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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. True, games are closer to counterfeiting money, since the overhead is so low compared to manufacturing drugs and fake pants. Good point!
  2. So is my inhaler. It is not uncommon in the NHL to get a cortisone shot.
  3. Delfosse, maybe you can hold off on the insults and generalizations a bit? Gifted and mrkreku may be bickering and giving each other a hard time, but they stop at outright name calling. Also given your low opinion of so many Americans, I'm not sure why you are hanging out on the board of an American corporation.
  4. Ah, also a cortisone shot will probably be administered.
  5. Was going at the idea that stealing decrements the amount they have. Not really the case with pirating the game, and is a bit different than slating him as a mugger. Although, I suppose you could consider stealing as getting something for nothing, so may be. The raging on this is always cute though. Bleh, we've argued the whole definition aspect to death enough times already. Let's not get into that. Morally, if someone creates something and asks for compensation, and you take it without paying, you are in the wrong. mrkreku is more arguing about regional conflicts that make it unavailable to people.
  6. Back injuries can be a bit odd, a lot of physical therapy and heat and cold treatments can make a pretty huge difference fast. It's really a matter of working out the knots.
  7. I don't really see how they can possibly include all of Tamriel, I would think they would handle it like Lord of the Ring Online has with Middle Earth. You don't want a bunch of generic towns everywhere.
  8. Jagged Alliance 2, my favorite game ever, was actually released in Europe many months before it made it to the US. While I was upset and really really wanted to play it, I still waited until it finally got released stateside. There are Japanese games that don't get released here as well. The fact is these are still just pieces of entertainment, and my life goes on whether I play them or not. mkreku, are you really saying there was no legal option to get Gothic? You couldn't have someone buy it and send it to you? You couldn't wait until it was available for purchase online somewhere?
  9. Yawn. I have to say, I just don't find the ES universe very interesting. Daedric princes and all that are fairly yawn inducing for me. I love the idea of exploring a huge world that looks beautiful, but the lore has never really pulled me in. Morrowind was the only one I ever got close to finishing the story on, and even that lost me after awhile.
  10. Well I'm really a fan of all history, so it's hard to choose a specific one. Right now I'm teaching about the Mesoamerican civilizations like the Mayan and Aztecs. The fascinating thing about this unit is how independently they develop. Even Japan, which was fairly isolated, still had some cultural diffusion with the mainland. There are also so many mysteries left about groups like the Mayan. We really need a time machine to answer some of the questions left behind here.
  11. I've been seriously hitting SW:TOR lately, I started a bounty hunter on a new server, and I've got him up to level 30. I want to unlock my legacy, and then I'll start a few alt characters for fun. Almost there!
  12. The problem is now you have plenty of legal ways to get games and music, and yet piracy is still rampant.
  13. Congrats to Oby on finding his lifemates. Hiro, I think your camera is broken
  14. I think we may be glossing over the point. The USSR is not a country anymore, and it is The Pirate Bay's fault.
  15. Do you notice anything about your two quotes here? Anything at all?
  16. Says "Born in USSR" in my Russian passport. Says "Born in Leningrad USSR" in my Belgian passport. I love how americans talk without knowing a single thing about the eastern world, it cracks me up. Actually we don't really spend much time at all talking about the eastern world. You, however, go on and on about the western world.
  17. Do you mean that if therapist freelance the entire parlor gets shut down? Or a you talking about happy endings? If the therapist conducts their freelance work at the parlor, then the parlor may be shut down. It usually requires a few warnings and investigations first to see if the owners are actively trying to prevent the illegal activity. What I'm saying here is TPB is not actively trying to prevent any illegal activity at their site, and so they can be held responsible. My analogy breaks down a bit because you can't get a happy ending over the internet...yet!
  18. Don't forget the financial angle here. Benching a player means you still pay them, suspension means they lose money. Given Nashville's status is troubled financially, I'm guessing that was in their thoughts. Not sure if it's the right call in the playoffs, but whatever.
  19. Well, I've thought on this a bit. If my wife just holds on to the broken thing for a few years, the district cost to replace it drops considerably. The chances of them asking for it back are small given the fact she has no plans to change schools. I'm just having a hard time convincing her this is a good plan. Given that she did use it quite often, I've offered to buy her a new one. That way it belongs to her alone, and I will feel better about shelling out cash if it breaks. Plus I can get whatever type of insurance I choose. She's resisting this plan for now, but I will see if I can wear her down.
  20. Since we're calling spades spades... TPB does not have any copyrighted content to remove as they don't host anything bar the torrent information. As such people cannot go there to get illegal asterisks, they can only go there to obtain directions to get (potentially) illegal asterisks. That's why they're still in business. It is good thing to remember that not all TPB's directions lead to illegal asterisks, which might make banning the whole site illegal in itself. At least that's what is currently happening in Finland. If a massage parlor gives legitimate massages, but doesn't stop its therapists from giving a little extra on the side, it can still run the risk of getting shut down.
  21. You've got to work on your snarkiness, man. Uh, it was a legitimate question, I'm not quite sure you are attacking me about it? Anyways my guess is Lord of Flies. Obykneven posts with a different syntax.
  22. Interesting idea, but as Gorgon mentioned the deductible and the premium increase are probably worse than anything. Plus I doubt it covers these types of electronics. The rough part is if I had decided to buy this, I would have purchased the insurance that covers these types of accidents, because between my wife and my two little ones things break regularly.
  23. I agree suspending for missing curfew is silly. I prefer to think they suspended him for not backchecking
  24. Did you read what I wrote? There was no purchase of an Apple product.
  25. Is Delfosse an alt of one of the regular loons, or is he a new one?
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