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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. Breaking bad is a slow burn that eventually hooks you into the story. I was the same when I first watched it and couldn't see what was so special about it. Once you're into the story, you won't regret it. The thing I don't get is the hate for Skyler as I felt she was a great character as was all the characters. And it's a shame that the actress Anna Gunn copped abuse from some viewers as well. Shows I've finished: Hannibal - Season 2. Overall, the series has been terrific but I do have an issue with how Jack Crawford has been portrayed compared to the movies. I think Jack has been portrayed terribly in this series. He wanders around like an imbecile with no clue of his own on how to solve a case, constantly referring to Will and Hannibal for 'help'. Contrast this to Dennis Farina in Manhunter (who did a better job than Harvey Keitel in Red Dragon. but I blame the script more than anything else) and the superb performance of Scott Glenn in SIlence of the Lambs, Fishburne's Crawford is the worse out of the lot. Grimm - Season 3. This is one of those guilty pleasures of mine. Great supernatural series and renewed for a 4th season. The Mentalist. Season 6. They could have ended this here as it didn't end on a cliff hanger. If it was cancelled It would be okay. It looks like the writers didn't want to take a chance of not being renewed so they gave it a happy season ending. But it appears it's been renewed for a seventh season and is rumoured to be the last season. I hope so because it's now dragging it out.
  2. I'm actually a DC fan and not really into reading Marvel comics. I do read some Marvel comics. Although when they rebooted the DC universe, I stopped reading DC. My preference now are independent comics. One of the best parts of the Hellblazer comic was the Garth Ennis run from issue 41-83. And it's also has a major storyline and plot device for Ennis' later work Preacher. You could almost say it's the origin story of Preacher even though officially it isn't. But you can see where he got the idea for Preacher. The Dangerous Habits story line (Issues 41-46) is one of the best stories in the Hellblazer series. In a weird twist of fate, the movie is 'loosely based' on this storyline. How they can take an unbelievably awesome story and then recycle it into something unrecognisable, get it so wrong on so many levels, change the context of Constantine's motives and push this turd out and call it Constantine still amazes me. The new Fantastic Four movie I'm not concerned about. I'm not going to watch it as I enjoyed the previous two.
  3. Well if your argument is that user ratings reflect a better scale of what makes a good movie, then movies like I am Legend which have a better score than Constantine are also great movies. And this is my point as well. The movie Constantine missed the point of what the character is, why the character is why he is, how he looks and acts, his motives which is a big part of the comic, and pretty much threw the source material out the window. If you changed the movie title to Angels and Demons and Constantine's name to Joe Smith but kept everything the same in the movie, you would never know it was based on the comic. The same cannot be said if you changed Batman Forever to Vigilante Superhero and Bruce Wayne to Joe Smith and kept everything the same in the movie. You would know it was based on Batman with how the character looks, his sidekick, the enemies he goes up against. And with I am Legend, it has better ratings (critic and user) than Contantine. And if you have no knowledge of either source material, I can see why. But if you have knowledge of I am Legend and no knowledge of Constantine, then you're arguing from a side of bias. It's probably why some people like movies such as X-Men Origins: Wolverine because they've never read or have no knowledge of the source material. The TV show looks to be a very close and near faithful adaption of the comic book, albeit a few changes like changing the setting from England to America. But the character seems to be a lot more faithful to the comic. And that's a good thing.
  4. Anyway. Watched the season finales of: Arrow. Great finale and seeing so many characters from the comics. Strange with Oliver and the island part at the end. Won't give away any spoilers. Castle. Had a feeling halfway through the episode they wouldn't get married. Would have been a nice ending but ended on a cliff hanger. Hawaii Five-0. Pure ridiculous action show but that's what so great about it. The previous episode with McGarrett and Catherine going to Afghanistan and taking on the Taliban was just hilarious. Once Upon a Time. Mixed feelings. Was good but now feel the story is going around in circles. At the start of the series it was about the curse and now that's over with, the writers don't seem to know where they're headed. So they've restarted everything with Regina again. Person of Interest. Great finale. This show is full of awesome. They take it in directions you have nowhere of knowing where it's going to go. Next season is shaping up to be a cracker. The Blacklist. Really enjoyed this and enough doubt in the finale so you're not 100% sure who Red is. James Spader makes the show.
  5. Huh? I didn't say Batman and Robin. I said Batman Forever. Batman Forever has a 41% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Which is in the same ball park to Constantine's 46%. Both movies are just plain bad. And wouldn't you like to have TV shows or movies that are based on comic characters have at least some semblance to their comic counterparts? I know I would.
  6. ugh. no. Not a good movie. Wasn't true to the comics is an understatement. The movie had very little to do with the comics. Other than the name and some plot/concepts which the movie was 'loosely' based on. Swap out the name Constantine for something else and the movie would have been any generic supernatural movie. Movies like Batman Forever (which rated similar to Constantine on Rotten Tomatoes) have at least some semblance of recognition to the source material. The TV show looks very much like how Constantine should have been. It's a shame we have the movie which has given the wrong impression to people of what the character should be.
