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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. For me it's less about reloading and more about role playing so I hate starting a quest then having to reload and come back later.... It was close though:) Thank god for Sagani and the ever faithful kiting mechanic - though the fight took a long long time....
  2. Yeah, but when I have played a dual wield rogue she hasn't need prone:) Boots of speed and irritating mages and archers go down so fast. But it does depend on the rest of your party. I find it really difficult to have a dual wield rogue and ranger in the same party. Between the pet and the rogue it's a lot of micro managing... But it is one of my favourite builds. Someone posted a build a while back where he was soloing on Potd and took Thaos down in something like 4 hits.
  3. Yeah, I'm not complaining I think it's great. But I was so close to having to reload from a couple of hours before. I really didn't think I could get past the fight and there is no alternative to the fight. You can't even rest
  4. There is quite a substantial difference between dual wield sabres and the rest. Not sure about the maths but is really noticeable. Things die quickly. I'd pump resolve to around 16 or so and take the defensive talents like superior deflection. The invisibility talent will also save your ass. Get the best armour you can find. As Boeroer mentioned, a paladin with reinforcing exhortation is helpful and not just for the deflection buff. Occasionally he/she might have to resurrect your rogue:) Still it's a fun build, lots of micro managing though....
  5. Yeah it's you can do it early on by mistake, where it is really tough, still it's not nearly as bad as: Doing the iron flail merc fortress at 10th level. Not resting before going in to deal with the commander. Then having a rather large surprise waiting for you outside. That was pretty much the toughest fight I've had in Pillars including dragons. Mainly because the characters were injured, no spells, no scrolls.......... Really unpleasant. But a nice suprise if you are a masochist.
  6. Yeah, while I like GOG, their patching is terrible... There are plenty of times when I wish I just brought on steam...
  7. Are you on GOG by any chance? I have had endless grief with the patches on their side. And Galaxy is even worse. Sounds like a problem people had with WM1 with the meshes. It could be due to not downloading and installing the correct patches in the correct order... If you are on steam, then sorry no idea....
  8. Ah pity, still I think I'm going to give it a go. I like spears but I really can't bring myself to dual wield them - it looks a bit silly.... But a barbarian using a spear and shield well that's cool, and hopefully effective.
  9. Has anyone had experience with the soulbound shield and vile loners lance? As far as I know the shield can be bound to a barbarian. Really interested to know if bash works with carnage? It would seem a pretty good pairing.
  10. It's nice to be rewarded for a non violent path.... Thanks Obs.
  11. Mmm she works rather nicely with tall grass, like all barbarians.... But barbaric yell is really irritating, wish I could get rid of it. The ai insists on using it all the time.
  12. That would be great. Gotta have a barbarian in my party.
  13. BTW without too many spoilers for WM2 does anyone know how soon you can recruit her? Can you get her before you clear The keep or is it effectively only after you complete WM1?
  14. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if you don't like it, there is not much to say. I personally think the class mechanics are superb. Yes there are problems, but you have to give Obs some serious credit. They could have gone with the standard variations of d&d instead they tried something different. Some of the mechanics like cipher/chanters/monks and barbarians are really well thought out and as original as you get. As for monks taking damage, well the class is not a true martial artist as such. It's heavily influenced by the medieval flagellant religious sects, though obviously less religion more spiritualism. Again gotta say well done obs for trying something different. For the record, I don't necessarily like all the classes and mechanics but the one thing you can't say is that Obs haven't put in effort and largely succeeded in making each class distinctive and fun to play.
  15. Holy crap, can't wait to get her. Barbarians are awesome.
  16. Just take the antelope companion and call it "Bambi" That raises the guilt bar quite high for me....
  17. Jeez, talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Don't want to see their stories don't click on the backers/tombstones. It's not rocket science. They are as immersion breaking as you want them to be. Just ignore them and you'll be fine.
  18. Leveling is tough, I don't really have any answers. On the one hand you have completionists like me and on the other casual gamers. Seems to me that finding a balance between the 2 styles is impossible. A substantial part of the problem is the amount of side quests as opposed to critical path content. I know BG2 had a substantial amount of side quests, but for the time it was the exception. Nowadays it seems as the games get longer the side quests expand and the critical path gets proportionally smaller. One way to have greater control over leveling is to reverse the trend, by having the storyline be the major part of the game, not the side quests. Devs wouldn't like that though because generally side quests are less work than building one kick ass central story.
  19. Ai is a problem with all games. It has a long way to go. Pillars ai is pretty much par for the course in terms of games, so not sure what the complaint is about there. At the moment, in every game I've played recently (and not recently) the ai can be abused. Somehow comparing 100 million dollar movies where everything is choreographed to the tiniest detail to a game produced by a small studio with really limited resources is.... odd.
  20. Absolutely, it is important that they get feedback. My issue is these threads often turn negative really quickly. And that's counterproductive. But positive feedback (not necessarily agreeing or praising the devs, rather being constructive) is important. It's quite sad but many devs don't frequent their own forums, mainly because of the vitriol directed at them over the most inconsequential changes.
  21. I'm not sure you guys are giving the devs enough credit. A couple of things to bear in mind. Just about every beta, every class tweak since the year dot has produced an over reaction akin to this one. In spite of that, the balance is pretty good. Now personally, I wouldn't make massive adjustments, I'd prefer baby steps, but Sawyer may be right, rather make a huge change and see what the reaction is. I'd be very surprised if they keep these changes for long. It may make the final white March expansion but pretty sure Obs will have patches after that and they will keep tweaking the classes. Patience will be rewarded. I don't personally play Ciphers but they are most definitely not finished.
  22. Well, yeah, it should be for disengagement not engagement Can't be that difficult to tweak? (Says the non computer programmer) But the fact remains that you should get penalized otherwise what's the point.
  23. Funnily enough I like the idea of engagement or attacks of opportunity as they used to be called. It does make sense that you would be punished for moving around in combat. I think the issue is that the punishment is not severe enough. If it were up to me, I'd make the "attack of opportunity" an automatic crit. Not sure other people would go for it though.
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