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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Best offense against the best defense? Seems like a good matchup to me. That video says the Warriors always have an easy path to the finals. That is ridiculous. Memphis was a very deep team that had their number since last season. Even before Ja went down, they had taken a 3-1 series lead. Maybe they are just a better team? They also beat the Rockets and Thunder when they were the big dogs, and that was all before KD. Haters gonna hate.
  2. I know I've said it before, but we need an entire culture shift around guns. They don't need to outlaw them to make that happen, although reasonable restrictions and limitations would help. The NRA should be leading the way towards responsible gun ownership, but instead they are hyperfocused on the politics of victimhood. Guns should be treated like dangerous tools. Instead they are glorified and worshiped. For my next TED talk, I will be discussing how our obsession with cars is dumb too.
  3. I mean, Tupac is still releasing music post-life, so why can't actors keep busy after death?
  4. You know what? I'm dumb and was thinking of Spelljammer. Which is a shame, because my excitement is now gone. I wanted this:
  5. Starfinder really doesn't have any science in it, so I'd have a hard time calling it scifi. It is nautical space fantasy.
  6. Hah, Starfinder is the only appeal for me. The Pathfinder setting just feels like generic fantasy.
  7. That account makes a little more sense, but it still seems like an awful amount of time passed between when he shot his grandmother and when police forced their way into the classroom.
  8. Hey, the Alan Tudyk HK Droid was pretty fun! I'm excited for Willow, but I hope it is the proper amount of cheese. Kevin Pollack better be back as a brownie.
  9. I guess Katie Holmes was not in Mission Impossible. I was confused by the actress Michelle Monaghan. I am still confused, honestly.
  10. I had to look it up, but Simon Pegg joined the series with MI3, so I guess he is the key to them getting back on track. Which one did he shoot awkwardly with Katie Holmes? It does seem like the later films kept things lighter than the first 2. I remember the first somewhat well, but the rest are mostly a blur. I also thought Cruise was going to be replaced by Hawkeye at some point. Ah well, I enjoy that 60-year old actors can still be action stars, it gives me some hope as I age.
  11. They've been slowly fencing off all of the schools on the Bay Area over the last 22 years. It makes it look a bit like a prison, but I get it. This year they put a bunch of big cast iron fences up at my wife's school that separate the sports fields from the school buildings, but they didn't make them push gates, so they basically trapped the students on campus. It was left to the PE teachers to point out the stupidity, and now they have to redo all of them.
  12. Also it's a bit bewildering to see the same people that have been crying about teachers brainwashing kids with CRT or SEL are now like "Teachers should have guns!" You trust me with a weapon but not a textbook. If only pointing out hypocrisy had any effect on hypocrites.
  13. I don't understand the police response. We practice run, hide, defend drills every year, and every year we have police come on campus. Their policy is they engage immediately if there is a threat on campus. It doesn't matter if it is only one officer, they are supposed to go as directly as possible to the threat. I have a hard time believing they don't have the same policies in Texas.
  14. I started watching The Kids in the Hall documentary, which is different than their new season of sketch comedy. Scott Thompson is such an interesting pioneer. Without him, the show is still a hilarious sketch comedy show, but he added an insight into gay culture that I just don't think had any exposure before then. On another note, they had a sketch about a sentient glory hole that killed me. It was strangely gross and heartwarming at the same time.
  15. Hah, I was already playing Stellaris, so it wasn't the peer pressure!
  16. Oh man, I'm guess all the other runners in that park get chased by squirrels regularly.
  17. The Warriors were bad for about 30 years, and then they drafted well, hired a rookie coach, won a surprise title against King James, set the NBA record for wins in a season, and lost in 7 to King James. That was all before KD showed up. Now they spent the previous 2 years without KD, rebuilding depth, recovering from injuries, and getting nowhere near the playoffs. They've finally gotten healthy, they've rebuilt the bench, and they are playing better team basketball than everyone else. Are they the Patriots of basketball? I'd say they are more like the Showtime Laker or the Gretzky Oilers. As for KD being Brady, pshaw I say. Pshaw!
  18. Hardly. A Warriors/Celtics matchup would be fantastic for the NBA. It's been an interesting turn seeing the Warriors become the villains of the NBA. I mean, they are still basically the same homegrown team that won their first title in 2015. Is it because Draymond Green talks too much? *shrug* I'd love for them to get a 2nd title without KD. As a dynasty, there might not be many other shots at it.
  19. I have some buddies who did this back in the day, they all barfed. It's crazy to think that the record is under 4:30.
  20. Kids in the Hall is back and it is magnificent.
  21. I think the signal button should do the trick on the washer. No idea on the microwave.
  22. As a parent of a 15-year old, I disagree.
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