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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. Awesome thanks - hopefully it's not that complicated and we can download only that file as opposed the previous patch where there where 2 versions.
  2. Any idea how long it takes for gog to upload the patches? Still waiting for them
  3. Melee rogue is awesome but you need to put her in heavy armor - it helps. I find my dual sabre wielding rogues kills things so quickly they don't have time to do a substantial amount of damage. But in general, if it's melee dps I go dual wield rogue, if it's ranged I go for ranger and get all the important pet talents. They do a serious amount of damage. But both require a serious amount of micro management. Ranged definitely ranger!
  4. W What ability do you skip in order to take Long Stride? Torment's Reach and Swift Strikes are cornerstone picks, Duality and Crucible of Suffering are what lets you shrug off the CC attacks, or at least make them graze which is good enough. That leaves level five and Turning Wheel which adds a bunch of damage. Get eight wounds hit back with a Torment's that adds +35% damage in a burning lash, hit another Torment's and you hit for +30% damage and so on. Running around is just going to trigger a lot of disengagement attacks and if you are not running around what good is Long Stride? Level eleven is not that late in the game now with a level fourteen cap. With Flagellant's Path your movement IS an attack. It even works when you get stuck which is really useful in Durgan's Battery. With my two heavy Monks I start combat engaging and stopping the onrushing melee enemies. Once I get a few wounds I can start using Flagellant's Path to zip across the battlefield damaging everyone in the way. Enemies that were engaged with the monks run after them setting up a return Flagellant's Path through their line. Enemy mages make this all possible by hitting one of the Monks with their big damage spell, usually some sort of missile strike, which just fuels the Flagellant's Path that hastens their death. If they don't strike at the Monks, the Monks will chew up their melee and then go after the mages and archers, if they do strike the Monks it just gives them wounds to power up the Flagellant's Path that brings the Monk right up in their grill. It even debuffs their defenses making it more easy to hit them. Why just move when you can attack AoE in a line? Well it's expensive to use so that's an issue. To be honest - thinking about it I may drop it completely and go for the DR talent instead. I tried it and found it underwhelming though cool. The problem is it works well, but I just find it hard to justify the wounds it takes up. Regarding disengagement attacks, well for any other class they are a pain but for a monk they are a free source of wounds. I just find it a game changer to be able to use long stride. Speed in combat helps and monks are really the only class to get it other than using items, so why not take it? To confirm: I like Flagellants path - it's a good ability but for me it comes really late and is expensive.
  5. I like the build. Just a few concerns around talent choice. I've played a monk with and without long stride and the difference is huge. Long stride is really great, it makes positioning a cinch. Well worth it. Flagellants path is cool and I would take it as well, but it's expensive to use and you only get it really late. Using items for haste is an option, but again they can come late in the playthrough. And when you look at the alternatives for the respective slot they tend to be much better than haste.
  6. Pale elves with beards looked great. Please guys bring back the beard. If it helps you can even give the ladies one!
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  7. Yup, I must say that for the first time ever I'm actually enjoying playing a monk. Still not necessarily my favourite, traditionally I've always gone for rogue, ranger, Druid or Paladins, and never ever monks. But the pillars monk is a different beast to ye old d&d monk it's a really cool class. Major problem though is the character creation screen. It's now becoming really difficult to choose.
  8. Oh I don't know about that. I think you are selling yourself short
  9. Not entirely sure what you are upset about?The fact that they are releasing an enhanced edition, the fact that they are making it for consoles, or the fact that they are making a sequel? So far it's all good news for me
  10. There still some time
  11. Apparently it's really happening. Awesome news. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/larianstudios/divinity-original-sin-2/posts/1363117
  12. Gotta go with a ranger on this, good dps, high accuracy, some crowd control and they come with a free melee rogue/tank/engagement slot taker upper and suicidal lemming when required
  13. Absolutely . I am currently running Zahua with Savage attack, Two weapon Fighting and Vulnerable Attack with fists (hatchets for immune crush enemies) and he is an absolute beast. It is SICK dps. I am talking like 48 to 60 hits on 10 to 15 DR mobs with every Torments Reach (Turning Wheel extra Fire damage with wounds). Also auto attacking with high wounds yields very good results obviously not hitting quite as hard as Torments Reach but still up in the 30's per hit on high DR mobs. The armor I am wearing is very light. The unique hide armor from the Ogre cave. Its good enough DR (11) for him to take wounds) and then Iron Wheel kicks in and gives him very high DR which I can either sit on if hes getting focused or just toss a Reinforcing Exhortation from my main on him while he expends wounds on Torments Reach. It synergizes and flows extremely well. One of my favorite set ups. Good lord, ok I haven't used a monk at all in Pillars. I think it's a hangover from d&d days. I never used them then either. Think I'm going to remedy that soon!
