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Everything posted by Gromnir

  1. I'm just going to let Sargy answer this one am recalling sargy Before he started with the bit o' too familiar affected speech posting. *shrug* have never been a fan o the suggestion that lots o' posts or posting for long time has some kinda special significance. 'leads to the kinda nonsense where some people gets labeled as "n00bs" and board regulars is thinking they got special status. hate that. HA! Good Fun!
  2. Good thing you're willing to break your financial back to finance the US world-education & police- campaign then. $1.3B to get afghan girls back to school, and to get rid of the brave freedom fighters you trained and financed in the eighties. America is generous. Time to look in the mirror now, and moe the lawn in your own backyard. J. is sometimes difficult to tell if junai is being obtuse, or is genuine as befuddled as is seeming. you, as a citizen of a marginalized nation worthy only o' mention in the context of whale-killers and recreational seal clubbing, is no doubt a bit envious o' USA superpower status-- culturally emasculating or somesuch. we empathize with your impotent rage and jealousy... it is cute, but irrelevant. nevertheless, whether you thinks the frothing fanatics currently attacking embassies and random westerners in airports and hotels who might possibly be American is somehow legit, this current bit o' chaos sweeping across the isalmic world is, according to the rock hurlers and bug-eyed clerics who is quoted by various news sources, the result o' a 14-minute you-tube video. is that reality sinking in yet? a US airstrike goes bad and 8 civilians end up dead. would we be shocked by a resultant protest by the locals? nope. sadly, what we got is ignorant zealots enraged at the United States o' America 'cause o' the amateurish video production o' a guy living in california. almost as bad, but revealing equal ignorance, is the euro-pundits who is agreeing that the any and all anti-islamic cecil b. demille wannabes should be criminalized. *snort* is a joke. is a horribly unfunny joke that makes us weep and laugh at same time 'cause the concept o' freedom o' speech and freedom o' expression is seemingly universally lauded, but it actual exists nowhere save for the United States... and less here than it once did. clowns. HA! Good Fun! ps. to be fair, junai's nation is also relevant for a week or two every 4 years when the winter olympics is occurring... so, congrats on that.
  3. is this where we is 'posed to boast/apologize 'bout how long we has been posting on interplay/bis/obsidian forums? *chuckle* well, whatever. HA! Good Fun!
  4. That the west turns a blind eye to disrespect towards the book they swear to, "in God we trust" etc - is not a portrayal of how wonderfully tolerant it is. More like, apathetic and fragmented to the point that anyone can say and do just about anything without fear of sanction. While a reaction might happen in the states, europe is disgraceful in that regard. Well except if you dare question the prevalent multicultural dogma, then you're looking at a quick trip to personal and professional ruin. your ignorance is astounding. the notion that Americans is apathetic 'bout religion and culture is only possible if you has never picked up a newspaper or watched tv... much less lived in the States. because we has genuine freedom o' expression, we has been frequent exposed to artists and madmen who is trying to get a reaction from the American public. we, as a people, is not apathetic, but we is having far more familiarity in dealing with hurtful words and images. put bluntly, we is more grown up in dealing with disturbing word and images. you need your governments to act as a prophylactic to protect you from mean words? *chuckle* the difference is that the average American recognizes that offending words and images created by an individual is never a reasonable cause for violence, and rarely is a cause for concern. sure, we got the occasional nutter (or group o' nutters) that resort to violence 'cause images o' Christ or the flag is defamed, but our CULTURE is such that WE are willing to endure such images and words 'cause it is the only way to be protecting everybody's freedom o' expression."sticks and stones... "in this matter it is as if the rest o' the world is collectively stuck at 8 years of age. thank goodness we lives in the US. HA! Good Fun!
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/12/world/middleeast/anger-over-film-fuels-anti-american-attacks-in-libya-and-egypt.html?_r=1 am imagining what the reaction would be here in the States if some random yutz in cairo posted an animated film o' a pot smoking jesus christ having sex with mary magdalene and st. john. am suspecting the reaction would be... nothing. have mobs form and attack egyptian or libyan embassies and kill random folks in airports who looks like they might be from the middle-east? ... nuts.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2....html?hpt=hp_t1 sure, the linked article references egypt, but virtual all o' the rest o' the world distinguishes between freedom o' speech and freedom to offend. is nuts. HA! Good Fun!
