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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The only real thing that can threaten TOR is itself, as in not fixing issues and failing to keep the subscribers engaged. There are always going to be folks hopping from MMO to MMO, those aren't really your target customers. That being said, TSW doesn't seem to have a lot of presence in the media. I'd say Guild Wars 2 will be much bigger, but it really is very different than TOR. Thankfully it has no subscription.
  2. I wish TOR was easier to drop for a couple months and come back to, the huge amount of skills makes it hard to transition back to a character.
  3. You can't tel from that angle, but it totally has all that, and retractable wings when I fly through space outsmarting Darth Helmet.
  4. Day 2: Today was mostly spent on the road, getting from California to Tillamook, OR. We did make time to detour at the Rogue Brewery Farm. There are acres of different hops and hazelnut trees, as well as some other interesting crops like pumpkin patches. Unfortunately we were way too early for the tasting room, so we just walked around and explored. I had a bit of a scary moment when I almost ran out of gas. As we neared the coast, I was at about a quarter of a tank. We ended up on a road that went about 50 miles before a gas station, so I was down pretty low. We pulled in with about a gallon left in the tank, which only goes about 10 miles. Tomorrow we are off to do the Tillamook Factory tour. If you aren't familiar with the name, they are a huge cheese maker in the US, and they make their own Ice Cream as well. We are not driving tomorrow either, which will be nice after two long days on the road.
  5. Hi folks, A few years back I chronicled my summer RV trip on here as we went through Colorado, Arizona, and Utah. This summer we are going through Oregon, Washington, and Nevada, so I thought I'd do another topic. I will be updating it once a day if I can with a picture from the trip. Day 1: We covered about 270 miles today and ended up in Yreka, California. We will head off early tomorrow for Oregon, so we aren't getting too settled in. These kids are happy to be off the road.
  6. I'm pretty sure in the small countries, they all just know each other.
  7. Bioware is rolling out server transfers for select servers. It looks like they are finally consolidating some of the more ghost town like ones, although it is still optional at this point.
  8. You don't really need to be in shape to play Baseball either.
  9. I had no idea you were a 12-year old, Gorgon. You made fun of my transformers. Maybe we can find a middle ground here. Can we be friends by agreeing that Lego's are still the best toys?
  10. I had no idea you were a 12-year old, Gorgon.
  11. Channing Tatum is awesome, btw. His last few movies have been fantastic, and he's pretty easy on the eyes.
  12. Wow, Steve Bernier might have trouble getting a job next season. Where the heck did that King's powerplay come from, 3 goals in 5 minutes? I'm excited to see a new franchise win it, and I'm happy for the oldest Californian team.
  13. Playing Mount & Blade: Fire and Sword - I've played the M&B games a lot, but Fire and Sword is hard! I've been captured numerous times over the first few levels. I think I need to invest in a few points to keep my speed on the map faster, I keep getting caught by larger groups of deserters. Firearms also change the nature of the game, a guy with a gun can really knock your health down with a good shot.
  14. Hey, I funded a trip to America for a friends wedding by putting some of my old boxed Transformers on ebay a few years ago. (Technically, that was a year or two before Michael Bay released his film..) That's just because those lame kids grew up to have a lot of disposable income.
  15. As I said, I'm just not sure how I feel about the real money market yet, I don't begrudge ArenaNet trying to make some money. One other negative was the leveling pace, or rather how it lined up with the individual storyline. There were quite a few times where I was supposed to rush off to to meet someone or save somebody, but when I reached the personal instance, I was a level or two behind the recommended. So I would turn around, go do some area quests, and then come back. It wasn't a huge issue, but i disrupted the flow. I get that it is difficult to balance, TOR pretty much made everything too easy so that players almost never need to leave the class storyline, which might not be much better. Overall I really enjoyed it though and look forward to release. It seems pretty polished, I wonder when they will set a release date?
  16. It actually looked pretty good in the trailers, you've got Bruce Willis making a cameo and The Rock always puts on a decent performance. I liked the first movie, it was a fun action movie that didn't take itself too seriously. It's based on a toy line for goodness sakes, it doesn't have a real high bar set. Transformers suck, Gorgon. Only the lame kids played with them
  17. GI Joe is awesome, only commies think otherwise.
  18. Ok, had a good weekend playing, got a human engineer up to level 10 and a few other characters up to 4 and 5. There are a fair amount of things done differently than other MMO's, so the learning curve was decent. Here are my pros and cons: + Loved the exploration, which is rewarded nicely. + Easy to get into area quests and events, very similar to Rift. + Crafting allows for some nice experimenting and has some logic to it. + Individual stories are a nice touch - Auction House (Trading Post) seems a bit crazy...you can basically buy everything you need for crafting? It was a bit hard to understand. - Not sure how I feel about the real money marketplace, seemed to be giving a significant edge to players. - Combat for melee characters was tough for me to follow, there was a lot going on and I couldn't really see what I was doing in the crowds. I'm sure time and practice would help that, but it made me more comfortable with ranged classes. I haven't even seen the PvP or WvWvW stuff, so I will try to check them out in a future beta.
  19. Kings really need to win game 6. I know they've been good on the road, but going back to Jersey is bad news for them.
  20. Ironclad - I thought this was a decent little medieval period action movie. The main character, a Templar, was Mark Antony on HBO's Rome, and he does a good job as the brooding warrior type. It's a bit of a mess historically, but most of that can be expalined by a small budget making it too hard to put hundreds of people in the battle.
  21. I took the RV to the gas station to get it ready for our trip on Thursday. 23.5 gallons of gas for about $85. That will get me 250 miles. I had been waiting for gas prices to come down, which was predicted, and thankfully they did a few days ago. That coupled with a 30 cent discount from the Safeway gas station rewards, and I managed to get my price down as low as I could. Still pretty painful. I'll start a photo thread once we get on the road.
  22. I really have no idea about esports. It doesn't appeal to me in the least. It would be nice if they can move towards that without alienating the casual player completely, I suppose. It is probably a decent revenue stream for CoH over time, so you can see why the developer would embrace it.
  23. Alright, I admit I was wrong! The game looks much better live than it came across in the videos. Divinity's Reach is a very well done capital city. I've had no dip in framerate, it runs very well, but I joined a low pop server. So far the two classes I really like are engineer and ranger, I think one of them will end up being my main class when the game launches. There is a lot going on in this game too, it's taking me awhile to learn all the stuff. So what's the deal with the marketplace where you spend gems? They gave us a bunch for free, but is this going to be for microtransactions?
  24. Started out a couple characters, the Norn *couldn't just call them Nord?) seem pretty cool, might be my race of choice. I am tired so I didn't get deep in the game, but it is fantastic looking for sure.
  25. Agreed, I think about 10 minutes would be enough, like they could have handled the intro where they go down into the hole with the camcorder, and then moved back to a normal shooting style.
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