also crap for a lot of people too. But this was meant to be a thread for those who are enjoying life, at a stage in their life where things a good and focusing on the positive things in their lives. Hence the thread title. But please continue to go on your crusade of negativity. Don't let me stop you.
  20. No man. You're just being evasive. I asked you some questions which were different from Bruce's questions. It's okay Barothmuk that you don't want to answer my questions. Just say so instead of dodging and weaving. And no negativity here. Sounds like you're the one who's negative. I'm all positive.
  21. No, not at all. But nice jumping to conclusions. I can see you're doing that quite a bit. How are you enjoying your cognitive dissonance? Here's a thought, why not do something good about your life, change your life around instead of going off on tangents about society in general? Sounds like you've got some serious issues. Maybe a therapist will do you good.
  22. Oh hai. Is it just me or is there a lot of doom, gloom, rage, fear, whinge, OMG life sucks threads around... Rather than open yet another whinge thread about that (which is good to see Jadedwolf has done), I thought I'd just comment to say it's all good, I'm looking forward to things, life is pretty awesome really, the beer's cold, the weather's not, and people in general are on the whole quite decent and often far more clever and interesting than they sound (except for some in the thread that I opened). That's it, really.
  23. Yes, I did ask how Barothmuk was being affected by sexism and racism. And yet forumites keep jumping in answering for him. And you provided how vague society problems were affecting you. Like the price of Fish! Oh how I wish I had problems like the price of fish to contend with. If that's one of the biggest problems you're facing in everyday life, then perhaps you need to seek a financial planner to get you through the rest of the day.
  24. So you're talking about society in general, but fish prices do affect you personally. You know there's more food to eat than just fish and healthy food too. Yes, everything is great for me. Instead of moping and shouting the sky is falling, I've done something with my life.
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