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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Play Rome:Total War. That is a proper noun in the vocative case, i.e. a command!
  2. You mean like comparing Jodo's posts with those of Calax? 'Cause that ain't pretty... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and neither are you meta. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How did I get the blame for that? Listen, infant, fight your own battles, don't drag me into them. Obviously you have a lot of people thinking very poorly of you, so it makes no difference whether you attack me or not. Clown. You know, the really sad thing is that their avatars are completely different, as are their signatures. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe he's sight-impaired as well as a juvenile?
  3. This thread will just continue to grow as everyone keeps repeating the same things in it. I want better writing, not stupid hoods or holsters or grips. I want an ending. And a middle. And a beginning. And some interesting characters.
  4. Um, I uninstalled it long ago, but the Force Mastery Forms are something like: economy: reduces costs of powers (by half) super-duper: improves potency (double) and cost (150%) and there's another one, but I can't think what it is off the top of my head ...
  5. KotOR2: Lords of Greed This time it's pecuniary.
  6. ... It was hurried in an ungalant way.
  7. I'm sure I've seen that one ... in a catalogue ... somewhere ... I think it should be more like Top Secret ...
  8. Heh. They call anything an empire, these days. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe it's a very young empire, and it will get larger as it grows older ...
  9. Y'see, you do have some wit there.
  10. You could always use the first die roll as a boolean for hit or miss, then the next die roll to determine how many hits or misses (depending on the first roll), and then roll the corresponding dice.
  11. Just be up front. Women aren't stupid. Some of them are quite happy with shallow one-dimensional relationships. I knew a colleague who had two mistresses and a wife ... I think that's a dumb life, but others seemed to think he was having fun. (I don't know what he thought, I only met the berk once.)
  12. Please, tell us what this ambrosia is!
  13. Yep, JE beats KotOR on PC ...
  15. You mean like comparing Jodo's posts with those of Calax? 'Cause that ain't pretty... <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  16. Because it actually remains on topic? If we close all threads, there will be no more threads left to post in. Simple logic, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Even that wouldn't prevent spam. Now, BO-T: KotOR: Losing The Plot
  17. They don't get to have a choice. The clones are "grown" in tanks and are never allowed to obtain consciousness until Palpatine wants to jump into one. This way he can die about as many times as he likes and still survive in a new body. Luke's apparent fall to the dark side is really just a pretense to get close to those tanks so he can destroy them, though Luke doesn't resist the dark side quite as well as he thought, either. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is not in the standard RotJ film that was released on DVD, I take it ... :D
  18. I knew that. (Ugly son of a gun, isn't he. Tyson, I mean, not Flatus.)
  19. Pay for visitations. It's the cheapest way to accomplish your goal.
  20. Speaking of visualisation, are you aware of the technique for exercise that takes advantage of the fat that "correct" visualisation has been shown to provide up to 60% of the benefical effects as actual exercise? We used to have a running joke at work where we would have to clarifiy if we were "actually" visiting the gym / jogging / etc, or just exercising virtually. (Correct visualisation requires the same time commitment, it is just skipping the actual grunting and imagining it and all the experiences.)
  21. I'm going for the former, but that's only because I don't beleive the mental health system has fallen so far as to isolate people who might pose a threat to themselves and others together. Yet.
  22. Were there any other RPGs for the PC last year? It's kinda silly being the best game out of a total of one ...
  23. Who hasn't seen Mr Michelwhite in the classic Zulu? Oh, yes. The reason to attack the Zulus early is that, although you may not win, you'll certainly stand a better chance than if you leave them unmolested. The tactics are very sound, very effective. If you do the nuke thing, and it is fun, do it before anyone else has them, and preferably when the opposition are too weak (numerically and / or technolgically) to counter attack altogether: 'cause thy're after you. Also the planet does tend to get real messy, real quick.
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