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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. That's great. Where do you get your proteins from, though. Photosynthesis? And there's a reason (well, several) why large food retail chains can offer prices that low. But even if I posted and discussed it, you wouldn't read it anyway, since you already know everything you need to, because you're smart and everyone else is dumb. So enjoy while it lasts. So... unemployed or unsuccessful people with marketable skills do not exist or if they do, it's because they lack the will to apply said skills, right? Okay, so where does that will or lack thereof come from? And what about people who can't learn marketable skills for whatever reasons? The whole "marketable" paradigm is bunk, btw. What's marketable today can be worthless tomorrow. As established by the market, that empyreal force of nature that is the end-all be-all of human societies. Eh, no. You have decided not to earn as much money as you possibly could given your skills. That's a choice poor people don't get to make because they by definition aren't making as much money as they need. To put things in perspective, you need to eat ~1 gram of protein per bodyweight pound per day. You do not need a 24'' flat screen TV. So, no. You aren't poor. I'll ask again: Have you met many people that freely, consciously made the choice to be poor, unhappy, unsuccessful or otherwise miserable? YOU asked HOW Barothmuk was being affected by sexism and racism, the erosion of civil liberties and unsustainable exploitation of natural resources. Granted, I'm still not Barothmuk, but I provided exactly what you were asking for. How vague, society-wide problems were affecting day-to-day life. If your rebuttal is that since I don't protest every day, anti-protest legislation isn't really affecting my day-to-day life, well, yeah dude, you're right. And your solution to price increases in fish due to unsustainable practices is... not to eat fish. I believe congratulations are in order. Your logic is both bulletproof and completely irrelevant. Are you perchance a trial lawyer? Don't mistake moping with reckoning that not everything is rainbows and sunshines and that things are getting worse rather than better. Your solution to societal problems amounts to "420 BLAZE IT ****", only with a hardcore achiever spin. Go go internet übermensch power fantasies.
  2. I hear you. I doubt they'll be able to make it as fast as the originals though (someone calculated that Doomguy could run @ ~60mph), but they have supposedly been taking cues from Brutal Doom so maybe we'll get something substantially faster than Doom 3 or your average MMS at least. edit: nevermind, it's going to be released on consoles too, so it'll be constrained by controller limitations. Forget about Quake-level speed.
  3. In no particular order. Peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwiches Dem gainz Breakfast Learning new **** Getting **** done Kicking back after no more **** needs doing Strong coffee
  4. Good food (and I don't mean that avant-garde haute cuisine bull****), not so much. Look at the labels and macro breakdown, read up on additives, manufacturing processes, etc. Some of that **** is just gross, not to mention unethical to produce due to the conditions animals are kept in and forced relocations to make room for farming land. The GMO debate is a whole 'nother can of worms. Who wants to spend upwards of 50% of their income on quality, fair trade food, though? Y'think? And what is needed to change one's situation from unsuccessful to successful? Have you met many people that freely, consciously made the choice to be poor, unhappy, unsuccessful or otherwise miserable? Is this a strength of character thing or it depends on acquired or innate insights? And are those inheritable or environmentally influenced traits?
  5. I'm not Barothmuk, but I think I can answer some of those. For instance, despite the fact that I'm a male, I'm being discriminated against by the justice system since the passing of a law in 2004 to protect against "gender-based violence". It's hilarious really, because the then-incumbent minister that is responsible for the law, has been himself a victim of a bogus complaint. Just a single complaint, mind, could mean that I would lose the right to see my kids, if I had any, without the need for the complaint to result in a conviction. Yes, that is sexism. Regarding civil liberties, a new "public safety" bill has been passed that, for instance, makes it illegal to record police interventions under certain circumstances*, and to protest in front of public institutions and buildings, which has resulted in such absurd occurrences as a "virtual protest". I can also be fined or even imprisoned for burning the flag or otherwise "offending Spain". Thankfully, our Interior minister clarifies: "offense is that which offends". Well I'm so ****ing relieved. Yes, this is in the mother****ing 21st century. Other countries' flags are fine, though. As for unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, it affects me directly, for instance with fish prices. Just three weeks ago our local fishing grounds were functionally exhausted for the season due to, among other things, bottom trawling, which is cheap, indiscriminate, but not illegal despite the fact that it destroys the ability of the ecosystem to recover from fishing. This leads to our fishing fleets having to travel deeper into sea or into other countries' fishing grounds, which raises prices for me. This is without going into how contaminated** food is in general (and fish in particular) due to industrial activity, which raises the risk of cancer, food poisoning, allergies, etc for me. Want me to go on? Look, I get it, the sun's shining, you're in love, everything's great for you and it could be for me too if I just smiled more. I just can't stop thinking that no matter how hard I smile like a moron, things aren't getting better for future generations. Sorry to rain on your parade. *to be determined... by the police. Funny how the sarcasm in your post went over people's heads. **edit: I accidentally the whole verb! Is this dangerous?
