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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Only good news if you think Ryan Reynolds makes a good Connor Macleod. That's fantastic news, actually. Ryan Reynolds makes a good anybody.
  2. It says "from Form of Beast" It's a poem, you have to read it with the right rhythm. Congrats Jaesun!
  3. How dare they have repercussions to your actions? What a barbaric concept!
  4. The Brown hit was a messy play. He deserved a penalty, but you've got three Coyotes entering the zone at full speed. Brown is coming in fast trying to break up the rush. He's trying to get his shoulder into the guy, but while he's turning he gets more leg on leg. I just don't see how it is suspension worthy, this is a physical game. The whistle also came too late.
  5. I think most people here who actually played it enjoyed it, which is a feat in itself. Many were not into the long term MMO aspect of it, but as a single player experience it was pretty satisfying.
  6. The game sold rather fantastically. It is tough to get an idea of just how profitable it was, given the costs and everything, but it's far from a failure. Now if it continues to lose subscribers, there might be some cause for concern. But for now it is an extremely good game and it has a healthy player base.
  7. I have fond memories of climbing a tree over and over again in QFG1. Good times.
  8. Eh, not quite time to panic yet. This will likely slow the content down a bit, but that was a fricken huge team.
  9. I think Morgoth has become our local animal rights activist. I'm actually glad to hear that, it's good to see him take a stand against something important like that. Even if I disagree with the dog one Morgie, I respect your message.
  10. We already know that you no longer build additional bases so that's not entirely true. That doesn't really bother me. As I said, it is getting the Civilization treatment, which means they change a few things here and there but the overall design stays the same. I have no reason to doubt Firaxis, they manage to make every Civ game different without losing the addictive quality.
  11. Yeah, I'd say he's confused. This Xcom is turn based and has all the strategy elements of the original. Basically it's getting the treatment the Civilization games get, which is simply awesome. The shooter was put in limbo last year. Hopefully it stays there.
  12. Your plus/minus stat is more important than how many goals you score.
  13. Xcom has a release date. Already have it ordered. http://www.2kgames.com/blog/xcom-enemy-unknown-release-date-special-edition-and-more
  14. Yes, but does it all have to be non intellectually stimulating stuff? The gaming marketplace seems overloaded with it.
  15. After naysaying it initially, I balked and decided to pre-purchase the game. I even gave the original a whirl to refresh my memory and make sure my names are reserved.
  16. QFG2 is the only text parser game, and it was actually remade by fans and is available for free if you don't want to deal with that. I remember as a 10-year old it was pretty tough having to type everything in! QFG3 is a big jump in graphic actually, I thought it was a beautiful game.
  17. I'm surprised you didn't just go for the VGA version, it is pretty slick and eliminates the need to type everything out. It came with your purchase. Taking my character from QFG1-4 is still probably the most rewarding character progression I have ever had in a game. Eat your heart out Mass Effect, Sierra nailed it 25 years ago.
  18. My original Droid is a Motorola, it's been pretty awesome actually.
  19. Your years of doing that in video games have clearly paid off.
  20. My planet is nice and full, but I started on a different server when 1.2 came out so I can't compare it to before. The patch has improved the low level game for me tremendously.
  21. Why does everyone keep bringing up the subscriber loss as some sort of big deal? It is standard for almost every MMO to have a drop off after the initial free months. They are still running at over a million plus subscribers.
  22. Obvious troll is obvious, dood. We all get forced to wear uncomfortable outfits at one time or another. That dog has probably got a better life than all of us.
  23. Yes, and AP allowed you to avoid brutally killing everyone you came in contact with, a big plus for me.
  24. Anyone else feel he has more point than he should? I really do agree with that. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sophomoric humor and frenetic action scenes on occasion, but the older I get the less tolerant I am of that stuff. The fact is the age demographic for gamers is getting older, but games still seem to resist growing up. LA Noir is a great example, that game would have been better without the numerous chase scenes. A well done crime drama should be enough. Dragon Age is another example, the whole blood soaked thing is just silly to me, it isn't funny silly either. It's just bad.
  25. I haven't really seen EA do anything very negative in a number of years. This Origin offer for Kickstarter developers is another smart move.
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