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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Who are you and what have you done with Baley?
  2. Stop right there! It was "crafted" (if being left half finished is in fact worthy of the description) in such a way as to leave as little damage to any future development, whilst keeping with the only consistency provided by the game, that being a total lack of any substance. The central conceit, that of the Exile being the protagonist rather than Revan, was a simply mechanism to start the second game with a new character that could grow through the levels, without makeing a total mockery of the game engine (as is apparent when playing with an epic level character). There was no sequel planned at the time. There was no denouement, apart from a couple of paragraphs of "Where are they now" dialogue, which still missed a few characters! It was poorly completed. EOF
  3. KotOR2: The Search for Plot
  4. "It'll be like Robocop meets Mona Lisa Smile meets Rush Hour ..."
  5. I would have categorised that as RTS, actually. Maybe that might help you a little, if you're working on turns, that's a big advantage to give the other side ...
  6. In the bath, of course. I'm leaving I'll come back when you grow up which will probably be never, who's the baby now? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If he leaves and doesn't come back until Numbers grows up, which is never, that means he never returns, doesn't it? (I just had to insert this, as I missed the whole argument and I was being wrongly accused and abused!)
  7. That's what I was alluding to in my previous comment. You also wouldn't necessarily need to wipe the entire database, either; just like any transaction record can have set checkpoints that can act as rollback stops. Like in an electronic banking transaction, if the comm link to the bank clearing house goes down, you only lose the current transaction, not your entire banking history.
  8. A lot of dorm rooms look worse than sewers, too.
  9. Is that where she loses her "flower" again? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't know since I didn't see the first one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Me neither, but my teenage step-daughter did, and appraised me of the plot, in a one sentence synopsis. She liked Not Another Teen Movie, too, but I found it very tedious after the first joke ... that was repeated endlessly (until I switched it off after about ten minutes).
  10. Or young, fit and smart enough to pass any of the tests.
  11. I'm impressed, you should keep writing, because such a level of literacy is not common. Also, there is some humour in there! Asimov was an inveterate punner, and he wrote a short story about why puns were not received as well as they might be. It was about the lifecycle of memes, IIRC, and their measurements; the "other intelligence" that created memes in human culture used the endless repitition of jokes as a metric. Puns, as an independent form of humour, only interfered with the process, and so had been hardwired as "unfunny", to avoid excessive interference.
  12. No, but very few realize that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi, my name is meta Deconstruction digital. Nice to meet you.
  13. Is that where she loses her "flower" again?
  14. Lewis Caroll swallowed a bag?
  15. You think bull-shido will lead you to fearlessness? The desire to scream and wield some sword is usually the result of some infantile-ninja dream, and as such a desire to be something/somebody. My guess is, you're trying to impress the chicks by posing as some sort of martial-artist. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is there any other reason for doing anything? Seriously, though, courage is not the absence of fear, it is doing what must be done in the presence of fear.
  16. Well it wouldn't be the first substance that is both salty and sweet ... I still thought the Godzilla was bigger. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That annoyed me, too. From that moment on I didn't take the test seriously. ...and I only got eleven, but that's like Wow! Exclamation marks.
  17. Sounds like something from Clockwork Orange ...
  18. You can always switch the AI off. Or reset it. It would interact with a database of some sort, and that can always be reset. Calibrating a difficulty setting might be more problematic, although you could have fin with other settings, like irrational-type emotional equivalents, like impulsiveness (e.g. short circuiting the calculation cycle when the pressure is on) ...
  19. He was basically a swiss army knife on legs, yet in ANH, for example, he had to walk across the Tatooine desert, only to be captured by a rotting runt in a dishcloth ...
  20. Reading lesson for today: Sometimes, people make typos or grammatical errors. In that case, it's time to hone your heuristic skills and analyse the entire sentence. Often, the true meaning and/or intention can be derived from the context in which it was presented. " My guess is he meant Excited Oh, and how about more of them audio updates ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pssst. Gorth: verbum sat sapieti. Unfortunately wisdom is not counted amongst his gifts.
  21. We could start a rumour that it's Homeworld 3.
  22. I heard he got demoted.
  23. Alright, who created a new id just to post that, so that they didn't have to admit to reading books based on Babylon 5? Just come out and admit it, that's the first step ...
  24. I noticed Wild Things 3 in the video store the other day. Must have missed its cinematic release. "
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