  7. ... obsidian is still in the game development biz? am recalling that they made fo:nv, no? we were fortunate enough to avoid being an unwitting alpha protocol beta tester, and we had 0 interest in the most recent ds incarnation. south park? uh... no thanks. *shrug* am recalling those stoopid blank book spines at the old interplay site that were meant to create anticipation regarding forthcoming d&d games. such stuff leaves us a bit... flaccid. am not gonna guess, and we is actual a bit surprised that we cares so little 'bout the next obsidian offering. our level o' interest regarding the new obsidian title is probable = to our anticipation regarding the next justin bieber album. regardless o' the announcement, we is unlikely to follow the development o' the new project as obsidian is currently a bit irrelevant to us-- which is too bad. we genuine liked obsidian games. HA! Good Fun!
  8. some guy mk meets via a mud is evidence o' american stoopidity? ... really? *snort* is all kinda best university lists. one such list we sees often is located at following link : http://www.arwu.org/ARWU2010.jsp the aforementioned list focuses much on research universities, so it is bound to baffle or irritate some folks. nevertheless, is at least a place to start when wondering 'bout the tech acumen o' nations. is many USA flags, no? 54 o' top 100 universities is in USA. now, am gonna admit that we is rather disappointed with public school education in the post nclb era-- well-intentioned legislation largely backfires. we got loads o' folks graduating from public schools that can't write an essay with any skill and thinks ohm's law is probable a tv drama from nbc. am bothered by the failures... but not too bothered. and as for the silly notion that science gets ignored in red states... HA! is amazing what folks outside the usa is willing/wanting to believe. yeah, there is plenty o' evils that exist in this nation (as somebody who grew up at pine ridge, we got first-hand experience o' too many American Tragedies,) but the wacky conclusions people arrive at via internet spawned snippets is baffling. good scientists would be requiring significant empirical evidence before arriving at such far-flung conclusions as the thread originator has, no? HA! Good Fun!
  9. Find stuff around dromund kaas and nar shaddaa. Very boring quests with very crappy rewards, unless you want a crossbow shaped blaster/sniper rifle. am believing that the blasters is legacy items, meaning you can send between your characters. for folks that got multiple characters, this is a nifty bonus as there were no way for a player to send bound columi/rakata/war hero barrel mods between characters til now. is not meaningful for the non-hardcore player, but am gonna guess that the folks with multiple 50s is gonna take advantage o' using the legacy blasters as a mailbox. HA! Good Fun!
  10. am not suggesting that it takes intelligence to be curious 'bout the numbers that is highly visible but not necessarily explained in the average crpg. what meager 'mount of intelligence does it require to be exhibiting the minimal 'mount o' curiosity to question game mechanics? somewhere between octopus (an admittedly very inquisitive invertebrate) and the average nfl defensive back? is Not a question o' intellect. that being said, the state o' mind required to be seeing game mechanics mentioned in virtual all skills and abilities offered in a crpg, but to have Zero curiosity 'bout the impact on your +20 hours o' gaming is requiring a state o' mind that we suspect is most easily attained via illicit drugs. as stated earlier, we understand that attempting to fully decode the frequently self-contradictory and pervasively non-intuitive game mechanics seen in crpgs is a pursuit only a few die-hard gamers would seek to embrace. that being said, am finding it passing odd that anybody would question the motivation o' those who would be wanting to actually know what some o' those +, -, and % that is showing up in game descriptors. HA! Good Fun!
  11. people says the weirdest things. when you level in a crpg, it is traditional to, at some pre-determined point, gets new abilities. so, how does one choose abilities. am guessing one can take mkreku complete serious and just choose random or simple looks at title of ability and choose what sounds most kewl, but that is not gonna be satisfying for all but the folks who likes to game whilst fully baked. see, virtual all games has mechanics worked right into the descriptions o' the abilities. am seeing that the swtor thread is still active, so take that game as an example. we looks at abilities for troopers and and we sees such stuff as getting an improved 2% defense chance... or should we take the ability that improves our absorption rating... or perhaps shield? how 'bout a more extreme example?. am recalling when we first were leveling our sorcerer, and we helped out an assassin do a flashpoint. the guy was frustrated 'cause he were dying so much and 'cause he couldnt hit nothing neither, so we looked at his gear. poor guy had strength and cunning and aim mods and enhancements as much, if not more, than willpower and endurance. why? 'cause surely a melee character needs strength more than willpower, right? we spent a teeny bit o' time explaining basic mechanics of game and a considerable time helping him re-gear so he wouldnt be dying quite so much. fellow seemed much happier once he knew the mechanics. is somewhat ironic that the only way the mk route o' gameplay for non-baked players would be satisfying is if game were complete and perfect balanced... and we know how mk feels 'bout balance. if any and all abilities were providing exactly same value to any and all character builds, then it wouldnt matter what ability were chosen, right? hey, Gromnir would be ecstatic to be playing such a game. would probable first need drop notion o' classes with prime attributes n' such, but that is another thread topic, eh? complex mechanics can indeed be frustrating, so we can appreciate the folks who wanna takes a bite o' the mk brownie and just play... dude. but am also recognizing that such a limited pov would make all but the most simplistic crpg all but unplayable. HA! Good Fun!
