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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. Never said the website is closing down. And was it an objective of GG? Can you provide links? I thought one of the objectives was to bring honesty and integrity to gaming media sites. Something you don't seem to agree with. The difference between the two of us is I'm all for honesty and integrity. Try and debate against that all you like but you will lose.
  2. Your claim was: 'Those sites have been steadily increasing their views since gamergate began." How long has GG been going? About a month? Gamasutra has gone down.
  3. So you admit Gamasutra's views have gone down?
  4. So Xi Jinping who is the President of China, who didn't come to power through the will of the people is not the legitimate president of China. Because you know he's also the Chairman of the Central Military Commission as well. Check.
  5. Why would I be offended? I'm quite bemused by it all. And how do you know how I feel? And you think I'm outraged? LOL. Nice misconception and strawmen you've built there Bruce. And I never once said I expect certain websites to support GG. I have said certain websites like Polygon should have honesty, integrity, to be held up to a certain standard, not to bully or harass their audience and throw insults at their sponsors. But you're okay with them doing this. I find it quite odd that you don't expect the gaming media to be honest and have integrity. And you don't expect Polygon or any other gaming media site to get rid of corruption? LOL. This coming from a so called Social Justice Warrior. Okay, so you're okay with organisations doing as they please. Throwing insults at their audience and their sponsors. And you agree with sites like Polygon. Check. And what do I expect them to do? I keep repeating myself with them being honest and having integrity, something you're unable to grasp. And when did sites like RPS and others went to great lengths to explain GG and it wasn't all critical? And yes Bruce, you can't keep repeating a certain stance on a particular subject. You've been proven wrong on many times on these forums. I know you can do it. I know you can admit that the gaming media should have integrity and should stamp out corruption. Some people like yourself refuse to understand certain things and will only see the negative so irrespective of what GG says it won't change Bruce's mind because he has convinced himself about a certain narrative around GG.
  6. Need to check your own link. Looks like Gamasutra has dropped, not increased.
  7. Can you provide links to this?
  8. Oh, I don't understand? It's clear to me Bruce, you're the one who doesn't understand. And it's clear to me you don't care about the standards of people from these gaming media sites and don't hold them accountable at all. And there is no expectation to have a discussion about the standards of these gaming websites that GG has brought up? And these sites like Polygon and RPS and Gawker Media have shown that they will stop at nothing to throw insults at their audience and their sponsors. And you're all for that and don't hold them accountable. You're more interested in holding GG up to a higher standard and ignoring these gaming media sites and their hypocrisy. And why shouldn't the gaming media sites want to discuss all topics about the purpose of good behaviour, honesty, integrity, the gaming industry, good and the bad? The onus is on these media sites to get a clear message across about what they really stand for and distance themselves from the extremist element. But then you say this is not the role of websites like Gamasutra and Polygon?. So you're okay with bullying and harassment from these sites? Good to see where you stand. You're all for bullies and having bullies throw insults at minorities, women, all sorts of people. And these gaming media websites are fine with the fact that they don't care about the issues GG has brought up with them throwing insults at their audience and sponsors and they are prepared to deal with the consequences? Good to see you're championing their cause for bullying and harassment. These gaming websites should be asking "how can we get people like Hiro to support us". And that first step is a cohesive approach that allows proper debate. And twitter could never achieve that. But these editors and reporters from these websites still use twitter as a means to want to bully and harass people on the internet. But you're okay with all this bullying and harassment from Gawker media and it's affiliates because you're more concerned about GG than the hypocrisy of the gaming media.
  9. I agree. It was more of a rhetorical question and shows the hypocrisy of the SJW's where they hold GG to a high standard but don't with their own views and/or sites they visit. Sites like Polygon might wither and die or they may stay alive gasping for air, the last vestiges of their SJW preaching, while the rest of us gamers carry on playing games. You can't talk reasonably to people who don't want to engage in reasonable debate and talk all over you. We saw that with Brianna Wu talking over everyone. And the same with that article with Liz and Rex, where Rex showed his hypocrisy.
  10. You expect this site to open up a forum for all parties to have a reasonable discussion? How about sites like Polygon opening up their site for a forum to all and to have a reasonable discussion to raise concerns in the gaming industry? Wouldn't that have been a logical and reasonable way to get the gaming media to discuss the issues. Or don't you hold them up to the same standard as GG? And wouldn't you agree that the next step for the gaming media is to evolve with certain standards that all can agree with. You know like honesty, no bullying, no harassment and all this sort of stuff that different parts of the gaming media should be doing.
  11. I like the fact that it has websites they deem okay and half those sites I've never heard of. I'm glad to see such a list like this. The death of gamers? More like the death of those terrible gaming sites like Polygon.
  12. Interesting. The sites from the 'approved' section is something I'll have to check out.
  13. After reading the last couple of pages and seeing an article I didnt' realise it's National Bullying Prevention Month. Great to see Gawker ignoring that and want to bring bullying back.
  14. I wonder why the health workers who are working in these areas aren't isolated from the general population when they come back. You'd think if a health worker returns to their country that they'd be isolated for a couple of weeks to confirm if they've been infected or not.
  15. So not only are Gawker media attacking their audience, they are also attacking their sponsors such as intel by calling them morons and idiots and lacking integrity. Can they dig that hole they're in any deeper?
  16. You did make some posts in the other thread with any death threats should be taken seriously. I expect the police to be involved and a thorough investigation to be carried out. Just to be on the safe side.
  17. Second result from google comes up with the urban dictionary definition. I always took it as that with doing anything you like regardless of what people say.
  18. Hypocrisy is the engine that drives the SJW. The SJW wears the cloak of duplicity, the sword of inaccuracy and the shield of sanctimony. Even when the engine is turned off, you can still hear the whining.
  19. Comes back to what Decado said in his wall of text on the Codex. Sincerity. Liz comes across as sincere and someone you'd like to have a chat with. Rex comes across as angry, ranting about everything and someone to avoid and you know he wouldn't be listening to what you'd be saying unless it's to agree with him.
  20. I couldn't finish the Rex interview. In fact, I couldn't get past the second question. It was just too abrasive and confrontational could picture him frothing at the mouth when he answered these questions. On the other hand. Liz was warm, welcoming, funny, on topic and just all round nice.
  21. You didn't refute what I said and it's quite true with every comment I've made in this thread. Even the list from Anita's website of games she's criticised. How you can criticise a game like Pac-Man is beyond me. I guess you really can see discrimination, prejudice, bigotry, racism, misogyny and anything else in everything. Next, we'll have some feminist/SJW complain about having white tiles instead of black tiles in someone's bathroom. Maybe you can change that biased view you have someday. I know it's going to be hard, but maybe one day you can be a gamer like the rest of us. PrimeJunta seems to be a lost cause for now.
  22. The social justice warrior title is a misnomer. They're Self Justified Whiners who've never been about justice in any social sense.
  23. Disgusting. So these 'journalists' are all okay with bullying and harassment and openly admit it. And you have some people on these forums all silent. But I'm sure they'll be back when the dirt is on #GG.
  24. Yeah, it's pretty hard running your own business. And very easy to be one of those statistics with so many businesses failing in the first year. My partner runs her own company and it's very time consuming for her and at times myself when she gets me involved, but I try and distance myself as much as I can away from it. Her phone never stops. Even last night when I was playing WL2, I heard her ask me a question from the other room and I had to look something up while she was answering a query. But one of the biggest things is cash flow. Can not understate that enough.
  25. When I do a google search on soggy leg, the Obsidian Forums are third from the top.
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