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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. I don't like the CD-check because I don't want to have all the CDs with me when I take my laptop around; I ALWAYS buy the retail game (ah, the power of an income). Also, I take issue with the ludicrous concept of "copy protection" provided by a CD in the drive. Especially with almost every drive being a read-write one, there is no impediment to copying the original anyway. (Or am I missing something? Have the publishers inested in some decent copy-protection?)
  2. Not True, remember; Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (second movie) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, but it wasn't the second plot wise. It has to have "2" in the name. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Rambo, First Blood Part 2, Die Hard 2, LotR2: 2 Towers, Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan, ...
  3. How bloody difficult is it to mail "Build Fleet in Bur" ?
  4. Baley, haven't you sent in your build instructions yet?
  5. Looks better. I like the idea of a neutral "island" in the middle of the map, though (like Switzerland in the standard game).
  6. Why do you want a generic one? Do you mean one that isn't a specific nVidia or ATi ?
  7. Does that include the Conscientious Objector combatant type, or is that in the next sequel ...?
  8. But aren't the sweaty things the best to pet?
  9. Have you met Jodo, the imbecilic pseudo-eighteen-year-old ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought he was 23 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (Psst, he's really thirteen.)
  10. See, Steve, that's the problem with your Buddhist "everybody hold hands around the world" strategem for Civ, it's boring! What you need is a good war to give your game some urgency and purpose.
  11. Have you met Jodo, the imbecilic pseudo-eighteen-year-old ?
  12. I would say you would need to break the map down into its constituent links; create a link-analysis. (I was going to do one for the standard map, but I couldn't be arsed ...) In other words, list all the territories and the legal moves (ordered by type of terain and piece, naturally). That should give you an idea of the balancing required (as well as a list of chokepoints and safe areas, etc).
  13. Can't help it, personally, I am so boring that this is all I think about ... ... also it helps that jodo isn't posting his idiotic one-liners.
  14. Not Sonny in I, Robot ...
  15. You tell me. Never heard of it.
  16. *shakes head* That's baby stuff Meta...even Baley knows that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> " I'm glad you spotted my deliberate mistake ... Ninja monkey marines can do it ...
  17. Big landmass, so I can fan out quickly and create gigantic civilziations ...
  18. I have to finish reading that book sometime, but with my current backlog... But in what way? I suspect that the absence of a regulating authority that would keep human growth and advancement, when in the context of a society, in check would likely slow down, halt, and possibly regress humanity. Then again, we evolved before there were any forms of socialiatal societies - who's to say we can't do so again? In what ways do you think a lack of such authority would contribute to the deevolvement (I'm not even sure this word exists) to groups of individuals, or people trying to be truly individual? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Devolution takes place when the individuals either lack the insight or the trust to work in concert; the result is the strongest individual survives ... you can expand that out to small groups, but the result is very Hobbesian. Read up on Hobbes, and you can also get the Lord of The Flies as a film (I know, I saw it when I was under ten ...)
  19. Honestly I do not believe in the concept of soul, although I agree with your point (and the rest of what you wrote). However, would you agree ethics derived from exclusively personal interaction with oneself are always founded on external interaction first and foremost, it being a base for future interactions (even only with the self)? It is said that men does not become good or evil because of his interactions with others but because of interactions with himself (or something to that effect). But it seems before going through that he will need to have a base, an example or set of examples that will allow him to do so on his own, ie, he'll need to judge others and learn from interactions with them before he can stop judging them and rely solely on interactions with himself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was just playing with homonyms, it's an occupational hazard for a lexicographer (even an amateur). :D What you ask is not good science (according to the logical psositivism definition), because it is indeed impossible to raise a human without their interaction, or their observance of interactions, with others. So I would
  20. Interesting philosophical point you make, Eru spawn. Are you suggesting that "because everybody else does it" you are exempt from any ethical implications of your actions ... Fascinating...
  21. I really dont understand that because everytime i have played through the game that droid has been really easy to beat, but have not beaten the Champ much really, the droid seems really easy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe the droid felt sorry for you?
  22. No, just one that doesn't rely on gimicks.
  23. Hating mathematics leads to ignorance, and ignorance leads to this sort of post ... No, it's supposed to be "Math leads to the Darkside; the Darkside leads to [insert something hilarious]; [insert something hilarious] leads to [insert something even more hilarious]..." and so forth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, but it's the "something hilarious" that is the stumbling block ... Art.
  24. No. Yes. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes.
  25. I agree the map needs quite a bit of work, and I'm now thinking that Burgundy might be a rather bad idea. Having those areaa neurtral and filling out the centre of the map might be a better idea (Bavaria-Bohemia, maybe?). As to using some sort of variant map in our next game, my hope is that someone else will be able to GM at that point, so I can get a game, and I'd rather play the standard map. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't mind being GM, now that the game is not a total unexplored myth anymore ... :D ... after all, it's not like there is any magic involved, it's all just rule-based (according to the hierarchy in the back of the manual).
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