  12. 2 points 1) posting off-topic has always been the most common source of mod censure perhaps hurl has been too self-absorbed to notice, but mods likes to choose a neutral reason for killing threads and posts-- is not that hurl were being a dink or ignoramus, but simply that he was off-topic. is so much less adversarial to kill a thread or post 'cause of off-topic. really, pay attention and you will notice. 2) Gromnir's post were on-topic did we hurt hurl's feelings with the suggestion that you gots questionable taste? who cares? it were hardly a viscous insult we level'd at you, and it clearly failed to go beyond board guidelines. did we somehow crush your will so that you were incapable o' responding w/o staying on topic? your protracted whine could not have included material that kept it on-topic as well? 'course this line o' nonsense is, again, fully off-topic and likely to result in censure even if we include relevant material. ... if we has a hypothetical thread on this board that includes a review from X that slams the new south park game, and hurl questions the reviewer 'cause the reviewer also slammed fo:nv, and bg2, would anybody be shocked? "clearly the reviewer's taste in games is suspect." would such a rude observation o' the reviewer elicit a moment's notice from even the most sensitive proponents o' miss manner's school o' board etiquette? doubtful. nevertheless, Gromnir's post were like the music o' the pied piper o' hamelin overcoming the willpower o' garden variety... vermin? puhlease. nobody pulled you off-topic-- you ran. as for the dailies... server merger ("transfer"? HA!) has made doing dailies a real pain in the tukus. 58 people in the black hole? hopefully bio makes new instances open a bit sooner as the mega-servers is a bit crowded. HA! Good Fun!
  13. no doubt you is making a point. is this your attempt to show false dilemma fallacy? ... is not a great example o' false dichotomy/dilemma, but is close enough, we s'pose. nevertheless, is always easy to picks out the folks who feels as if we has taken 'pon them a "smoldering dump." *shrug* side-note: am not sure why monkeys and the emotionally damaged is so fixated with scat. we worked at a correctional facility for a while, and residents would frequently be withdrawing from various behavior modifying drugs. too frequent these poor souls would use their "smoldering dump" as a means o' expression. ink for their tortured pen as it were. curious. HA! Good Fun! ps you forgot to say anything relevant 'bout the topic. how... rude. did you like swtor writing as much as hurl? or perhaps you would prefer to play with your smoldering...
  14. Gromnir


    haven't we done this before? we got our dream car: 1987 buick grand national. if darth vader owned a car, it would be a buick grand national. heck, if vader Were a car, it would be the 1987 buick grand national gnx. HA! Good Fun!
  15. with that insightful and original post, hurl has made us rethink our posting style and our recent life choices. ... you got any idea how many times we has seen almost the exact same post from a cognitively challenged poster at codex... or in this place? but hey, your stab at it were so much more witty. really. *snort* regardless, is helpful when you post that you likes kutcher films and thinks inquisitor is superior to kotor 1 and 2. tastes is a personal thing. apparently, so is lack of taste. but don't feel bad, there is plenty o' folks who genuinely liked epic bad films such as battlefield earth and gigli, so you is hardly alone in having odd preferences in entertainment. HA! Good Fun! Being rude on the internet isn't really insightful or original either. It is sad that you won't change. I'm not refering to your posting style, that is simply eccentric, but the attitude behind it does not portray a pleasant person. and yet, your attempted criticism in your previous post were indeed directed at our posting style, no? thus your faux stab at maturity is a bit suspect... as is your taste. regardless, we will concede that we makes little attempt to be polite. am particularly blunt with folks who is similarly rude and/or with candy-arsed milksops who would likes to discuss internet etiquette rather than thread topics. so, in the future could you endeavour to at least throw in some thread-centric content into your mewling lest we sees moderator censorship. is quite rude to be so thoughtless. our first toon (mmo nomenclature is so odd) were an inquisitor. we were mildly entertained, but the shortfalls in character development were increasingly difficult to ignore. 1st half o' story forces us to be errand boy for somebody who is obviously out to do us ill... second half is difficult to remember as we were chasing an adversary who were equally forgettable. the companion stories hurl imagined were post-50 fare, were similarly uninspired... although we will concede that we never finished the final companion story as we were not enough of a glutton for punishment to endure running dailies or flashpoints to be getting his affection high enough. we played ls, so perhaps our experience were different than hurls. regardless, we find it difficult to favorably compare swtor inquisitor to a majority o' the material in kotor or kotor 2... with the notable exceptions of juhanni and visas mar. HA! Good Fun!
