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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That pretty much sums up my feelings on George RR Martin.
  2. Go with a classic King, like Cujo or Carrie.
  3. Volourn, we all agree Jagr is a world class player. No need to belabor that point.
  4. It's on sale right now, Hurlshot: http://www.amazon.co...1/dp/B006ULENFG $10. There are also a few Paradox Packs going round at similar prices for DLCs and other things, but I don't know if they're still on. I don't know how long this price lasts.Gogo! Sold! I've never bought something through Amazon's downloadable store (only hardcopy stuff) but wow, it downloaded super fast!
  5. Was he bad in Minnesota? He was good in San Jose, he honestly just lacks the speed needed to score 50 goals, and it hurts him defensively too. He had 24 last season and I think that is about what you can expect from him.
  6. How is that even possible? It usually only takes a couple of hours to realize a game stinks, if that. If you spent 50 hours in a game, then it must have done something right.
  7. Yeah, wow, the Wild pulled some big names there. Considering they were a pretty decent team last year, just faded at the end, this lkely makes them a contender. Backstrom is a good goalie, Koivu should enjoy setting up Parise. Definitely a shift in power for the Wild.
  8. I plan on picking up Crusader Kings 2 when it goes on sale.
  9. That quote is brilliant. I am also clearly a person who is positively suggestible.
  10. I would have been worried about this 10 years ago, but Jagr today isn't going to make Dallas a playoff team. Still, he's probably going to get 50 points or so, which is decent for that contract. I'm surprised if the Stars were the only ones willing to spend that.
  11. Funnily enough, I just read this from a coworker: edit: The starred out word starts with a pen and ends with an is.
  12. mkreku wrote: I know it sounds a little crazy to be skeptical about giving the consumer more rights, but I do worry about a backlash. I'm very happy with the fact that games are cheap, and a few months after release they become dirt cheap. I don't want that to stop. I just see this all as a fantastic excuse for IP holders to charge way more for new products. edit: Or maybe Steam will simply offer pennies for these keys.
  13. We've got a separate thread for this now, so I will explain why I think it is bad there.
  14. Every single credentialed teacher takes multiple courses on cognitive theory. Showing bias and identifying poor judgement is actually built into my curriculum. I do agree it is a major failure that many students do not come away from public school with this education, but it is not for lack of trying on many teacher's part. You can lead a horse to water, as the saying goes.
  15. If Steam is forced to implement this, is anyone concerned that this will lead to the end of those great sales they run? Maybe I'm being paranoid, but if Steam ends up having to buy back keys, that seems like it will change quite a bit about their business model.
  16. In theory I have no problem with a second hand market, but in this digital age it has become extremely complicated. Games are no longer just a disc that goes into the computer, they are tied directly to your personal accounts. So say you want to sell your product key back to a retailer, the one that is tied to your account. How do they deactivate the key for you? Why would a retailer even want your digital key? Can you imagine Steam paying you for your keys? They already offer games at dirt cheap prices, I don't see how they benefit from a secondhand market. As for selling your key without a retailer, how is that going to work? Who is going to make sure that the key is deactivated for you and works for the buyer?
  17. Seriel keys/product ID, if I had to guess. Ok, so you sell your key to someone else, how is it going to be deactivated for you? Also, isn't this just going to lead to even more online DRM checks? It's about the principle of reselling a 'license' to a game. So in theory you could legally sell your steam/origin account with games attached to it. Again, it sounds like a terrible idea.
  18. Yep. Bit surprised actually. Funcom went to f2p fairly quickly with Age of Conan, and that sold better out of the gates. Given that TSW is fairly niche, I would think they would just stick to having the online store. Although they do already have the store working, so I guess they will go that way eventually. My guess is a year, the lifetime sub folks don't want to feel ripped off.
  19. Seriel keys/product ID, if I had to guess. Ok, so you sell your key to someone else, how is it going to be deactivated for you? Also, isn't this just going to lead to even more online DRM checks?
  20. How does reselling downloaded games even work? It seems like a terrible idea, to be honest.
  21. Maybe not steep, so much as different for the genre. In order to solve some quests, you have to actually research outside of the game. I just did a quest with a sleeping monster that you had to sneak by, he was unbeatable. There was another quest that I needed to die and go to an area as a ghost for. It has a lot of adventure game quest elements. You also have a huge amount of skills available, and you need to pay attention to how you construct your skill deck.
  22. I didn't notice this thread earlier, but here are my initial impressions: This is a refreshing change from all the other MMO's on the market. It has quite a few major differences that, once you wrap your head around, are great. 1. The characters do not gain levels. The gain points to spend, and you can build towards a ability deck. It reminds me a bit of the original Guild Wars, although the modern combat stuff is cool. My crusader is mostly about his pistols, but he also has a warhammer to pull out and smash someone on occasion. 2. There are your basic quests, but there are also investigation and subterfuge ones. The investigation quests are awesome, they usually require some research outside of the game. Funcom has done a great job of implementing an in game browser, so you can google in game. It's like having a real smart phone, which fits the modern day setting well. 3. The learning curve is tough. I need to find guides and stumble through stuff regularly. This is a nice change from the very simplw nature of most current MMO's. It's complicated and doesn't apologize for it. It reminds me of old school games like Asheron's Call. 4. Combat is fast paced and reminds me a lot of Guild Wars 2. You should keep moving and dodge to really be effective. So mostly positive at this point.
  23. I assume you mean taught. I agree somewhat, in that it is ultimately up to the student to utilize their brains. But as a teacher, I can put them in situations where it is in their best interests to think critically. For example, taking the textbook and comparing it to other contradictory texts online or in other books is a great way to get students to question what they are reading, to not just accept authority. That's really the ultimate lesson I strive for in my classroom. Question everything. I also teach them how to question respectfully, so it doesn't get messy
  24. Yikes, the joys of home ownership! At least your insurance should cover it without a problem.
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