  7. There's a couple possibilities, the DVD non-anamorphic DVD releases from a few years back or one of the various fanmade despecialized editions floating around. Tale is correct. Some time ago, I bought the 2-disc dvd set of the original trilogy. 6 dvd set in all. There was the special edition on one disc and the original theatrical released on the second disc. The disappointing thing to this set was although the original movies were widescreen, they weren't 16x9 enhanced. But at least I have them on dvd. I have no doubt the original negatives exist and they could restore and do an original theatrical release version on Blu-ray. Hopefully, Lucas doesn't have as much influence as he used to.
  8. New Apes Trailer. Can't wait to see this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeR34YWdg6s
  9. ROFL. I didn't know there was a Death Race 3.Thanks Hurlshot. Goes to get it now.
  10. OMG. Promo for the Arrow Season finale next week looks epic. Green Arrow, Black canary, Roy (Speedy), Nyssa al Ghul, Merlyn, League of Assassins, Suicide Squad including Deadshot, Deathstroke and more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBSN4aHaQwo
  11. Death Race (2008). Fun action prison car racing film. Jason Statham is the man. Just a great action movie to veg out and watch on the lounge. Death Race 2 (2010). Didn't realise it was a prequel and leads directly into the first movie. Explains a lot of the backstory, how events and characters happen that set up those characters in the first movie. Still enjoyed it but the first movie was better. Also Sorophyx. there is a TV thread for TV shows. Not sure why you keep posting TV shows in the movie thread.
  12. My view is a generational change over decades. Influence the government. Influence it in ways that are beneficial to the people as well as the government. I listed many examples of the problems with Nigeria. Solving one isn't going to change the culture when there's 50 other arguably more heinous things going on. Through this generational change, after say 20 years, you'll probably see a different Nigeria than what we have now. I base my own experience and the experience of living in Australia with generational changes that have been introduced over the last 30 years. Things we do today, the way most people think, how people are treated are a lot different to how it was 20 or 30 years ago. Even simple things like local councils giving two bins to each household, conditioning people to place their plastic bottles, paper, cardboard boxes into one bin and everything else in the other bin. Through distributing local pamphlets to households, advertising on TV, etc. That really didn't happen 30 years ago. Or even 20 years ago in a lot of places. But it's normal now and it would be odd for a lot of people not to do it. That's just one example of how you can condition and change people. Generational change. Just don't expect a magic bullet to fix Nigeria in 1 or 2 years.
  13. I noticed that tree was still standing at the 2.50-3.00 minute mark. So much ammunition and so much fail.
  14. Slaves are not something new to Nigeria. At least according to Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria#Human_rights Seems to have a lot of ingrained societal problems. I wouldn't be surprised if parts of Nigeria see it as normal for them. Why you interfere with our normal lives? or something similar. I don't see the success of trying to fix one problem when you have so many (from a western viewpoint).
  15. Speaking of Hitler. Did you know Hitler was into giving Cleveland Steamers? It was either giving it to Eva Braun or one of his nieces. I read it on Wikipedia.
  16. I have a question for you Bruce. How does one independently and with proof, weigh up the atrocities on a scale and see who committed the most atrocities?
  17. Perhaps my memory is faulty, but my memory is that almost all of the important subplots and character arcs in EMPIRE got resolved in RETURN, not in EMPIRE. Han captured - Return Luke's vision quest - never resolved Luke and the Dark Side - Return Han and Leia's romance - Return Lando's betrayal - Return Heck the shocking twist (although I'd rate, say, the end of Chinatown a bit more surprising, for example) is all about "tune in next time..." As I said, it has been awhile since I've seen the film, but I can't think of an important story element in EMPIRE that isn't just left dangling at the end of Empire. To my mind, that's part of the point - ESB was always the one that could most replicate the Flash Gordon serials of yesteryear that Star Wars patterned itself after. I agree with Amentep. A New Hope was a story in itself. It had a beginning, middle and end with celebrations. And left it open with a sequel. Empire felt like a new story. It felt like the first half of that new story. The start of the Han/Leia romance. New characters were introduced. Yoda saying, 'There is another?'. Huh? Who? A lot of new and unresolved questions. They split up at the end. Return finalised those plot points. The romance. We find out who is the other? Those questions are answered. Everyone gets back together. Celebrations ensue. It was similar with the Prequels and used the same formula. The first had a beginning, middle and end with celebrations. And left it open for a sequel which we all knew would come. Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (set years later) were two parts of the same story, and resolved in the latter.
  18. Almost Human did have a full season. Disappointing to see it cancelled. Not surprising though since they aired the episodes out of order.