  16. with that insightful and original post, hurl has made us rethink our posting style and our recent life choices. ... you got any idea how many times we has seen almost the exact same post from a cognitively challenged poster at codex... or in this place? but hey, your stab at it were so much more witty. really. *snort* regardless, is helpful when you post that you likes kutcher films and thinks inquisitor is superior to kotor 1 and 2. tastes is a personal thing. apparently, so is lack of taste. but don't feel bad, there is plenty o' folks who genuinely liked epic bad films such as battlefield earth and gigli, so you is hardly alone in having odd preferences in entertainment. HA! Good Fun!
  17. ... well, considering you thought the inquisitor story were better than kotor 1 or 2 material, we is not surprised you is "entertained." similarly, if you told us that you is entertained while watching ashton kutcher (sp?) movies, we would not be shocked. HA! Good Fun! ps a friend of ours asked us to help her level a character a bit, so we has been playing again. the game has not gotten significantly better with the additions of 1.2 and 1.3.
  18. If you really don't see the difference between cliche and storytelling then you really need to watch something better. Good storytelling happens despite the archetype not because of it, cliches rely on the appeal of the archetype while having no real story. Hope that makes it clearer to you. ... talk 'bout a wtf moment. do you even bother to read what you write? how on earth does you get that we equate use o' cliche and storytelling? we made an initial comment 'bout the dearth o' quality storytelling in japanese anime... recognized a handful o' pervasive shortcomings only one o' which were the over-dependence on a limited number o' archetypes. YOU is the guy who comes up with the strawman/ non sequitur and tells us that japanese cliches is no worse than western. am suspecting you is being willful obtuse, but this ridiculous line o' argument seems too damn random to be intentional. well, i t looks like you gots calax to follow your lead, so we guess your detour 'round rationality and common sense weren't a total loss. *shrug* HA! Good Fun!
  19. *smacks forehead* please review the thread.... and somebody Please explain strawman to oro. is making rational discussion increasing difficult. you are the guy that for some inexplicable reason suggested that our (western?) cliches is no better than Japanese cliches. nobody in this thread had made a claim to the contrary before you challenged the notion o' western cliche dominance. if you review you will see that from the very start we were observing shortcomings in Japanese storytelling in anime, so to suggest that we is doing red herring is... bizarre. as for the name-calling (which is again a rather poor attempt to gets thread off the rails,) the only group we actual used any arguable name-calling to reference, were coffee shop goth. you did a much better job by directing your comments at us personal. so congrats to you for standing up for the gothies? no doubt they were terribly offended by being called "clowns" and were needing you to save them... or somesuch. however, please note that nietzsche frequently insulted his detractors and contemporaries in his writings, and as you is taking a moral and cultural relativist stance (HA!) we find your most recent hypocrisy utterly baffling... winky emote aside. maybe this is one o' those language gap problems? is english your second-language? is indeed ironic that Gromnir is the one to broach the idea, but we does see that non-english speakers will frequently use words and phrases in odd ways. name-calling, red herring, strawman, etc... perhaps is just a simple matter o' lacking familiarity with language.if you is getting yourself confused by the intricacies and subtleties o' language, we will endeavor to be more patient with your seeming ignorance. ... at this point am suspecting we is now gonna needs explain "irony" and "ignorance." HA! Good Fun!
  20. The market practice it's geared towards middle school girls, yet the means remains the same as it does with adults. Its the old adage "Sex sells", so it would be really no surprise if someone older picked up on that and responded to it. But I just used him as an example of how the media capitalizes on sex appeal even when its not completely appropriate. No, i'm defending cultural relativity by pointing out the same oddities on our own. Starting with the Greeks seems to make the most sense since its the greatest example that our own depravities are not the result of cultural exchange with Japan but rather original. Its just a difference of perspective between cultures, not really an issue of right or wrong. HA! somebody Please explain to oro that the slippery slope he is on is quite steep. the fact that the greeks did something somehow legitimizes? how 'bout the aztecs? or, gawd forbid, the french? hey, we can also looks at pervasive shortcomings in Nipponese storytelling (lack o' meaningful character development and cohesive plot) as simply the result o' cultural differences, no? all o' which is kinda beside point as it is your strawman we is beating senseless. wacky stuff. as an aside, we really hates the wiki-generation. it were bad enough when a handful o' goth types would hang 'round college coffee shops and misquote Nietzsche. 'least those clowns had genuine read some o' the source material. HA! Good Fun!