  14. Some quick questions regarding monks if you all don't mind. Does savage attack and dual wield ( the talent that grants 20% speed) work with monks unarmed fists?
  15. Hmmm heels have never done anything for me, ever time I see a woman in high heels I see an accident waiting to happen! On the other hand, if I where an orthopedic surgeon, I would just love them... Reminds me of these http://www.heelys.com/ Was a short lived kiddie fashion a while back. At least until the doctors association went on air to explain to their idiotic parents why it wasn't a great idea
  16. How did we get here from dwarves! Sometimes I wonder....
  17. Go dwarves! Looking forward to: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kingartgames/the-dwarves-a-new-storydriven-fantasy-rpg?ref=email Though to be honest I have never heard of these guys, still it has dwarves!
  18. I have noticed that sometimes the returning storm bug can be fixed by clicking on the ai options and enabling it. For some reason it seems to be tied to the ai and when I first get Hiravias he won't cast the darn spell, but as soon as I activate his ai he seems fine. I don't mean switching the ai button on and off, but rather selecting and enabling the options ie defensive, attacking, crowd control and saving them. Hope that's not to confusing. Can't do a screen grab now unfortunately.
  19. Hi guys, Ok, lameover is right - man I hate it when I'm wrong. Merciless hand overwrites merciless companion on the character sheet only. I went back and did a couple of fights and it is registering on the combat log. I have attached a couple of screengrabs in a zip showing the character sheet before and after and one of the combat log during a fight. Sorry about the confusion. I can still upload 2 save games if needed - one immediately before the talent is given and one after, but it seems to be only a character sheet issue - the talent does seem to work even if it's not there Thanks for picking that up lameover, and thanks from the devs for responding. R
  20. I'm pretty sure that's not the case, but I will check tomorrow. it would be great though if it just didn't register on the character sheet...
  21. Hi all, as I mentioned in the ranger bug thread, Merciless hand (House Doemenel talent) seems to be conflicting with Merciless companion (Ranger talent). Not sure if you are aware of this - I couldn't find any info on the forums on this particular issue. I have attached a savefile with a diagnostic of my pc via dropbox, though I don't think it would be needed. Ok, so I had the Merciless companion talent and it was working fine, I then did the relevant Doemenel quests and I noticed that the talent was overwriten on the character sheet by Merciless hand. Thats it. No repeccs or console commands - nothing that could cause this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/aibfsrqdm8uhcvu/New%20folder.zip?dl=0 Thanks R
  22. http://www.lar.net/2015/09/07/where-are-the-women/ I don't have a huge problem with their Art design, mainly because it is clearly designed to be over the top. As someone pointed out the male models all look like they take steroids. But yeah, the breastplates and in particular the high boots were irritating. Still it's good that a dev is asking these questions, and who knows he could learn something - and it might even be good for business!
  23. Yup, they don't do quite as much damage as a melee rogue, but they are not that far off it if you include the pets damage which is substantial. They also have good crowd control at higher level thanks to pet knockdown and binding roots. Good class, but you have to micro manage the pet in much the same way as you'd manage a melee rogue in order to really benefit. Only problem at the mo is a few bugs, including the one where merciless companion switches from the pet to the ranger when/if you respec. There are workarounds for most of them including that one, but there are a couple of bugs which aren't fixable at this point.
  24. Unfortunately I can't find a work around for the merciless hand bug overwriting merciless companion. I tried to respec, which if I do it normally at an inn, I get all the correct talents back but merciless companion applies to the ranger not the pet. If I try the workaround suggested and exit the level up screen at level 2 merciless companion gets overwritten again. Not a happy puppy...
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