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Everything posted by Zilod
or the theory that is an alien ship
ewww doesn't want to start again Battlewookiee bring his proofs (the same you are mentioning) and we debated them, we bring our proofs (when ingame they speak of alien design, the fact that these ships seem to be "just" sith ships and so on...) and he debated ours... if you read all the 3D probably you will see that.
i really think that something was messed up here... As there is not something that really clarify what happened all is about speculation... i have my reasons to think they are of alien design you have yours to think is a republic ship. There are things that seem to make clear that that the ship is a republic one and other that point in the opposite direction. How did Malak's chin fell off? alredy posted here, but this is not about speculation in fact, as i posted, we have a proof that show us what really happened
I rember that Kreia, when she was speaking about her past as jedi, said something like: "You cannot find all the answer you seek into the jedi code. You've to search for them elsewhere". So the feeling was mutual. She betrayed the order as much as the order left her because it couldn't provide an adegaute answer. I was referring mostly when she speak with Atris in the end and also when she compare her path to atris one when you ask her about Atris. In these 2 points she is quite clear about that. for the sideplot mmm i don't think this plot is really important for the story is more a curiosity and to know better the chars, it will doesn't change anything if Kreia is the Handmaiden mother or not.
i fill the space It seem that he used his "old" leviathan to bombard Telos but this doesn't prevent him to grab a new and more powerfull ship when he was accepted by siths. Because it fought against it for years? Enemy forces generally know each other is not that you know a ship only if you where aboard it.
mmmm don't think armor is really viable for a jedi, even for a STR one robes are generally +1 or +2 def add to them +4 from master speed are you are not too far from armors... and you will have 2 more attacks/round pit in the equation even force defence for another +6 def and you have the defence of the best armors (and i'm not considering dex bonuses)
This is actually my only problem to see Kreia as Kea... Kreia felt because she was betrayed by someone she loved while it really seem that Kea felt for love
*daydreams about making love to him* should be *daydreams about to play Pazaak with him* ehi even Atton got why Kreia is the only one that got ?
this is an assumption you can't clrearly say republic big ship, alien small fighters. a lot of big ships where also created by the starforge and these ships doesn't fit in the statement "those that were under Revan's command during the Mandalorian Wars" it could be that the republic ships he is referring to (less powerfull than alien ones) where not used in main battles but just for less important tasks. and when he tells about many more where of alien design he is referring to the main force of the fleet (the big curved ones) also my english is quite crappy, but generally i heard the reference of "ships" for some classes while the small fighters are generally referred as fighters... a sort like the navy when the ship is the carrier and the "fighters" it carry are airplanes. another example... the TIE interceptor is a fighter, the ISD is a ship or this is what i generally heard them as referred sorry can't check it yes but we don't know what Leviathan like that. It could be the same that Saul used in manda wars but also the new one... also even if at that time it was the old ship it could have replaced that with the "new" more powerfull model.
i'm speaking about the confo just after dant enclave... there she tells you who you hare, what you represent, why jedi masters feared you and so on... the lines are not many but they are very important, most of the info she gives probably should be alredy know to the player, as Kreia alredy told you most of it, but still it helps to put makes some light. (don't want to go too specific for the spoilers, but if you replay the dant enclave and then Visa dialogue paying attention to these things it should be quite clear what i'm referring to )
no the crystals bonus on a stat doesn't add and just the highest bonus is applied... for example crystal A: +1 str +1 wis crystal B: +2 str the sabre will be +2 str +1 wis
Why would Kreia say "And so it ends" ? What has ended? And why didn't she say anything like that upon the jedification of Mira or Atton? I think she is referring to the final step for the fall of Atris after that she says to Atris... "Betrayal" i think she knows that Atris will not understand, will definitively succumb to her emotions and see what she become. I think too that Kreia was on Malachor at the time of battle but this doesn't imply that she was Kea. as said i agree that there are many hints and many things makes a lot of sense but this way we will have not a betrayal path.
