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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Played a new game of Mount and Blade: Fire and Sword. It didn't go well early one, I was captured twice and lost my horse. But now I've got a decent little band of fighters and I'm starting to get a bit more dangerous. I'm still pretty poor, but I'm woring my way up. This version plays very different than Warband and the original.
  2. Seems we are about to witness the fall of another console; sad though, I've been with Nintendo since Iv'e started gaming. But with the economic situation and as it is 2013 may be the worst year of gaming in recent history. I really doubt that the WiiU will fail. Nintendo has had a terrible track record with third party developers for a long time, and yet they always find an audience for their consoles. They rely heavily on Nintendo developed software for the most part. They also target a completely different demographic compared to Sony and Microsoft. The Wii has a fairly weak stable of games considering its time in existence, yet it still sold like hotcakes.
  3. I did 350. It seems like you would need to do a bunch of these to get a real clear indication of your speed. I also know I personally take awhile to get up to speed, when I'm grading tests the first few are always pretty slow, but once I hit a groove I get going pretty well.
  4. Rift has also been out for over year and seems to have survived the release of TOR and carved a nice spot in the MMOscape. Pretty impressive what Trion Worlds was able to do with it.
  5. I didn't buy it... Back to Volourn... Free 2 play Free 2 play Haven't quite heard of the last 2 in a while, so not sure how they fare. Are they still on a subscription model? What does that have to do with anything? They are still very successful MMO's. Turbine figured out that the f2p model actually increases their profits, as the hardcore players are willing to pay even more than a monthly subscription, and it allows casual gamers to pay small amounts as they play. They also still run off a subscription model, it is more of a hybrid than a total f2p game. EQ2 has implemented f2p aspects, Rift is still fairly new so they probably will wait awhile. Age of Conan has a fantastic starter island. The first 20 levels are simply fantastic. Unfortunately it drops off after that, it is a beautiful world to explore, but the game lacks cohesion. You can play the starter island for free though. I didn't put AoC on my list because despite an initial burst of success at launch, it was mismanaged and the developer had to make significant cuts. It is still going though, so obviously it wasn't a total loss for them.
  6. I do love my MMO's. I did manage to not buy Tera, which came out recently. And with Guild Wars 2, at least there isn't a monthly fee! It's really been a good year or so for MMO's though. Rift was really good, Lord of the Rings expanded to Isengard, TOR came out...I've had trouble figuring out what to play.
  7. Maybe. But Wow's success puts blindfolds on publishers, who just see big monies. Of course pretty much every MMO bursts like a bubble, but they can't see that... There are a ton of very successful and long running MMO's out there, so I'm not sure where you are getting that. TOR itself is still doing quite well, it would need a precipitous drop off to fail at this point. It is still in the realm of possibility, but it becomes less unlikely every month. Here's a short list of very successful MMO's currently running strong: Lord of the Rings Online City of Heroes Everquest 2 Rift That doesn't even include all the middling games that are still running and turning a profit. MMO's are a long term investment, they are risky, but they pay dividends much longer than a traditional game does.
  8. I don't know how you guys do it, If I don't drink a few bottles of water every day I feel terrible. If I drink two sodas in a day I feel horrible too.
  9. Volourn is correct. It's also much more than one single player game in terms of total content.
  10. Back on the Xbox, Psychonauts used to make me nauseous (many 3D platformers do.) On the PC, so far it is much easier for me to handle, so I'm glad I got it. My daughter also played a bit, so that was fun.
  11. I realy do not understand people playing MMOs who wants to have SP experience from the game... Because more often than not when you're running up to the end game content, you're generally going to be plowing through it alone. Whenever I played MMO and ended up playing it alone, it was a sign that the game sucks... Even in leveling up, I expect to have multiplayer experience... The more and more putting of SP experience into the MMOs, made me to stop playing them altogether, because I got bored in every single one I played in one or two weeks, and started to play SP only games again... You can still seek out groups in TOR, the heavier populated servers have plenty of people spread over the level spectrum leveling alts. TOR is different from other MMO's because of the very individual class stories, hence it manages to pull off a pretty satisfying single player experience.
  12. To be fair, the movie does look good and will probably make half a billion dollars when all is said and done.
  13. Awesome GD. My wife has an uncle that teaches at one of the universities in Mexico, but I think it is near Rosarito.
  14. If you liked Silent Assassin, you really should try Blood Money. I too loved SA but BM is the best Hitman game to date. Looking forward for Absolution, it first seemed like some shooter but that E3 walkthrough made it pretty clear it's still the Hitman I like. I like the hits from Contracts the best, the level design from SA, but Blood Money feels like the most well rounded. Although the clown level was a bit too strange for my tastes. Blood Money is also the only one that looks great by today's standards. The others haven't aged all that well.
  15. I like that they let me just unlock them on Steam instead of downloading them, it is easier to keep track of all this stuff that way. I'm not rich so I went with $15, I figure that's fair.
  16. The beautiful thing about hockey is it is actually a low impact sport if you avoid the hitting aspect. Lidstrom uses position and stickwork in order to be a great defenseman, and because of that he has managed to have a long career. Speed and hitting are a young man's game, the best players learn to be effective without those. Of course Gordie Howe played a physical game, and he managed to play in his 50's, so there are also just exceptions.
  17. http://en.wikipedia...._8th_Dimension? Yeppers.
  18. While the appointments are political, once a judge is in office there is really no political pull left to be had with them, meaning judges often ignore the agenda of the party that put them in office. You also don't get into the Supreme Court without a lot of experience and a lengthy interview process, so they are hardly lacking in merit.
  19. Yay! It's taking a long time, but so far these discriminatory acts and props are getting struck down in every court they reach. Which is exactly as it should be.
  20. I remember arguing in Jr. High over what was better Cyberpunk or Shadowrun. They were both cool though, so I'm happy to hear this.
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