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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You are conveniently ignoring the fact the Nazis were ultra-aggressive nationalists. You can be proud of your country AND accepting of others at the same time, btw. It isn't an either/or scenario. When you choose nationalism without multiculturalism, you are creating conflict.
  2. I can't really think of any situations where multiculturalism led to a large group of multicultural people to rise up and subvert others. I can think of quite a few cases of nationalists doing this. This depends entirely on where you are in the US. It also depends on how the person is dressed and how they speak, how many tattoos they have, etc. But that doesn't make it right, and when you judge someone based on such superficiality you stand a good chance of making yourself a social pariah. Which is as it should be.
  3. Her qualifications are very solid, so if she possesses the necessary skillset, I'm not sure why age would be an issue. She is also Norwegian, so I'm not sure why you would question her knowledge of her own culture. Cultural diversity SHOULD be a part of every country's everyday life. That is how you create tolerance.
  4. Fundie Christians have a very loud voice, but they are still a very small, uneducated, and ridiculous group.
  5. I just don't think that is the main reason they stormed a militia base. That's like running into a burning building because you are afraid the fire trucks will get you wet.
  6. This has really picked up some steam, awesome to see Fio helping with it as well. I went ahead and pitched in $8 extra on top of my Collector's Edition pledge. I really have no idea what my title should be. I've been an Arch-mage forever. I'll have to think on that.
  7. That's a pretty lousy way to look at it. I doubt they overran and extremist militia base because they were concerned about trade sanctions. Now if you are implying they are worried about the US invading, then that is a pretty big stretch, but if that gets the people to seize control of their country away from the small extremist groups, then we might as well let them believe it.
  8. It is good to see. I've been waiting for real Muslims to stand up and defend themselves against these extremists, and this is a big first step. Of course it would be better if there was a way to do it without violence. That link didn't work for me, btw.
  9. I'm not sure you guys really understand what Imperialism is. Because the US would be the worst Imperialist ever if that was really their goal. Have you seen how much money the US has lost in Afghanistan and Iraq? Seriously, throwing the Imperialism tag around makes zero sense. The US does try and be the world's policeman. That is a more fitting title here.
  10. You are paying twice for something because you want two different versions. That's life.
  11. Yep, Romney is a lot like Kerry, minus the 3 purple hearts.
  12. Did I mention FTL? It's pretty awesome. I read that it was the Oregon Trail in space, and that fits quite well. I made it to the end last night, but failed to figure out how to beat the boss.
  13. The problems with both parties stem more from ignorance than maliciousness. Solyndra and the 47% comments are excellent examples of this. Also Oby, have you ever lived in the US, or spent a significant amount of time there? Because it would be pretty naive to speak on the domestic policies of a country that you have no real world experience with.
  14. You guys are throwing out a lot of numbers, but 5 years is not actually a long time when it comes to an investment. Bioware was a major investment for EA, and I doubt they expected to make everything back within 5 years. The main goal is to extend market share, which they've done. If it takes 10 years to recoup the costs of the merger, that is totally reasonable for a business like this. This is all pretty baseless speculation. edit: Until you actually see a CEO or someone stepping down in disgrace, there is very little to all these claims. The doctors are simply retiring. They are filthy rich.
  15. I noticed my performance, particularly in bad spots like on my ships, seemed to be a lot better when I logged in last night. They did something right.
  16. Hurlshort


    Wow. That ate up like 30 minutes.
  17. There are conservative columnists railing against Mitt Romney right now after his 47% comments. http://www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romney-gets-blasted-by-conservatives-in-two-must-read-columns-2012-9 It doesn't look good. Romney really just seems to have no idea what his voter base is. I was concerned about him as a candidate all along, and he just continues to make baffling statements. Basically Obama just needs to avoid a major controversy to win. It's sad, really. This is why I wish Newt Gingrich would have got the candidacy. I know he never would have been able to win, but he is a very smart politician and he would have challenged the Obama administration with tough questions and introduced new ideas. Gingrich is an SOB, but he is an SOB with a track record of getting the job done.
  18. Given that they don't release any of the financials, it's very hard for any of us to say that. We don't really know what they sunk into the project, we don't know what the current operating costs are, and we don't know what they are making every month. If they have half a million subscribers, which has been rumored, that is still a pretty solid amount of income coming in. We know that they cut back on staff, but the game is still being worked on heavily, so it isn't dead yet. The big test will be if they can generate income off their free to play model. It clearly hasn't met expectations, that much was evidenced by the layoffs. But it also didn't bomb, which is evidenced by the huge initial sales. Right now they need to do whatever they can to maintain subs, but until it is clear they have failed to do that, we don't have a clear picture here.
  19. I decided to re-sub, to see the server changes and everything. I will see about possibly finding some of you folks online too.
  20. I'm not quite sure what you are getting at here. While both the Bioware purchase and TOR were very expensive for EA, both have also generated a lot of money. It is less clear how profitable they are compared to the investment, but there haven't been any big bombs. The Mass Effect and Dragon Age games have sold well, and TOR sold like hotcakes out of the gate. TOR has struggled since, but it is still a very active property for EA and Bioware, and isn't exactly closing down yet.
  21. They are in an advisory role, but that project seems pretty stalled, so I doubt that helps.
  22. I'm not hung up on hours, I want a great game that keeps me engaged from start to finish. It is also crazy to expect a full on epic like BG2 for $2 million. If this game comes out and is successful, then we might see enough DLC over time to make it a full on epic, but they are still operating on a small budget here. Also, taking funds from other areas is a terrible idea, they aren't going to sacrifice the company safety net (if they even have one) for this project, they shouldn't have to. I'd say 20 hours is a reasonable guess for a first play through. That is fairly standard. Merin is on the money when he says you are pledging Kickstarter for more than simply getting a return on an investment. We'd all be better off pledging the minimum if that were the case. We are pledging to support a vision.
  23. A cult following is a group of fans who are highly dedicated to a specific area of culture. A film, book, musical artist, television series, or video game, among other things, will be said to have a cult following when it has a small but very passionate fan base. It's a ridiculous and useless term because anything that has a handful of fans applies, but it's used correctly. Even if misused in the way you intend, it would still be accurate - this forum alone displays enormous cultlike dedication to the game and it has displayed incredible longevity for a game - more successful games have been wiped off the map but this is still being played regularely by many people. EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized who I'm talking to. Bye, this thread. Sorry for contributing to your eventual Volourn Derailment. You just have to read a couple of the love letter threads about Steven Heck and SIE in Alpha Protocol to know it is totally a cult classic. The game definitely has a following. Dungeon Siege 3 managed about the same sales, I believe, but it didn't really create the same type of fanbase. But yeah, it's Volo. Welcome back Volo, we missed you.
  24. Double Fine did a good job of getting a big push at the end, so hopefully Obsidian can do the same. I've been spreading the word as much as possible, even sent in the story to our local news tech reporter.
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