Beside Kreia. Visas is the only other char that understand you and who you are. in her "final big dialogue" she almost explains most, if not all, of the suspended points. And i think she makes quite clear who you are... Is a second voice, if you don't trust Kreia she give you a "second option".
also in the final dialogue she states that she doesn't like to be manipulated so i think she "suffered" from that manipulation (at least in her past) is also itneresting to see that with the new "light" that TSL cast on KOTOR and the force seem to be quite clear that the force is moving its pawns to achieve that balance (new beginning?) that Kreia seem to point in the final dialogue. The jedi order is destroyed, the sith are almost extinct too, even what Revan was "stopped" to permit to all these things to happen, and the various wars seem to point to this end too. as said in another post it is quite similar to what is happening in the first trilogy, when regardless of the choices of individuals all seem to point to an inevitable destiny.
nono is quite simple.... it distract opponents making them less precise
Yes get some influence with him (it happened that i get it just with dialogues on ebon hawk) and hear about his story... is pretty interesting and explains a lot of things about it.
eheh now she looks like an old hag, but (if is Kea) is quite probable that she was in mid 20 when she felt in love for the Echani general... we also know that at that time she should be pretty beautifull... (hihi i bet that if we had that Kreia ingame there where a lot less people willing to throw her out of Ebon Hawk ) Looked a bit too and didn't found still Forna was quite sure about a clear reference maybe he will point us to the dialogue
we really don't know how old is she. I think too that Kreia should be at least around 60 (more inclined to think about 70) but is also true that as Atton says at the beginning she seem to have suffered a lot and by his "description" is quite probable that she demonstrate more years than she have... if she is 50-55 for example it could be the Handmaiden mother considering that the handmaiden is around 20 or maybe even a bit more.
@The Great Phantom i agree with most of the things you say and i don't see them in contraddiction to what i sayd above. Just a thing, i agree that he was probably bounded and that by his links probably he felt a "greater pain". but ingame is also stated that no jedi where able to survive to that scream in the force or to resist to the corruption energy. Probably most of the dead jedis where unable to make bounds as the exile, but they died.... and likelly because they where unable to sustain that corruption or to embrace it.
nono when her child was discovered, around 10 year later she was born. is stated ingame in the dialogue about her also by logic if she joined the war when her child was born it means that the Handmaiden is max 15 year old
eheh as my avatar show i do a twist and reply to Great Phantom but just to try to resolve these points. actually it should be 20-25 years ago, maybe even more. as said is likelly that the Handmaiden didn't saw her mother not because she left for the war but because she was at jedi enclave leaving her daughter to her lover. It seem that when Kea joined the war the Handmaiden was around 10 year old i agree with that, but as said in the other post the Exile don't remember her and it seem that Kea had the same power of Kreia to hide her presence and to manipulate mind. Still as said i still more inclined to think (due to the betrayal path) that Krea and Kea are not the same person.
I think the exile is using the overflow of force. if we stay with Ben explanation of the force in ANH the force is a sort of energy present everywhere and in everything. Ingame there is also the explanation of force crystals that point to somtehing like that, so is not that he drains the force from other (as Nihilus) but as said he is still able to feel and use (manipulate?) the force around him.
I don't think a catalyst is neede, i see it more as a process of enlightment, of improvement... The history of mankind is full of mens that fought to break their limits and then of other that followed their example. Is also full of misconceptions that where tought to be the truth and that where proved wrong. Many religions tells of mens that become "full men" or "enlighted" (i try to stay general on purpose) and they propose these "mens" as example to follow. still if is not possible for everyone to follow these examples ths doesn't mean that they where false or wrong, and this doesn't mean that we can't try to point to the path they show us.
before the exile a life whitout the force seemed to be not possible, after him we can see that not is only possible, but is also "better" Is not important how is happened, is important that people will know this. not every jedi died on Malachor, probably most of the jedis we fought in KOTOR1 where on Malachor too. I don't think that she is lying, and as said even Visas point to that too, she see you as hope, not destruction. the destruction is Nihilus that will drain the force from all the livings, so something quite near to the Malachor experiance you point to. Listen again to the dialogue on Nar Shadda and then to Dant enclave and Visas dialogue after it. I think it really explain her intent.
ehi why Visas gets and Kreia gets ? ok i can understand why Visas gets but maybe for Kreia was more appropriate a ok better to go back to work that my posts are degenerating