  19. Whether you can prove your non-profit organisation is a non-profit organisation is not in dispute. Are you going to ignore the fact that the artist claims Anita Sarkeesian can't prove it herself? That's the issue. You seem to be sidestepping the question. Also, Bruce said they have this problem in South Africa with some non-profit organisations. Just because Finland is tightly regulated, doesn't mean other countries are too. There was also a report with over 1000 non profit organisations in the U.S. that had 'problems' with their organisations. It can be nearly any country, even Australia. So I ask again. If a person can't prove they are non-profit, then are you still going to take their word they are even though they say they can't prove it? 'Just take out word we are. Look, we're registered! That's all you need to know'.
  20. I did read the official statement and a few things don't add up. - We have been in repeated contact with Tammy and have worked diligently to try and resolve this issue since we were first notified that the image in question was, in fact, fan art. This seems to be false as I pointed out. - We did not see her “open letter” blog post until after we had already sent her our first response. Well if Anita was in repeated contact when they were first notified, why would Tammy need to write an open letter? It would never get to that stage. And I could go on. But this is a side issue. You're missing the point Elerond: Anita Sarkeesian cannot provide proof she is a Non Profit Public Benefit Corporation. What should be done with non profit organisations and what does happen aren't always the same. And the fact is Anita Sarkeesian cannot provide proof. That is the point I'm raising. Here's a question for you. Do you think it's okay for someone to register a non-profit organisation, raise funds for their 'cause' and yet are unable to provide proof of what they are doing is non profit. And when you do ask them for proof, they cannot provide it. You are ok with this?
  21. That's nice Elerond, but we already know this in the links I provided. Part of that comes across as PR fluff. Anita says she was in constant contact with the artist when this was first raised. The artist disputes this. "Except that I (and several of your supporters) have tried to contact you to nicely resolve this via your website, Twitter, and even Kickstarter." - Tammy The fact is it took an internet campaign against Anita Sarkeesian to have the artist's artwork removed from Anita's internet campaign. Anita should have just removed the artwork when the artist requested many times for her to do so. It should never have got to the point it did where an artist needs an internet campaign to get Anita Sarkeesian to do something that's right. And creating a non-profit organisation is one thing. Anybody can create one. I can go and create one myself if I wanted to. The fact is if you went to the artists homepage, where I quoted that Anita couldn't prove she was non-profit, you would see that the artist linked the official IRS charity site. So we still have Anita not officially non-profit. Just a dodgy registration which was registered a year after her Kickstarter campaign. And it goes back to what I asked Bruce about views on people who raise money concerning social issues but won't provide proof they are a Non Profit Public Benefit organisation. To this day, Anita can not provide proof she is officially non-profit.
  22. I really haven't been following all of this. I briefly looked over it at the time but generally didn't take an interest tbh. I decided to do a google search on Anita Sarkeesian today due to this thread and found some interesting links. The first link that piqued my interest was the "Anita Sarkeesian Stole my Artwork" Claims Blogger. Quite an interesting read and directs to the bloggers page with an open letter to Anita. The letter is written very well, nice and polite and the artist claims she has contacted Anita but had no response. It seems part of the internet got behind the artist and finally Anita did respond by removing the artists artwork. The artist has this quoted on her home page with the removal. Credit to Anita for doing so. However I found the following quote from the artist a little concerning: I found that interesting that she'll raise money for things like this but won't provide proof concerning non profit. The artist says 'I'd love to take your word for it' which implies Anita is saying this is not for profit, but then won't prove it. And that claim by Anita (her word) doesn't seem credible to be honest. And I don't blame the artist for calling her out on it and asking for proof. I don't see a problem Anita forming a non-profit organisation and have to wonder why she doesn't do so.
  23. Bruce, what's your view on people who raise money concerning social issues but won't provide proof that they are a Non Profit Public Benefit organisation.
  24. Okay, I didn't know you like to take quotes out of context. My response was to highlight that the quote was tongue in cheek and not to be taken seriously as the reviewer actually likes the show. You're actually quoting a humorous quote but you're taking the quote literally. That quote can apply to many box office action films that have overwhelming critical appeal and a reviewer could have used something similar in their positive review. And then for someone to take a small tongue in cheek quote out of a positive review, to take it out of context and use it against that show, movie, reviewer, etc, is quite odd to me. I'm not sure what you mean by they tried to fix it with Season 3. Do you have any links on who or why they tried to fix it? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by linking production values and authenticity. They seem to be two different things to me. Strike Back has the action of Die Hard, The Bourne Identity, and James Bond rolled into a TV series where these two guys go and fight terrorism. I mean seriously, you want authenticity? Does this even happen in real life? And the production values is excellent for a TV series, considering you would see this sort of stuff in movies. I don't know how they keep all this under budget. Oh well, it seems all this is too lowbrow for you.
  25. Oh and Sorophx, that quote was tongue in cheek. I wouldn't be relying on Wikipedia for your information since they cherry picked it. The reviewer who said that said he also likes Strike Back. He also had this to say at the start of his review. "Chris Ryan's Strike Back is terrific stuff." and the paragraph where he says that male fantasy tongue in cheek quote he also says "And me. I quite enjoyed it, I'm embarrassed to say."
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