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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. 5 hours of heavy use is a ton, though! There are a lot of laptops that top out at that range as well. Honestly my phone can go about two days without charging with my typical use. I'm not sure what I could possibly do to run the battery down in 5 hours. The only thing that comes close is the GPS on road trips, and for that I either turn off the screen for long stretches or I use a car charger.
  2. I've never had any problems getting through a long day with my Galaxy S3. I guess if I'm playing games for hours there could be an issue, but really the screen is the only major power drain, and as long as you don't leave it on all the time it goes for a long time.
  3. Thanks for the offer, unfortunately I don't have Nightfall or Factions.
  4. Ryan Reynolds as Batman does make me think of Val Kilmer. I'm pretty sure he is playing Green Lantern in the Justice League movie though. Also Reynolds was the only good thing about Green Lantern. His career isn't exactly hurting from the movie.
  5. I've only got a few more days before I go back to work, so I'm hoping to just buy one Deldrimor remnant, so I can get one hero in, which is worth two points. Other than that I plan on finishing the Prophecies storyline and calling it a career.
  6. It isn't going to take any government or third party regulations. If it keeps up at this rate, eventually companies that run game servers and the like will regulate speech, because they want their game to appeal to a mass audience. Eventually it is going to be clear that customers are lost because of bigotry online. You just have to look at the social network sites to see where we are headed. They don't allow harassment because they don't want to lose customers.
  7. You could always buy that special shirt that charges you phone using built up static electricity.
  8. I'm struggling a bit, I feel like I'm always out of money. I really need some Deldrimor armor remnants to upgrade my heroes, but there is no way I have the time to run a dungeon 5 different times. I know the Cloth of the Brotherhood is cheaper, but it also requires finishing a good chunk of the Eye of the North campaign. I also need just one more minipet to get my collection to twenty. That seems like an achievable goal at least.
  9. I'm pretty sure Dreamland Chronicles was a mess. The Gollop brothers are geniuses in their own right, but big teams and heavy duty 3D engines are not their forte.
  10. Have you checked this out? http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/#page=welcome I hadn't played the original in a number of years, and I was never super into it to begin with, but the Hall of Monuments has me hooked. In the last few days I've taken one character through about half of the original campaign, and I've got 6 points towards some legacy gear for Guild Wars 2. The nice thing is I had old characters that had sat for about 7 years, and they had all these birthday presents that count towards the hall of monuments.
  11. It's pretty well established that the biggest consumers of video games are males between the ages 18-30. That is why the more popular titles are NOT child orientated. As a middle school teacher, I can tell you that almost all my students play video games, but it is only a small group of boys that play the games like Call of Duty. Those are the ones that need these lessons, so they don't grow up to be internet douchebags.
  12. It's not the same without Michelle Jenneke competing. http://youtu.be/R3oaRXx-0oU
  13. If it helps TN, I spend quite a few days in my class teaching digital citizenship. The key here is to get to these kids at a young age and teach them how to play well with others. Parents do this all the time with the real world. My two year old is, by nature, selfish and aggressive. We are constantly reinforcing how to play well with others right now, so that in a few years when he goes off to school he will be successful. You have to do the same thing with the internet.
  14. I've been playing a ton of the original Guild Wars. It never really drew me in when it came out years ago, but I got into it a few days ago and I've been sprinting through the content. I just unlocked this Hall of Monuments, which lets me take some cool stuff into Guild Wars 2.
  15. The Civilization series has shown that a turn based series can achieve mainstream success. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but it is huge that the only developer with a successful TB franchise is handling Xcom. Trust is Firaxis.
  16. I would have jumped on board about a year ago, but both The Avengers and Batman were pretty stellar. Still, all these reboots hold zero interest to me. I don't want to see another Superman, Spiderman, or Hulk.
  17. You really think the grand majority still see homosexuality as a sin? Even if that is true, do you think that all of those people are oing to yank their kids out of Boy Scouts for having a non-discrimination policy? I can almost guarantee they are losing more people with this policy than they are keeping. A lot of people like to point to some of the recent elections where gay marriage has been struck down by majority votes. In California, you had 5.5 million people vote for Prop 8, which was against gay marriage. But I like to remember that 4.5 million people voted against prop 8. That is a very large group voting against discrimination.
  18. What you aren't getting is that looking like a bigoted organization in today's world is different than it was in 1910, it's even different than it was in 2000. With the way information travels, with outlets like change.org, you've got tremendous pressure being put on organizations to change, much more pressure than in the past.
  19. First off, this isn't a legal issue, as the organization is free to practice discriminatory policies according to law. This movement isn't challenging that. What it does is challenge the organization itself, who very recently adopted a hardline stance against any gay or lesbian leaders or members. Basically they went from a 'don't ask, don't tell' type policy to a more openly discriminatory one. Also, society is clearly changing, and this type of discrimination is not just being fought by gays and lesbians. This is a lot of negative publicity for BSA, I have a hard time believing it won't hurt their membership down the line. I have quite a few friends who aren't just turning their back on BSA for their children, but jumping to support groups with non-discriminatory policies. Add this to the fact that Eagle Scouts, which are extremely highly regarded, are stating to protest this move, and you've got a very bad situation for BSA.
  20. I was pretty sad about the Boy Scouts recent decision to adopt a policy of open discrimination, and it looks like I'm not the only one: http://news.yahoo.co...-184508093.html I was a Webelo and I think I even received the Arrow of Light, which is basically the graduation from the cub scouts. Sadly, I can't imagine having my son take part in the cub or boy scouts with this type of policy in place. I expect the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, who openly oppose discrimination, will be gaining quite a few new members in the near future. edit: Original source is better: http://boingboing.net/2012/07/25/more-men-join-the-ranks-of-for.html
  21. As much as I believe Joseph Gordon-Levitt could carry the franchise forward in almost any role, I'm pretty sure this iteration of Batman is over.
  22. Wait, you guys do realize you are still managing a base, right? You just don't build more than one, but the one you do is fairly complex. Here is what the article I linked earlier said about it.
  23. I'm really surprised at the skepticism here, it seems like a best case scenario for Xcom fans. You've got Sid Meier's studio at work here. Hopefully there will be enough fans picking it up at release, I'd hate to see the first mainstream game with TB combat and a strong strategic element in the last decade bomb. With Jagged Alliance going the whole real time pausing route, it's really my only hope.
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