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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You are correct. But again, we aren't talking about religion, we are talking about the idea of a creator/mystical force/whatever. They are very different, even though that is the central idea of most religions. And the question isn't 'should we stop science to accommodate philosophy' but rather 'can philosophy help us create new avenues in science.'
  2. It says no such thing. You are acting like science has answered all the mysteries of the universe. We are nowhere near that point in our understanding of the universe, we seem to be creating more questions than answers at this stage. Science does not address whether there is a mystical force or not. You are choosing to believe there is not.
  3. I believe you missed the point completely Krezack.
  4. Where did all that come from? I don't think I saw any mention of stopping science or defining God as a man in that article. Also some people seem to have trouble separating the idea of a creator, God, or industrious invisible pink elephants if you are Gorgon, and organized religion. One does not need the other to exist.
  5. Just finished Dance with Dragons. I enjoyed the reading, but it is fairly amazing how little the plot moved forward in 1000 pages. Ah well, more people are dead, I'm assuming the last book will simply be a long list of every character being dead.
  6. The article is more about what place philosophy has in science. The example of Einstein asking very childish questions is used to illustrate how philosophy is used to establish new ideas, whereas science alone doesn't necessarily allow out of the box thinking.
  7. It's been awhile since we've had a nice reason versus faith discussion, and I found this article to be a great read: http://www.bbc.co.uk...onment-19997789 The quote that stood out to me was by John Lennox, a mathematics professor at Oxford: "If the atheists are right the mind that does science... is the end product of a mindless unguided process. Now, if you knew your computer was the product of a mindless unguided process, you wouldn't trust it. So, to me atheism undermines the rationality I need to do science."
  8. Thought I'd give this a bump. I'm a little worried about the speed they are getting pledges, but maybe I'm just spoiled after watching Project Eternity blow up. They still have a lot of time, but I'm hoping they hit their goal with plenty of time to spare. I'm also concerned there is a little bit of Kickstarter fatigue
  9. It's been pretty stress free for a game 7. Now if they can just get out before the rain delay!
  10. You dissed Bend and Butterfingers, you are dead to me AGX
  11. I buy a big thing of that Dubliner cheese every time I go to Costco. They are huge and last forever, and they are delicious.
  12. Please show me which Kickstarter got anywhere near a million pledges. As amazing as it is that Project Eternity has raised $4 million, it still has less than 100,000 backers. Games like Call of Duty and Battlefield sell millions of copies. I love my RPG's and space sims, and I'm thankful that Kickstarter is allowing them to get developed, but I understand that I am the minority in the marketplace.
  13. Because it is a limited audience. Seriously, we have 2 billion FPS games a year because that is what the market dictates.
  14. I believe you need to patch it, since the patches are unofficial.
  15. It's pretty easy... called "hype" Dragon Age 2, Black & White, Spore, Duke Nukem Forever... list goes on and on. That's what I'm saying, from a completely rational perspective those were fully functional games. They went through a full development process, they were subject to extensive bug testing, they were greenlit by a publisher. They had all the components of a good game, and there are going to be people that enjoyed every one of them. They generated interest and sales. It is irrational to call them bad games, there is nothing to support that but opinions. Also I'm pretty sure DNF didn't sell all that well, unlike the others on your list. And Spore is awesome, my entire family has enjoyed that thing.
  16. I really just seem to love everything about Oregon. All the microbrews, the food, the cool weather, the scenery. Every time we pass through Bend, OR I spend a couple weeks trying to convince my wife we should move there.
  17. My favorite way to make burgers is to use turkey meat, then put a layer of blue cheese in the center of the patty. Once the blue cheese starts to bubble out, you know it is done. Delicious.
  18. You should give the VGA version of QFG1 a try. It still looks pretty good by today's standards, and it isn't an overly long affair.
  19. If we are speaking of rationality, it is pretty hard to call any game that makes it to release and then sells well a bad game. Rationally, Bioware is releasing high quality products that attract a lot of buyers and receive a good deal of critical praise. That doesn't mean I like all their games, in fact I've come to terms with the fact I'm not their target audience anymore, but it seems like calling their games 'bad' without acknowledging their merit is the same as a fanboy calling them 'good' without acknowledging their flaws.
  20. I'm not ashamed to admit I had to look up strewth.
  21. Sadly I created the SHIV for the Steam achievement, because I'm a slave to those little pop ups.
  22. That is the persepctive that you will be moving around from, but the artwork is just a rough draft. Honestly I still think it looks decent. Again this is very much an indie project, it isnt the scale of Project Eternity.
  23. Ice hockey mostly. I will go for a run if I am not getting enough ice time. I need to get to the gym more, but my kids keep me pretty busy.
  24. Some of your points are interesting, but it falls apart when you start using your low opinion of TOR to try and prove a point. TOR as an mmo has a lot of flaws, but as a continuation of the KotOR universe, it succeeds in many ways. That is opinion, of course, but that is why you should have left it out of your original post to begin with.
  25. You know if you up it to $50, you get the whole QFG series It is also available on GoG.
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