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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. They really need to get the server tech. that Guild Wars 2 is using. I keep think about resubbing, but then I remember how lonely I was.
  2. These guys are also extremely wealthy and close enough to retirement age to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. I don't see any conspiracies here, they gave 20 years to Bioware and are leaving it as a very successful business.
  3. I decided to spring for FTL it looked like a fun little starship game. 4 hours later I realized it was past my bedtime, what foul sorcery is this? This game is addicting and awesome.
  4. I could have sworn I told you to get something with clearance, like a Jeep Cherokee, when you talked abut getting a car back in the day. So I'm not going to help you Actually I have no idea. With registration, I believe you can simply register it in Iowa no matter where you buy it, it is all based on the address you use. That would be my guess, insurance should be the same thing.
  5. Really sorry to hear the WD. Take care.
  6. The OP isn't just saying the intro was a bit slow (although I don't get it in FO:NV, the whole world opens up immediately.) He is saying he rage quit because there is too much dialogue. He compared it to being in a classroom. Considering the writing is one of the biggest selling points in Obsidian's work, I just don't think he is going to be happy.
  7. Realistically, given the resources that go into creating party members, I doubt you will see any permanent deaths. I prefer the idea of crippling injuries myself. When you die, you are crippled until you see a surgeon or something. End game on total party wipe, but as long as one survives, folks can get back up and stumble home.
  8. I agree that romances are goofy and have become too important in RPG's. So I'm against romances in general. However, Bioware is making a social statement when they include gay romances. It's similar to the whole green movement of many recent movies. Avatar, Wall-e, The Lorax; these are all movies designed around the idea that corporations are bad and the earth needs to be protected. Final Fantasy carries those themes as well. While it can be preachy, it isn't necessarily a bad thing to get people thinking about the environment. I see the same thing with gay romances in these games, the idea is to get people to think about it in a positive light, which given the fairly troublesome homophobia in the gaming community, isn't a bad thing.
  9. I've only put in on a few projects, and Eternity was my first big pledge. Shadowrun Returns looks like a good game, and so I pledged for that. Spaceventure (Guys from Andromeda) is more of a nostalgic pledge. If they run off to live on a beach somewhere with the money, I'll be ok because they gave me some great memories as a kid. I'll pledge Quest for Glory's team as well.
  10. This game is a loooooooong way from release people. Pace out the nerd-rage a bit
  11. Companions, and really all content, cost money. For a million bucks you are only going to get so much content. I expect this game to be awesome, but I don't expect it to be gigantic.
  12. Their stretch goals only go up to 2 million, they are going to hit that in a couple days. I'm interested to see what 4-5 million will get us. I think they will coast into that number. edit: I love the house idea by the way. Don't hate on my interior decorator desires
  13. Speaking of old timers, where the heck did Walsingham wander off to?
  14. Oooh, decided to pick up the Icewind Dale series. For some reason back in the day I never grabbed those, so it will be a fresh experience for me. Should tide me over a bit with the Eternity excitement.
  15. I'm trying to pace myself on the excitement level though, it's almost two years away!
  16. I explained it to my wife and she was pretty understanding, I went for the collector's edition. She knows I spend a good amount of time chatting on those forums, so it's not exactly every day I drop that kind of money. This is a fairly unique developer.
  17. I'm also guessing the developer has final say on anything, you will likely have certain constraints so we don't end up with Sir Justin Beiber as an NPC.
  18. It is awesome to hear all these great ideas. It just reinforces what a fantastic community we have here at Obsidian.
  19. Grats to ShadySands for being the first to get into the comments there. That thing is massive now!
  20. Looks like some flash in the pan thing, will probably turn out to be vaporware.
  21. I really wanted to put in a full $1k, but I didn't think cancelling a family vacation to cover the cost would go over well with my family. That being said, if I did have the money to drop, I would create a character based on Visceris/Hades. I do hope he gets a little something special in this game, he was a big fan with a big heart and I know he'd be going nuts over this news
  22. Boo (DrowsyEmp) clearly has a very different perspective on these issues, and while I disagree vehemently with many of his statements, I appreciate that he has been open to discussion and has not gone overboard with insults or disrespect. Krezack, I may be more closely aligned with you politically, but I find the tone you take to be arrogant. You use a lot of rhetoric. Calm down a bit and have a discussion.
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