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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Isn't that 8 hour sleep thing a myth? Maybe toddlers and kids needs it, but I'm fairly sure adults don't. Nope, for most stages of your life, 8 hours is the recommended amount of sleep. Obviously this varies based on a lot of factors, but that is the accepted standard. I'm 33 and I feel terrible if I don't get at least 7, but I also get interrupted at least once a night.
  2. The Spectre weapons look pretty sweet, plus a few do things that are rather unique. I like the explosive disc shooting pistol.
  3. While having a fun and rather reminiscent moment with Garrus and Wrex, it struck me how bizarre it would be to have one of them be dead in this game. Bioware really did pull off an amazing bit of choice and consequence here over a trilogy.
  4. It's funny because I have two videos I show about China in my class, and one says you can see the wall from space, while the other claims that is a myth. It's a good opportunity to teach my kids about not trusting sources, at least.
  5. I didn't know where else to put this, put yesterday my students asked an astronaut he could see the Great Wall of China from space. He said he could if he looked really hard.
  6. I did that yesterday. Clean a room or something, the guilt will go away. Then you can triumphantly declare you stayed home to clean up and organize. Don't spend more than 20 minutes on it, though, no need to go overboard. That sounds similar to when I try to convince myself that masturbation is a form exercise and I cannot be out of shape, because I exercise regularly. That depends on if you stretch beforehand.
  7. I did that yesterday. Clean a room or something, the guilt will go away. Then you can triumphantly declare you stayed home to clean up and organize. Don't spend more than 20 minutes on it, though, no need to go overboard.
  8. I don't think I can even really comprehend what free time is anymore. Don't have kids, people. I'm just kidding, they are awesome and make life meaningful
  9. You only rem sleep for 20-30 mins, the rest of the time you might as well be dead. So being dead doesn't count towards your free time either? If you are getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep, then you are already spending 1/3 sleeping. So basically obykveven wants us all to have lives of leisure with no obligations or work time.
  10. Awesome pics Rosbjerg, I hope to visit Kyoto some day.
  11. But I thought laissez-faire capitalists hated regulations on the labour market such as worker's unions, minimum wage, and restrictions on shifts such as length and break requirements? The free market will sort it out, no need for regulation. There is a fine line here though. Obviously a business owner is going to want to keep costs down, and all of those things add to costs. So the government steps in and regulates to protect workers, or allows them to unionize. But there are all sorts of pitfalls here. Corruption in the government or the unions, rising overhead that forces businesses to close down, the inability for small businesses to compete... the list goes on and on.
  12. I don't pay any attention to the rank stuff in this game. I have no idea what my own rank means. There is a map that tells you where all the quest stuff is on the Citadel. I believe you hit the M button.
  13. fix ...and I can even push for change on many different levels of slavery... Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar. Does this include weekends and holidays? How did you work out the 2/3 number? Since I spend most of my non-work time taking care of my kids, does that make them slavemasters?
  14. So much for the once touted BioWare mantra "Quality in the work place, quality in the product". It's really amazing how brutal MMO production seems to be. It's also odd that a smaller developer like Turbine or Trion Worlds manages to do so much with the genre without epic failures. I guess the key is to keep the scope small.
  15. democracy <> freedom. In corrupted Russia or in savage Africa you have more personal freedom , then in civilized democratic states. Uh no, you really don't. I guess this might depend on what type of freedom you want. In the US I have the freedom to follow any career path I want, to be rewarded for my hard work, and I can even push for change on many different levels of society.
  16. I'm starting to hit better in MLB The Show, got my average up around .250 after 100 at bats. I haven't really tried to swing for the fences much yet, I've just been trying to make contact, but I think it might be time. I still find it almost impossible to get walked, these pitchers in AA don't throw hard but they do find the zone way too often.
  17. About 8, apparently. Although there is a lot of repeated stuff, so the cynics might cut that in half. I have no desire for a KotOR 3, this game has a ton of story for me to play through. It's strength is that it plays like a Bioware RPG. The weaknesses are in the MMO stuff.
  18. I find your sense of humor very amusing. He's right, our malls are crazy packed nowadays, so clearly the economy has recovered. I haven't played in a couple weeks either, but I expect that in my MMO's. After ME3 I'll probably get going again. Although I am a bit concerned about keeping my wife's sub going, since she only plays about once a month now.
  19. I love when I get that mail slot ding!
  20. Keeping it classy, as always. I was surprised I had not heard of him either, but it sounds like he had a very full life.
  21. You get used to it. I'm not sure how anyone can complain about this game, at least any more than with the previous 2. It is more of the same and that is great for me. I'm loving the conversations you walk up on, and the fact you can intercede in a few of them. It doesn't consume a lot of time, but it's a nice touch.
  22. Took the day off and started ME3, and I also started a new center fielder in MLB 12 The Show. So far I like the improvements in The Show. It loads way faster too, which is nice because it has always been way to slow to load games.
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