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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It's been this way for awhile, remember a few years ago we only had a couple guys that even made it to 40. I think it mostly has to do with the goaltending position being pretty insane right now, there are some very talented young guys in the league today. Plus it doesn't seem like you get that one dominant line on teams anymore. Maybe it's because the defense against the top line has gotten better, or the other three lines have been earning more minutes. But it seems pretty standard throughout the league.
  2. It's hard to come across as a reasonable and unbiased source of information when you are throwing crude nicknames around.
  3. Typically when I daydream about poker or blackjack, I eventually drift back to the reality that it is a very easy way to lose a lot of money fast. The lottery is such a small risk for a very large reward. edit: Oh, lottery profits help education, so technically I benefit from the few dollars I might spend on tickets
  4. Also when the jackpot is really large, a near miss is still a very sizable win. It's really just fun escapism to play the lottery though, for a few bucks you can daydream about what it would be like to be instantly rich.
  5. A leaked beta seems like a terrible way to evaluate a product.
  6. Just got back form a school trip to Yosemite. I'm exhausted, and now I need to go replace the microwave that broke while I was away. It was an interesting trip though. On day one a student disclocated her knee cross country skiing. We had to carry her on a stretcher through about 200 yards of knee deep snow. Her father was a chaperone, so he took her to the hospital. Then I lost another chaperone that day because a death in the family. It left us pretty short handed for the trip, but luckily the rest was smooth sailing.
  7. I went on youtube and I didn't see any endings better than the one I got at about 3400 assets.
  8. Well, she wasn't a romance interest (I was femshep in my run) but even after the second hospital visit she was still unsure of Sheps loyalties until shep gave her evidence against the usurper. She didn't seem fully committed to me until she comes on the Normandy, and even then she is a bit hesitant until you help her with her sister. After the exclusive conversation I think she still ends up pointing a gun at you, so that didn't strike me as a perfect relationship.
  9. I saw it in the theater, which was a worse idea.
  10. Annoyingly, you can't keep all of your previous partners as love interests. Jack is really just a "OH HAI! *kiss* I've moved on!" And Miranda just seems to be "Get your clothes off for one more time... for memories sake" Ashley was a bit of a letdown as well, to be honest. I stayed loyal to her though ME2 and she still took forever to commit. There were some nice moments, but I could tell she wasn't considered a primary character by the writers. The moments with Garrus, Liara, and Tali were handled better, and I think that is because the majority of players still had those folks alive.
  11. That would be the stupidest thing to do. Not only is it the most hated, but it's the ending that makes the least sense, (space magic changed my DNA). Destroy or control will be the cannon endings. Hell with control they can bring the reapers back at anytime as antagonists. Assuming they don't just retcon the whole mess. Guys, both of you are native english speakers. It's canon, not cannon. In my defense, I was shot out of a canon in my younger years without a helmet.
  12. Flames? No, but I do wonder why you'd think that what the bible says would hold any significance for us... It's a pretty significant book, so I don't know why a quote from it would not be relevant to the discussion.
  13. If he had gotten killed running out to try and save kids, he would still be a hero. I think you missed the part where he was shielding the kids with his body.
  14. Considering many of the folks who just engineered the Crucible were hopefully still alive around Earth, I'm guessing they will figure out some new way to get around the universe with some speed. I mean, we know there will more games in this universe, so they aren't going to screw themselves completely with the story. I'm guessing the combine DNA ending will become cannon, and there will be a convenient explanation to make things less destructive.
  15. It's amazing how quick a heartwarming story brings out the negative nellies.
  16. Yeah, not looking forward to playing swtor soon again after a couple of months. That's one of the big issues I have with SWTOR and its overload of abilities. It is hard to get back to it after a break.
  17. The ending was fine, I've seen way worse in television and movies. It wasn't great, but it sure as heck didn't ruin the other 100+ hours of entertainment I've had playing out the trilogy.
  18. Why would Wrex be vaporized or stuck on earth? Plus I was just happy the crew of the Normandy survived. They are on a pretty awesome looking planet, and even if the Normandy is busted, they are going to get rescued eventually. They've got a well deserved extended vacation. I thought they ending was a bit unclear, I took the middle path where you absorb your DNA or whatever. Were the relays destroyed, or just overloaded for a brief time? Even if they were destroyed, we still have faster than light travel. Wrex will get back to Tuchanka in a year or so, big deal.
  19. I've gotta say, there were a lot of characters from ME2 that I didn't connect with, but when I ran across them in ME3 I found myself thinking fondly about them. Thane is a good example, I never really dug him in ME2, but his short cameo in ME3 was fantastic. Overall I appreciated the care ME3 took to pay service to all the relationships I had built up in the first 2 games. I was given plenty of closure over the course of the game, so the ending itself wasn't really a problem for it. I mean I guess I could try and analyze it and get upset about it, but why would I do that over a video game? My story of Commander Shephard is over.
  20. I just finished the game. I thought the ending was fine, maybe not the best ever, but hardly worth getting up in arms over. What I really enjoyed was talking to all my old friends in London before the final push, and then heading into battle with my best buddy Garrus and my girl Ashley. Anyone else never really feel attached to Anderson?
  21. I also will probably give D3 a pass. Of course I said the same about Starcraft 2, and I still broke down and bought it a couple days after is came out.
  22. So what about when a player leaves via free agency? I agree with your loyalty sentiment, I don't like it when a team throws a player under the bus to drive value down. But with the Sharks I just see misguided attempts to improve a team that hasn't won a cup.
  23. I don't remember them trashing Heatley. They traded for Havlat because it freed up cap space and gave them a speed option to replace Setoguchi. Management had nothing but good things to say about Heatley and his time in San Jose. Nabokov was also a case of finances, they felt they could get away with a cheaper goaltender. That seems to be a foolish choice now, but I still wouldn't say they trashed him.
  24. I've never fully understood that stance because there are so many different ways to exercise. Find something that works for you. I burn a ton of calories playing hockey, for example, and I don't consider that boring at all.
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