  21. you have got to be kidding. justin bieber is popular with middle school girls. you can't see a difference? ... you is actual attempting to defend sexualized lolli? use Greeks to defend? *shudder* however, we will continue to respond to your twisted little rationalizations in the hopes you will respond with even more bizarre material. HA! Good Fun!
  22. You have taken an entire series of stories,traditions and archetypes and reduced them to lolis. That's a strawman. no we didn't. in fact, we specifically said we weren't condemning all japanese archetypes. bad reading skills. and we would like to remind you that we initially did not distinguish japanese archetypes-- you did. was YOUR strawman. so try not to be more o' a hypocrite. "No, it doesn't make uncomfortable" *chuckle* that is all you need say. *shudder* but maybe after you learn strawman, you can figure out why the moral/cultural relativism bit is such a slippery slope. oh, and just as soon as kiddie beauty pageant contestants become mainstream archetypes in sitcoms, dramas and western animation, you will perhaps be making a point relevant to the immediate issue. HA! Good Fun!
  23. Not sure what "void" you're talking about. IWD and Diablo 2 were released on the same day. That said, I generally agree with your overall assessment of Diablo-esque ARPGs. Although I didn't actually play one until Torchlight. I got my $5 (hooray for Steam sales) worth of entertainment out of it, but I did feel little ashamed about the time it ate up. funny how memory works. we knows that iwd were targeted to get released Before diablo 2... that were one o' the reasons it were being rushed. we knew it failed to gets released before, but we thoughts it were hitting shelves a bit after diablo 2. odd. aside: am not actually playing anything at the moment. me3 interested us less and less as it got closer to release, so we will wait for the inevitable end-of-year bargain offering before we delve into the conclusion o' the trilogy. no diablo 3 for us. da3 is on hold til after the mayan end o' the world target date. ... at no point since 1997 has we had so little interest in computer games. HA! Good Fun!
  24. I try being concise rather than do a series of long posts that are irrelevant and cloud the point. No offense meant to anyone, just a preference of mine. Ok . With the difference being that Japan has overexploited all of theirs. Look it's okay if you're biased because it makes you uncomfortable, just admit to it, say your opinion and have the courtesy of respecting someone else's. clearly you dont know what strawman is... but that is okie dokie. and you is damn right that it makes us uncomfortable. duh. it should makes You uncomfortable. THAT IS THE POINT. the fact that such a common and "overexploited" (is that a word?) Japanese archetype doesn't make you, and the Japanese viewing public, uncomfortable were exactly what we were referencing. regardless, am not sure what kinda subtext you could be looking for to explain "pantsu" (again, am not sure if we is getting phrases correct as the vocabulary is foreign to us) and bizarre bathing suit shots o' preteens. is just... bizarre. uncomfortable? HA! yes! hell yes! orogun, let us introduce you to the point... sheesh. HA! Good Fun!
  25. played diablo. finished diablo. ... was midly embarrassed that we actual played diablo to its conclusion. our completionist tendency, bordering almost on an ocd compulsion, had us mindlessly playing the original diablo for many hours... but not too many. diablo gameplay felt a bit like playing single-player pong on easy difficulty setting. the only saving grace for us were that unlike pong, diablo had a conclusion. game over. hallelujah. is not that diablo were a bad game. for what it was, it were a fine game. blizzard discovered the correct formula or alchemy for an action-rpg. peoples coulds see their character getting more powhaz and better 10075 in just the correct amounts and frequency to stays motivated to play for the next hour... or 10. good game-- we could recognize why diablo were so successful even if it left us personally unfulfilled. anywho, some time passes and diablo 2 rolls around... and iwd is a bit behind schedule. seems monumentally stoopid in retrospect, but we did indeed buy diablo 2 to fill the void. am doubting we played diablo 2 for more than 2 hours. with the second incarnation we could see (again) why the diablo franchise were popular, but for us it were 'bout as "fun" as pulling weeds. diablo 3? yeah, right. HA! Good Fun!
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