  6. I'm terrible in general. But you are absolutely right, let me try again: I've almost finished my second consecutive 28-hour weekend shift. That alone makes me plenty happy. Until the next shift comes around, anyway. What? No? Damn.
  7. Relevant: Heh. Kinda funny that they needed ADVANCED MATHEMATICAL MODELS to reach the conclusion that no amount of know-how will ever be able to outstrip plain old greed. But who cares because shutup. Unicorns, rainbows and ****. Seriously, if it doesn't involve what's between your legs, what's between his/her/xyr legs or whatever some random nobody on Twitter is saying about what somebody else is doing with what's between his/her/xyr legs, it's not interesting and will immediately get buried and forgotten under a metric ****ton of irrelevant anti-intellectual pop trash. Good luck.
  8. Well, most of those are simple press releases and some are even behind paywalls. I was hoping more for a piece going a bit more in-depth explaining the overarching situation and how the raid fits in the larger scheme of things. Have you seen anything like that in the Finnish press? Over here is like total blackout (as usual). Thanks, at any rate.
  9. This is weird. They've added Metro Last Light, but not 2033? What about the Metro Redux package?
  10. I was waiting for someone here to post some links for context, but I guess there are no such links in English-speaking media. I went to try and find a summary and mostly failed (my Google-Fu is weak ). WARNING: strong anti-United Statian slant. Viewer discretion is advised. http://thesaker.is/special-report-on-the-escalating-situation-in-macedonia/ I'm... quite confused after reading that. Apparently the author thinks ultimately it's the US doing... something, for... reasons. This mirrors Sarex' tone in the OP, so I guess it's a common view in the Balkans? I'm literally clueless as to what's going on. Some clarification, please?
  11. Two words: car crashes. Cars are dangerous toys. You obviously cannot seem to stop killing yourselves (and others) with these deadly contraptions, so the state has a moral mandate to protect you from yourselves by taking your cars away. This will also solve the obesity epidemic, so it's a win-win situation. #watertightlogic
  12. Cato the Younger would be proud.
  13. So what you're saying is it's being blown out of proportion by the media and the rioting isn't significant or representative of anything. Well, I don't live there so you probably have a better perspective. Idleness and stupidity ostensibly brought down the Roman Empire, though.
  14. Nah. They wouldn't try forcibly taking your kids away, that's too much trouble. What they'd do instead is progressively tax the **** out of families wanting to rear their own children while offering tax breaks and any other advantages you can think of to sperm donors and surrogate mothers. In 25 years you'd have an entire generation that would believe that being raised by the state isn't at all bad (because they themselves would have been) and would see people wanting to have kids and rear them themselves as anarchists, unwashed savages, or what have you. If only you could fight complacency with a gun. Close. Odds are you are actually a brain floating in space and everything is just a figment of your imagination.
  15. Sadly, it's probably already out in Japan.
  16. I seriously doubt they were looking to appeal to the kind of violent "anti-system" groups that pull that **** off. The wage slave that stays at home and is more bothered by his mortgage payments eating up the better part of his salary than the protests he watches on TV, on the other hand... Regardless, it's very worrying. People rioting because they don't like the result of free and fair elections isn't something you see every day. That's an obvious sign of disenfranchisement and I think it's only going to get worse.
