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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Does Turkey really have that many enemies? It's one thing to frown upon the war, but I really doubt the Eurasian countries would jump to defend Syria. I doubt Iran would give full scale support either.
  2. I would assume Turkey would get pretty substantial help from countries like the US. Who would back Syria?
  3. Hmm, I'm having trouble finding any very concrete sales figures, you might be right about missing that 2 million mark. I really wish there was more transparency about sales figures and development costs. It would make arguing on the internet much better
  4. I'm pretty sure Dragon Age 2 was good for Bioware. It had a short development cycle and sold 2 million plus copies. Forum users like us represent a very small fraction of the customer base. We may be unhappy with the game, but that doesn't really mean it's bad business. The ratings took a hit, but not a tremendous one. It will be difficult to tell how that will affect the bottom line until DA3 comes out. It's pretty hard to figure out if these customers are CoD players without some sort of polling method. I can say that when I stood in line for ME3 at my local game shop, I was horrified by the conversations people were having about Dragon Age 2. It was lowest common denominator stuff, and I imagine these are the large CoD base that Bioware is hoping to pull in.
  5. just for comparison. http://www.themoscow...cle/468391.html That's a great story! It's refreshing to see you post a scenario where multiculturalism existed and flourished.
  6. I really am interested in what would happen if Turkey did invade and successfully take over Syria. I would imagine they would try to set up a new government, similar to what the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan. I wonder if they would have more success, being a predominantly Muslim country. I would hope so. Not that I want there to be a war, I'm just curious about what the end result would be. Also Syria's government is going to have be replaced at some point, you can't expect them to maintain power with their current trajectory.
  7. It's good for Bioware and probably bad for us, I suppose. I think the CoD audience is also a much easier target to hit. I knew I was no longer the target audience as soon as blood splatter became a major selling point.
  8. Most of the stuff from Obamacare hasn't actually been enacted yet. Yes, because when a business owner is thinking about hiring someone on part or full time they only think about the immediate costs. They never look 6 months to a few years down the road and figure their costs. Oh wait, that's EXACTLY what they do. First off, businesses with less than 50 employees are exempt. The Obama Administration has done a terrible job of making that clear, but it's true. Honestly most of the small business owners I know who keep railing about the reform have around 10 employees, and I just roll my eyes at them. They aren't in a position to hire 40 new employees regardless. Secondly, if you already offer insurance to your employees, this will possibly lower your costs. There are many exemptions and tax credits, and it depends on what type of plan you already have. A growing business isn't going to purposefully stagnate themselves because of these costs. That is bad business. I have my own problems with Obamacare. I don't like the idea of the government running an insurance company. But this bluster from business owners is silly. There are costs to running a business, and providing health care is now going to be one of them.
  9. Hey, I read that article in college when I took my American Indian Studies class! I believe I have it lying around my classroom somewhere, it is a good one. The main premise is that Native Americans are in a legal battle to protect their lands from environmental hazards. Many different tribes have united to do so. The article is actually a positive one about how this has allowed all the tribes to be more effective as a political force. Also, your 20 year-old video is sad, but really moving to a big city looking for jobs can be difficult for anyone, regardless of culture.
  10. I actually cancelled my Dishonored preorder and put it towards Xcom. I'm sure I will enjoy a playthrough of Dishonored, but Xcom is clearly a game I will play for hours and hours, and likely years to come. Plus we've gotten a few good games like Dishonored in the last couple years, but nothing anywhere near Xcom.
  11. Most of the stuff from Obamacare hasn't actually been enacted yet.
  12. Well said. That's really the reason I have so much trouble understanding this whole thing. I teach Muslim students every day. They are proud of their culture, but they are also just typical kids.
  13. I think the whole idea of attacking the employment numbers is ridiculous. We should all want the economy to improve, and the numbers are still positive growth. Spinning them into a negative is stupid, and Romney needs to get rid of his campaign people because they keep making stupid choices like this. I would love to see Romney challenge Obama to be a better President. He has some momentum after the debate, so maybe he can get it together.
  14. in other words, a other cultures you're not interested, you want to see fake show, dining and entertainment with an exotic flair. P.S. front left wheel displeased I've said this before, but you are really bad at this. I miss LoF.
  15. Nobody has said immigrants don't need to obey basic traffic and safety laws.
  16. If you thought those were watchable, you will probably enjoy The Avengers. Joss Whedon also makes his mark, with improved dialogue being the main difference between this film and all the individual ones.
  17. The newest update convinced me to throw in $15. The writing and the ideas seemed pretty interesting. I'm still skeptical they will hit that goal though.
  18. TOR clearly didn't meet long term expectations, as much as I love the game. The layoffs were disappointing, but necessary to keep the game operating under realistic numbers.
  19. The premise of your argument seems to be that when a new group moves to Sweden, that they won't embrace Swedish culture in any way. That does not have to be what happens. You can celebrate your traditions and heritage and still take part in your new home's cultural identity. Your use of these forums is a great example of diversity working. We are an incredibly diverse group here with quite a few different beliefs. Many of us come from vastly different cultures, and not all of us speak English as our primary language. We are brought together by a fairly simple thing, video games. It seems like a person's home country would be a bigger common thread than that.
  20. I didn't watch, but apparently it went terribly for Obama.
  21. Dead State also needed a lot less to make the goal. It's just going to need a decent spike from somewhere, maybe it can get on Penny Arcade or something.
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