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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. We have a lot of experts on the US here, but I wonder how many of you have really travelled across America and met these people below the poverty line? I have.
  2. Wow, you actually believe this, don't you? Ignorance really IS bliss! If I told you that 10% of the population in the US are not even food secure, would you believe me? 10% isn't 40% though, that is what I'm getting at. I totally accept that 10% are struggling to put food on the table, and that is unacceptable. But that article was misleading.
  3. I imagine many people prefer playing it on Steam and not worrying about whether they can get the older disced version to run on their current rig.
  4. That article doesn't really establish what that 0.3% wealth that the bottom 40% share looks like. These aren't people living on the streets, they are people with food, clothing, shelter, cell phones, cars, TV's, and a bunch of other nice things. So excuse me for not weeping for the inequality of wealth in the US. This is coming from a guy who lost his shirt when the housing bubble burst, by the way.
  5. Make sure you tag him so he doesn't get away again.
  6. Angel Pagan has been a blast to watch lately, he's like a man possessed on the basepaths.
  7. Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys. It was a good day, the students were great, and for dinner I had this Papa Asada thing. Basically a grilled potato with steak, cheese, corn, and anything else unhealthy you can think of. It was delicious, but I probably need to wait a year before I eat another.
  8. Yeah, AC seems worse for me, I think because the areas are so large and the camera feels more pulled back. Moving across the city quickly is hard to handle.
  9. Seconded. I am having a bit of trouble with nausea in AC, which I did not have in AA.
  10. Today is my 34th birthday. It's going pretty well, having a good time at work and everything. It's a bit odd this year though. My family is not talking to me. A few weeks ago, my mom, dad, and two sisters told me that they have a problem with my wife. Basically they feel she is rude and does not help out at all at family events, and is ungrateful. They said that she needs to change or they don't want her at family functions anymore. I was devastated. Their complaints are all very petty things, like she doesn't help clear the table after dinner. I tried to convince them that maybe they just need to ask her for help, and let her know when she says something offensive, but they are unwilling to do that. I suggested family therapy, and they all scoffed and said my wife is the one with the issues. It's pretty messed up. My wife is great, by the way. She amazes me every day with the stuff she does at work and at home. I'm pretty sure there is nothing she could do that would make my mother happy. I told my family that and they said they wanted to take a break. So yeah, I'm probably not going to get calls for my birthday from them. I did receive a card with a check from my parents, but I disposed of the check and the card just says 'love Mom and Dad.' I kind of feel any further communication needs to have a mediator, a third party to help give perspective. It's weird, we do have two kids and I just can't imagine that my parents are willing to cut off heir relationship with them because of this. It makes no sense to me. It's been eating me up for a couple weeks, but at least I'm back at work and I can focus on that.
  11. Disney World has a bunch of different areas that are not within the park itself, which I'm guessing your resort is part of. Usually you take a shuttle or something into the park. There are also water parks that are separate as well. You are closer to Epcott actually. This is a gigantic area, by the way, the size of a large city.
  12. Mjek, you seem to be missing something here. GoA explained why he didn't like a part of the game. You explained why you did enjoy it. That's great, you both gave some good information and it was nice for me to read since I've recently started playing the game. But when you revert to insults it comes across as childish and unnecessary. It weakens your whole post, because now the focus is on that instead of the actual content.
  13. I have no idea. I did go to DisneyWorld about 16 years ago for a High School Robotics competition, but I don't remember much about it. It's actually about 3,000 miles away, I'm much closer to Disneyland. GD is your best bet, since he lived in Florida. But he is out in the wild right now. I'm a little surprised your conference isn't at the Epcot Center? That isn't actually in DisneyWorld, just nearby.
  14. I stopped worrying about being good at games like two decades ago. Just play to have fun.
  15. They were playing that Gungam style song last night at the Dodgers game as well. It is huge right now.
  16. I don't really consider finishing GTA games to be the point. For me it is more about having a fun sandbox to jump in and cause mayhem for awhile. I've never finished a GTA and it doesn't bother me at all, I still buy them.
  17. So Swedes don't eat penguins for breakfast? Is it more of a dinner course?
  18. I don't think anyone does that anymore, at least successfully. I'm pretty sure every teacher has caught on at this point. We actually take classes on how to teach students to use internet sources properly, how to go deeper than wikipedia, how to sift through all the trash online, etc.
  19. Check your system warning log. Your computer may be shutting down to prevent overheating. That's why he was jumping in the water
  20. The funny thing is if 20 years down the road, this health care plan has helped fix some of the glaring issues, the name Obamacare will be a positive thing. I mean it does have merit, giving oversight to insurance companies, making sure almost everyone has coverage, etc. The concern is whether we want the government being in charge of oversight and selling insurance, and forcing all business owners to have coverage. It's complicated
  21. You are pulling a lot from a small blurb, and it shows a real lack of knowledge about how schools actually work in the US. No matter how stupid the legislators are in a state, the teachers are still holding college degrees. All this means is that teachers have to tread carefully around subject areas like evolution, you aren't going to find any credentialed science teacher in the country simply ignoring it. So relax, kids will continue to get all that close-minded garbage where they always have, in the home. You also don't seem to understand what the Republican party leadership believes. These are not dumb guys. Romney has this to say about evolution and education:
  22. The Bourne Legacy - Great action, good performance by Jeremy Renner. It was a very solid movie, and it didn't feel odd without Damon. But the ending was abrupt. Like, oh, that's it? Ah well, I look forward to a sequel.
  23. The graphics and gameplay remind me of Age of Decadence. I might back this. How are they handling the actual exploration? I imagine they aren't going to lock you on a hex grid the whole time when you aren't in combat.
  24. Loved the first and fully intend to get the second. But am going to replay the first beforehand. I'm not sure why that would be unexpected, the first was a surprise hit and had a ton of buzz in the media.
  25. I would say mediocre is a good way to sum up Obama at this point, although I prefer ineffective. There are positive things happening in the US. The housing market has stabilized and is on a slow recovery in many areas. The job rate has slowly improved. The economy is very slowly moving forward. None of these things are happening fast, and it looks like natural growth rather than anything the President has done. Foreign policy seemed to start off strong, but has really stalled over the last couple years. The budget is a mess, and it has been a mess for awhile. My problem is congress shares responsibility here, and Romney is in congress, so if he can't solve the problem form congress, why would he be better as President? It's a lose lose situation. People flip out about Obamacare, but that is stalled out too.
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