  17. So you're bringing that **** here instead. May I suggest Obs look into hiring Stanley Woo? Because that's how bad it's getting.
  18. What I gathered from the article was that some philosophers are trying to understand what in a family and how exactly it affects a child's opportunities and what that means for equality. If there is "X" that is creating an advantage, it follows that someone without access to "X" is at a disadvantage. The bedtime stories thing is just chosen as an example of something that is (according to Swift) helping create this advantage while at the same time being non-renounceable in a family context, unlike schooling in private elite institutions. Controversial indeed.
  19. Exorcizing spectres, that's what I'm here for.
  20. The vibe I'm getting ITT is that some people have skimmed the article or settled for the partial quotations posted here rather than, you know, read it. It's a constant throughout history that those asking questions and trying to gain a rigorous understanding of things beyond "common knowledge" and "conventional wisdom" will be faced with, at the very least, a vitriolic knee-jerk reaction. "The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow" — William Osler
  21. Epistemology and formal logic are important branches of philosophy and arguably at the core of modern "hard" science, alongside mathematics. They are of course much more boring and therefore nowhere near as popular as political philosophy, so...
  22. You sure you read the link? Because the lawmaker putting the bill forward is from the "centrist Progress Party". Are you suggesting he's actually an anarcho-capitalist in disguise? I don't know if that'd be better than him being a revolutionary subversive, to be honest. As I said before, I think that sort of over the top characterization prevents meaningful debate, and that's an objectively bad thing. If you want to portrait those clowns as the reincarnation of Ming the Merciless, go right ahead. It just bothers me that the caricaturisation becomes so prevalent that it effectively supplants and becomes the political debate. I don't know, maybe I'm projecting and in the UK it doesn't actually happen. Enforcing the laws is both the obvious solution and unlikely to happen. I've just seen too many examples of subverting public power, conflicts of interest, corrupt officials, crony prosecutors and complacent judges to believe that's anything but a pipe dream. For that to work you need people to have a strong moral fiber — but if they do, they'll do the right thing because it's the right thing, not because it's the law. Unless you believe that those in power in any given society are can be, somehow, consistently possessed of a stronger moral character than those they rule over, laws by themselves just aren't much good. Just like with any other human instrument, results depend more on the person wielding it than the tool itself. That's high praise, thanks. No hard feelings whatsoever, of course. Besides, you are a Fallout Tactics fan so you're cool regardless of who you vote for. Sounds good but in practice it doesn't work so well, in my experience. You'd think elected officials living right next door would be good for transparency and accountability, but it just as easily promotes clientelism and nepotism, it's just human nature. Having most decisions be made at the local level also has great potential to create greater levels of inequality between parts of the country, and it encourages the creation of multiple redundant administrations... which results in an even bigger overall state apparatus -and consequently mismanagement, waste and corruption- than with bona fide centralization, only now we're calling it "local". It also requires a proportionally larger oversight administration, judicial or not, with all that entails. I say maximum political power should go nowhere. Or to Skynet.
  23. I don't know about the GOG ones, but I sank a lot of hours into Starfleet Command (especially II). Very little storytelling but solid real-time tactical gameplay which the games were built around. Great dynamic music system too. SFC3 was pretty meh. Those are IPLY games so I'm hoping they'll turn up soon on GOG. IIRC getting them to run on modern systems was a bit of a pain so I'll be picking up the bundle when they do. Man, time really ****ing flies. /was just waxing goddamn nostalgic
  24. You guys are going to love this one because The Reds Really Are Coming. Or as close as it gets in the 21st century, anyway. And I don't mean Liverpool. Iceland proposes bill to abolish fractional reserve banking My, what are private banks going to do without the power to create eleventy gajillion dollars out of thin air to receive interest payments from? However could they survive only by earning money from abusive commissions and fees? We must prevent this catastrophe. Quick, to the Cayman Islands Batcave! Of course, it remains to be seen whether it'll pass and stick. But if it does there's a chance that other countries might try to copy the initiative. Including the UK which haven't yet relinquished control of their monetary policy instruments to the EU.
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