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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yes, but there are plenty of legitimate gripes to complain about when it comes to the US. Making up a bunch of fake statistics is pretty sad.
  2. Oh look, a made up graphic with no statistical backing whatsoever.
  3. We just get so few of these types of games today, it is hard not to emphatically support it when it comes out. Also, the funding is still affected depending on where you are taking missions. This goes into detail about it. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/05/23/hands-on-xcom-enemy-unknown-part-2/
  4. Nash to the Rangers, I'm curious how Volo feels about that. I think it's a great move for the Rangers, Richard should be able to help Nash put up some impressive numbers. If this works out, it solidifies NYR as a cup contender for at least a couple seasons. I'm surprised at what Columbus accepted. I'm guessing they were being offered more from teams like Detroit and San Jose, but they didn't want to deal with Nash in the same conference. Smells like a steal for the Rangers.
  5. I don't know how you can have doom and gloom when you hear Firaxis is doing a new Xcom with turn based combat and the same strategic elements form the original. It sounds perfect, and everything they've shown so far looks perfect. I've had this pre-ordered from the day it was announced. Firaxis has consistently managed to bring Civilization into the next generation, and they've already successfully updated Pirates. This is about the best shot we are going to get at a new good Xcom game.
  6. I'm playing the original Guild Wars. Apparently there are quite a few rewards you can earn in GW2 by playing the original. Since I have about a month until GW2 comes out, I figure it's a decent way to spend the time. It's actually going pretty well, I've got a level 7 character that I've picked up with and I'm starting to get the hang of it. Once you get over the annoying terrain that you can't get over, it's a nice looking game.
  7. I believe we already established you don't like the game. tl;dr
  8. Ok Delfosse, we get it. You are not a fan of the game. I'm up to level 8 with my Asuran warrior. While the whole gnome angle doesn't appeal to me, the Asuran city is pretty amazing. It's a floating cube. The Sylvari city is less exciting to me, I've seen this whole nature grove thing before. I've been trying different weapon combinations as a warrior to get a feel for them, and ArenaNet did a good job making them all very different. You unlock specific abilities for each weapon. For example, a two handed hammer has an entirely different ability bar than a sword and shield setup. You even have different abilities if you switch to two swords. You also have combat abilities underwater that change, basically you use a harpoon and need to unlock abilities for that too. It gives a nice variety of options. Humanoid, as you level you unlock the 5 abilities on the right side bar, and then you spend skill points to get those. They become pretty important as combat gets harder. I also find myself moving around a lot in combat, so I don't get too bored with my autoattack going to town. One of the issues with beta is there is so many people around, the tactics you need to survive tough fights don't come into play as much, because you have a dozen people beating down the bad guys. It is odd having relatively few abilities, especially after TOR which really had way too many. But the diversity of the skills available have kept me engaged so far.
  9. If you enjoyed 1 face per race in the first gw, you'll like gw2's character creation process as well. Are you serious? GW2 has some of the best character creation options I've seen. The Sylvari face options are fantastic. Keep in mind you can then change the coloring, brow, lips, blah blah, until you have exactly what you want. Oh, the hair has some great options too.
  10. I would think the future is going to be us plugging our phones or tablets into our TV's to run everything. Tablets are already syncing with the TV's and acting as remotes and guides.
  11. It is bigger and better in every way, so I would assume so. It is fairly different though, so I can't guarantee it.
  12. Crystal Desert here. I was very happy at how non-elf my Sylvari looks, and the Asura have a pretty swank city.
  13. I think you'd be surprised, these cell phones are pretty dang powerful. Screen size is the real challenge.
  14. It doesn't look like the MMO kickstarter is going too great, but I think that is expected. Jagged Alliance is another cult property they are working with, and they haven't really won over that crowd with their choices. It's also good to see people aren't just funding everything without some caution.
  15. It saves pretty regularly on the autosave spot, when you exit shops or your homebase. Yes, I also save it quite regularly on my own. Do you mean you can't save in the middle of missions? I've never seen that as a big problem, the missions are all pretty short.
  16. I don't really get the point of the pictures you are posting Oby. Are these people you know? Are they picture you took? Or are you just posting pictures of strangers on the internet for no discernible reason?
  17. Apparently they are the team that did Jagged Alliance Online. I don't know if that speaks well for them.
  18. I'm guessing you're not really Alexander Tarasov.
  19. You seem to have a lot of issues, obyknobi.
  20. Both Jovovich and Beckinsale are very capable in the action girl roles. They might not have much in the way of range, but not many can look that good in tight clothes while fighitng stuff.
  21. Agreed, I just don't get it. I looked at that picture for awhile and none of them interest me.
  22. I watched Ted and thought it was good for some laughs, but the funniest thing was the old couple next to us that were clearly misinformed about the nature of the film. I can't believe they didn't just walk out, they were aghast the whole time.
  23. Do you have a source for this? If this is true that would be pure AWESOME <3 Not too formal, but they tweeted it here: http://twitter.com/andromedaguys
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